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REV.   ALFRED   J.   CHURCH,   M.A. 



Itfeto  gork 


All  rights  reserved 

COPYRIGHT,  1891, 

Set  up  and  electrotyped  October,  1891.     Reprinted  May,  1892; 
November,  1893;  April,  December,  1894;  August,  October,  1897; 
July,  1900. 

Nottoooti  Jircss 

J.  S.  Cushing  &  Co.  —  Berwick  &  Smith 
Norwood  Mass.  U.S.A. 






II.     THE   ASSEMBLY 12 


IV.     IN  SPARTA 34 






X.     THE  CYCLOPS 100 

XI.  ^EOLUS;  THE  L^ESTRYGONS;  CIRCE      .     .     .  119 



SUN 156 









XIX.  ULYSSES  IN  HIS  HOME   (continued)     .     .     .  238 

XX.  ULYSSES  is  DISCOVERED  BY  HIS  NURSE     .     .  250 

XXI.  THE  TRIAL  OF  THE  Bow 263 





























WHEN  the  great  city  of  Troy  had  been 
taken,  all  the  chiefs  who  had  fought  against 
it  set  sail  for  their  homes.  But  there  was 
wrath  in  heaven  against  them,  so  that  they  did 
not  find  a  safe  and  happy  return.  For  one 
was  shipwrecked,  and  another  was  shamefully 
slain  by  his  false  wife  in  his  palace,  and  others 
found  all  things  at  home  troubled  and  changed, 
and  were  driven  to  seek  new  dwellings  else- 
where ;  and  some  were  driven  far  and  wide 
about  the  wrorld  before  they  saw  their  native 
land  again.  Of  all,  the  wise  Ulysses  was  he 
that  wandered  farthest  and  suffered  most,  for 
when  ten  years  had  well-nigh  passed,  he  was 
still  far  away  from  Ithaca,  his  kingdom. 


The  gods  were  gathered  in  council  in  the 
hall  of  Olympus,  all  but  Poseidon,  for  he  had 
gone  to  feast  with  the  Ethiopians.  Now 
Poseidon  was  he  who  most  hated  Ulysses, 
and  kept  him  from  his  home. 

Then  spake  Zeus  among  the  immortal  gods: 
"  What  an  idle  thing  it  is  that  men  lay  the 
blame  for  what  they  suffer  on  the  gods !  See 
how  ^Egisthus  hath  paid  the  penalty  of  his 
misdeeds.  For  he  took  the  wife  of  King  Aga- 
memnon, and  slew  the  King  when  he  had  come 
back  to  his  home ;  and  this  he  did  though  we 
warned  him  against  such  wickedness,  sending 
to  him  Hermes,  our  messenger;  and  now  he 
hath  paid  the  price  ! ' 

Then  Athene  made  answer :  "  Verily,  he 
hath  well  earned  his  fate.  So  perish  all  that 
do  such  deeds !  It  is  for  Ulysses  that  my 
heart  is  rent.  Sore  affliction  doth  he  suffer  in 
the  island  of  the  sea,  where  the  daughter  of 
Atlas  keepeth  him,  seeking  to  make  him  forget 
his  native  land.  And  he,  yearning  to  see 
though  it  were  the  smoke  rising  up  from  the 
land  of  his  birth,  is  fain  to  die.  And  thou 


reo-ardest  it  not  at  all.     Did  he  not  offer  thee 


many  sacrifices  in  the  land  of  Troy?     Where- 
fore hast  thou  such  wrath  against  him  ? ' 

To  her  Zeus  made  reply:  "What  is  this 
that  thou  sayest,  my  daughter?  It  is  Poseidon 
that  hath  great  wrath  against  Ulysses,  because 
he  blinded  his  son  Polyphemus  the  Cyclops. 
But  come,  let  us  take  counsel  together  that  he 
may  return  to  his  home,  for  Poseidon  will  not 
be  able  to  contend  against  us  all." 

Then  said  Athene :  "  If  this  be  thy  will, 
then  let  us  speed  Hermes  the  messenger  to 
the  island  of  Calypso,  and  let  him  declare  to 
the  goddess  our  purpose  that  Ulysses  shall 
return  to  his  home.  And  I  will  go  to  Ithaca, 
and  stir  up  the  spirit  of  his  son  Telemachus, 
that  first  he  speak  out  his  mind  to  the  suitors 
of  his  mother  who  waste  his  substance,  and 
next  that  he  go  to  Sparta  and  to  Pylos,  seek- 
ing tidings  of  his  father.  So  shall  the  youth 
win  good  report  among  men." 

So  she  went  to  Ithaca,  and  there  she  took 
upon  her  the  form  of  Mentes,  who  was  chief  of 
the  Taphians. 


Now  there  were  gathered  in  the  house  of 
Ulysses  many  princes  from  the  islands,  suitors 
of  the  Queen  Penelope,  for  they  said  that 
Ulysses  was  dead,  and  that  she  should  choose 
another  husband.  These  were  gathered  to- 
gether, and  were  sitting  playing  draughts  and 
feasting.  And  Telemachus  sat  among  them, 
vexed  at  heart,  for  they  wasted  his  substance ; 
neither  was  he  master  in  his  house.  But  when 
he  saw  the  guest  at  the  door,  he  rose  from  his 
place,  and  welcomed  him,  and  made  him  sit 
down,  and  commanded  that  they  should  give 
him  food  and  wine.  And  when  he  had  ended 
his  meal,  Telemachus  asked  him  of  his  busi- 

Thereupon  the  false  Mentes  said :  "  My  name 
is  Mentes,  and  I  am  King  of  the  Taphians,  and 
I  am  sailing  to  Cyprus  for  copper,  taking  iron 
in  exchange.  Now  I  have  been  long  time  the 
friend  of  this  house,  of  thy  father  and  thy 
father's  father,  and  I  came  trusting  to  see  thy 
father,  for  they  told  me  that  he  was  here.  But 
now  I  see  that  some  god  hath  hindered  his 
return,  for  that  he  is  yet  alive  I  know  full 


well.  But  tell  me,  who  are  these  that  I  see  ? 
Is  this  the  gathering  of  a  clan,  or  a  wedding 
feast  ?  Truly,  a  wise  man  would  be  wroth  to 
see  such  doings." 

Telemachus  made  answer :  "  O  sir,  while  my 
father  was  yet  alive,  our  house  was  rich  and 
honoured ;  but  now  that  he  is  gone,  things  are 
not  well  with  me.  I  would  not  grieve  so 
much  had  he  fallen  in  battle  before  Troy; 
then  had  the  Greeks  builded  a  great  barrow 
for  him,  and  even  for  his  son,  had  he  won 
great  renown.  But  now  the  storms  of  the  sea 
have  swept  him  away.  No  honour  hath  he, 
and  I  am  left  in  sore  distress.  For  these 
whom  thou  seest  are  the  princes  of  the  islands 
that  come  here  to  woo  my  mother.  She 
neither  refuseth  nor  accepteth ;  and  meanwhile 
they  sit  here,  and  waste  my  substance." 

Then  said  the  false  Mentes :  "  Now  may 
the  gods  help  thee  !  Thou  art  indeed  in  sore 
need  of  Ulysses.  Would  that  he  could  come 
and  stand  at  the  entering  in  of  the  gate  with 
helmet  and  shield  and  a  spear  in  either  hand, 
such  as  he  was  when  he  came  to  my  father's 


house  from  Ephyra !  Thither  he  had  gone 
seeking  from  Ilus,  who  was  King  of  the  land, 
a  deadly  drug  wherewith  to  anoint  his  arrows. 
But  Ilus,  because  he  had  the  gods  in  awe, 
would  not  give  it  to  him  ;  but  my  father  gave 
it,  so  much  did  he  love  him.  But  all  these 
things  are  with  the  gods,  whether  he  shall 
come  back  or  no.  But  now  hearken  to  my 
counsel.  First  call  an  assembly  of  the  people. 
Bid  the  suitors  go  back,  each  man  to  his 
home ;  and  as  for  thy  mother,  if  she  be  moved 
to  wed,  let  her  return  to  her  father's  house, 
that  her  kinsfolk  may  furnish  a  wedding  feast, 
and  prepare  gifts  such  as  a  daughter  well 
beloved  should  have.  Afterwards  do  thou  fit 
up  a  ship  with  twenty  oars,  and  go,  inquire 
concerning  thy  father,  if  haply  some  man  may 
give  thee  tidings  of  him ;  or,  may  be,  thou 
wilt  hear  a  voice  from  Zeus  concerning  him. 


Go  to  Pylos  first,  and  afterwards  to  Sparta, 
where  Menelaiis  dwelleth,  who  of  all  the 
Greeks  came  back  the  last  to  his  home.  If 
thou  shouldest  hear  that  he  is  dead,  then  come 
back  hither,  and  raise  a  mound  for  him,  and 


pay  thereon  due  burial  rites,  and  give  thy 
mother  to  a  husband.  And  when  thou  hast 
made  an  end  of  all  these  things,  then  devise 
in  thy  heart  how  thou  mayest  slay  the  suitors, 
whether  it  be  by  force  or  craft,  for  it  is  time 
for  thee  to  have  the  thoughts  of  a  man.  Dost 


thou  not  know  what  glory  Orestes  won  among 
men,  for  that  he  slew  ^Egisthus,  the  slayer  of 
his  sire  ? ' 

Then  said  Telemachus :  "  Thou  speakest 
these  things  out  of  a  friendly  heart,  as  a  father 
might  speak  to  his  son,  nor  will  I  ever  forget 
them.  But  now,  I  pray  thee,  abide  here  for 
a  space,  that  I  may  give  thee  a  goodly  gift, 
such  as  friends  give  to  friends,  to  be  an  heir- 
loom in  thy  house." 

But  the  false  Mentes  said,  "  Keep  me  no 
longer,  for  I  am  eager  to  depart;  give  me  thy 
srift  when  I  shall  return.' 


So  the  goddess  departed ;  like  to  an  eagle  of 
the  sea  was  she  as  she  flew.  And  Telemachus 
knew  her  to  be  a  goddess  as  she  went. 

Meanwhile    Phemius   the   minstrel    san^    to 


the  suitors,  and  his  song  \vas  of  the  ill  return 


that  the  Greeks  had  from  Troy  through  the 
counsel  of  Athene. 

When  Penelope  heard  the  song,  she  came 
down  from  the  upper  chamber  where  she  sat, 
and  two  handmaids  bare  her  company.  And 
when  she  came  to  where  the  suitors  sat,  she 
stood  by  the  gate  of  the  hall  holding  her 
shining  veil  before  her  face.  Then  spake  she 
to  the  minstrel,  weeping  the  while,  and  said : 
"  Phemius,  thou  knowest  many  songs  concern- 
ing the  deeds  of  gods  and  men ;  sing,  there- 
fore, one  of  these,  and  let  the  guests  drink  the 
wine  in  silence.  But  stay  this  pitiful  strain, 
for  it  breaketh  my  heart  to  hear  it.  Surely, 
of  all  women  I  am  the  most  unhappy,  so 
famous  was  the  husband  for  whom  I  mourn." 

But  Telemachus  made  reply :  "  Why  dost 
thou  grudge  the  minstrel,  my  mother,  to  make 
us  glad  in  such  fashion  as  his  spirit  biddeth 
him  ?  It  is  no  blame  to  him  that  he  singeth 
of  the  ill  return  of  the  Greeks,  for  ever  do  men 
most  prize  the  song  that  soundeth  newest  in 
their  ears.  Endure,  therefore,  to  listen,  for  not 
Ulysses  only  missed  his  return,  but  many  a 


famous  chief  besides.  Go,  then,  to  thy  cham- 
ber, and  mind  thy  household  affairs,  and  bid 
thy  handmaids  ply  their  tasks.  Speech  be- 
longeth  unto  men,  and  chiefly  to  me  that  am 
the  master  in  this  house." 

Then  went  she  back  to  her  chamber,  for  she 
was  amazed  at  her  son,  with  such  authority  did 
he  speak.  Then  she  bewailed  her  lord,  till 
Athene  sent  down  sleep  upon  her  eyes. 

When  she  was  gone,  Telemachus  spake  to 
the  suitors,  saying :  "  Let  us  now  feast  and  be 
merry,  and  let  there  be  no  brawling  among  us. 
It  is  a  good  thing  to  listen  to  a  minstrel  that 
hath  a  voice  as  the  voice  of  a  o>od.  But  in  the 


morning  let  us  go  to  the  assembly,  that  I  may 
declare  my  purpose,  to  wit,  that  ye  leave  this 
hall,  and  eat  your  own  substance.  But  if  ye 
deem  it  a  better  thing  that  ye  should  waste 
another  man's  goods,  and  make  no  recom- 
pense, then  work  your  will.  But  certainly 
Zeus  shall  requite  you." 

So  he  spake,  and  they  marvelled  all  that  he 
used  such  boldness.  And  Antinoiis  answered: 
%'  Surely,  Telemachus,  it  is  of  the  bidding  of 


the  gods  that  thou  speakest  so  boldly.  There- 
fore I  pray  that  Zeus  may  never  make  thee 
King  in  Ithaca,  for,  indeed,  the  kingdom  is  thy 
rightful  inheritance/ 


Then  said  Telemachus:  "  It  is  no  ill  thing 
to  be  a  king,  for  his  house  groweth  rich,  and 
he  himself  is  honoured.  But  there  are  others 
in  Ithaca,  young  and  old,  who  may  have  the 
kingship,  now  that  Ulysses  is  dead.  Yet 
know  that  I  will  be  lord  of  my  own  house  and 
of  the  slaves  which  Ulysses  won  for  himself 
with  his  own  spear." 

Thereupon  spake  Eurymachus,  saying :  "  It 
is  with  the  gods  to  say  who  shall  be  King  in 
Ithaca ;  but  that  thou  shouldest  keep  thine  own 
goods  and  be  lord  in  thine  own  house,  no  man 
can  deny.  Never  may  that  man  come  who 
shall  wrest  thy  substance  from  thee  against  thy 
will !  But  tell  me,  who  is  this  stranger  that 
came  but  just  now  to  thy  house  ?  Did  he 
bring  tidings  of  thy  father  ?  Or  came  he  on 
some  matter  of  his  own  ?  In  strange  fashion 
did  he  depart,  tarrying  not  that  we  might  know 
him.  Yet  he  seemed  one  of  no  mean  degree." 


Telemachus  made  answer :  "  Verily,  Eury- 
machus,  the  day  of  my  father's  return  hath 
gone  by  forever.  I  make  no  count  of  tidings, 
whencesoever  they  may  come,  nor  do  I  regard 
any  divination  wherewith  any  diviner  may  an- 
swer my  mother,  when  she  entertaineth  him  in 
her  hall.  But  as  for  this  stranger,  he  said  that 
he  was  Mentes,  King  of  the  Taphians." 

So  spake  Telemachus,  but  in  his  heart  he 
knew  that  the  stranger  was  Athene.  Then  the 
suitors  turned  them  to  the  dance  and  to  the 
song,  making  merry  till  the  darkness  fell. 
Then  went  they  each  to  his  own  house  to  sleep. 

But  Telemachus  went  to  his  chamber,  pon- 
dering many  things  in  his  heart.  And  Eury- 
cleia,  that  had  nursed  him  when  he  was  little, 
went  with  him,  bearing  torches  in  her  hands. 
He  opened  the  door  of  the  chamber,  and  took 
off  his  doublet,  and  put  it  in  the  wise  woman's 
hands.  She  folded  it,  and  smoothed  it,  and 
hung  it  on  a  pin,  and  went  forth  from  the 
room,  and  pulled  to  the  door,  and  made  it  fast. 
And  all  the  night  Telemachus  thought  in  his 
heart  of  the  journey  which  Athene  had  showed 




WHEN  the  morning  came  Telemachus  bade 
the  heralds  call  the  people  to  the  assembly. 
So  the  heralds  called  them,  and  they  came  in 
haste.  And  when  they  were  gathered  together, 
he  went  his  way  to  the  place  of  meeting,  hold- 
ing in  his  hand  a  spear,  and  two  dogs  followed 
him.  Then  did  Athene  shed  a  marvellous 
grace  upon  him,  so  that  all  men  wondered  at 
him,  as  he  sat  him  down  in  his  father's  place. 

First  spake  ^Egyptus,  who  was  bowed  with 
many  years,  and  was  very  wise.  Four  sons  he 
had.  One  had  gone  with  Ulysses  to  Troy, 
and  one  was  among  the  suitors  of  the  Queen, 
and  two  abode  with  their  father  in  the  field. 
He  said :  "  Hearken  to  me,  men  of  Ithaca ! 
Never  hath  assembly  been  called  in  Ithaca 
since  Ulysses  departed.  Who  now  hath  called 
us  together  ?  If  it  be  Telemachus,  what  doth 


he  want?  Hath  he  heard  any  tidings  of  the 
coming  back  of  the  host  ?  He,  methinks,  is  a 
true  man.  May  Zeus  be  with  him  and  grant 
him  his  heart's  desire ! ' 

So  spake  the  old  man,  and  Telemachus  was 
glad  at  the  omen  of  his  speech.  Then  he  rose 
up  and  said  :  — 

"  I  have  great  trouble  in  my  heart,  men  of 
Ithaca,  for  first  my  father  is  not,  whom  ye  all 
loved  ;  and  next  the  princes  of  the  islands  come 
hither,  making  suit  to  my  mother,  but  she 
waits  ever  for  her  husband,  when  he  shall 
return.  And  they  devour  all  our  substance  ; 
nor  is  Ulysses  here  to  defend  it,  and  I,  in  truth, 
am  not  able.  And  this  is  a  grievous  wrong, 
and  not  to  be  borne." 

Then  he  dashed  his  sceptre  on  the  ground, 
and  sat  down,  weeping.  And  Antinous,  who 
was  one  of  the  suitors,  rose  up  and  said :  — 

"  Nay,  Telemachus,  blame  not  us,  but  blame 
thy  mother,  who  indeed  is  crafty  above  all 
women.  For  now  this  is  the  fourth  year  that 
we  have  come  suing  for  her  hand,  and  she  has 
cheated  us  with  hopes.  Hear  now  this  that  she 


did.  She  set  up  a  great  warp  for  weaving,  and 
said  to  us :  '  Listen,  ye  that  are  my  suitors. 
Hasten  not  my  marriage  till  I  finish  this  web  to 
be  a  burial  cloth  for  Laertes,  for  indeed  it  would 
be  foul  shame  if  he  who  has  won  great  posses- 
sions should  lack  this  honour/  So  she  spake, 
and  for  three  years  she  cheated  us,  for  what  she 
wove  in  the  day  she  unravelled  at  night.  But 
when  the  fourth  year  was  come,  one  of  her 
maidens  told  us  of  the  matter,  and  we  came 
upon  her  by  night  and  found  her  unravelling 
the  web,  even  what  she  had  woven  in  the  day. 
Then  did  she  finish  it,  much  against  her  will. 
Send  away,  therefore,  thy  mother,  and  bid  her 
marry  whom  she  will.  But  till  this  be  done  we 
will  not  depart." 

Then  answered  Telemachus  :  "  How  can  I 
send  her  away  against  her  will,  who  bare  me 
and  brought  me  up?  Much  forfeit  must  I  pay 
to  Icarus,  her  father ;  ay,  and  the  curses  of  my 
mother  would  abide  on  me.  Wherefore,  I  can- 
not do  this  thing." 

So  he  spake  ;  and  there  came  two  eagles, 
which  flew  abreast  till  they  came  over  the 















assembly.  Then  did  they  wheel  in  the  air,  and 
shook  out  from  each  many  feathers,  and  tare 
each  other,  and  so  departed. 

Then  cried  Alitherses,  the  soothsayer :  "  Be- 
ware, ye  suitors,  for  great  trouble  is  coming  to 
you,  and  to  others  also.  And  as  for  Ulysses,  I 
said  when  he  went  to  Troy  that  he  should 
return  after  twenty  years  ;  and  so  it  shall  be." 

And  when  the  suitors  would  not  listen,  Tele- 
machus  said :  "  Yet  give  me  a  ship  and  twenty 
rowers,  that  I  may  go  to  Pylos  and  to  Sparta, 
if  haply  I  may  hear  news  of  my  father.  And 
if  I  hear  that  he  is  dead,  then  will  I  come  back 
hither,  and  raise  up  a  mound  for  him,  and  per- 
form for  him  due  burial  rites,  and  give  my 
mother  to  a  husband." 

Having  thus  spoken,  he  sat  down,  and 
Mentor,  whom  Ulysses,  when  he  departed,  set 
over  his  household,  rose  up  in  the  midst,  and 
spake,  saying:  "  Now  henceforth  never  let  any 
king  be  kind  and  gentle  in  his  heart  or  minded 
to  work  righteousness.  Let  him  rather  be  a 


hard  man  and  unrighteous.      For  now  no  man 
remembereth  Ulysses  of  all  the  people  whose 


lord  he  was.     Yet  was  he  gentle  as  a  father. 


If  the  suitors  are  minded  to  do  evil  deeds,  I 
hinder  them  not.  They  do  them  at  the  peril 
of  their  own  heads.  It  is  with  the  people  that 
I  am  wroth,  to  see  how  they  sit  speechless,  and 
cry  not  shame  upon  the  suitors ;  and  yet  they 
are  many  in  number,  and  the  suitors  are  few." 

Then  Leocritus,  who  was  one  of  the  suitors, 
answered :  "  Surely  thy  wits  wander,  O  Men- 
tor, that  thou  biddest  the  people  put  us  dowa 
Of  a  truth,  if  Ulysses  himself  should  come 
back,  and  should  seek  to  drive  the  suitors  from 
the  hall,  it  would  fare  ill  with  him.  An  evil 
doom  would  he  meet,  if  he  fought  with  them 
that  were  more  in  number.  As  for  the  people, 
let  them  go  to  their  own  houses.  Let  Mentor 
speed  the  young  man's  voyage,  for  he  is  a 
friend  of  his  house.  Yet  I  doubt  whether  he 
will  ever  accomplish  it." 

So  he  spake,  and  the  assembly  was  dis- 

But  Telemachus  went  apart  to  the  shore  of 
the  sea,  and  he  washed  his  hands  in  the  water 
of  the  sea,  and  prayed  to  Athene,  saying : 


"  Hear  me,  thou  that  didst  come  yesterday  to 
the  house,  and  bid  me  take  a  ship,  and  sail 
across  the  sea,  seeking  tidings  of  my  father! 
But  the  people  delay  my  purpose,  the  suitors 
stirring  them  up  in  the  wickedness  of  their 

And  while  he  prayed,  Athene  stood  by  him, 
like  to  Mentor  in  shape  and  speech.  She 
spake,  saying :  "  Thou  art  not,  I  trow,  without 
spirit  and  wit,  and  art  like  to  be  a  true  son  of 
Ulysses  and  Penelope.  Wherefore,  I  have 
good  hopes  that  this  journey  of  which  thou 
speakest  will  not  be  in  vain.  But  as  for  the 
suitors,  think  not  of  them,  for  they  talk  folly, 
and  know  not  of  the  doom  that  is  even  now 
close  upon  them.  Go,  therefore,  and  talk  with 
the  suitors  as  before,  and  get  ready  meat  for  a 
journey,  wine  and  meal.  And  I  will  gather 
men  who  will  offer  themselves  freely  for  the 
journey,  and  I  will  find  a  ship  also,  the  best  in 

Then  Telemachus  returned  to  the  house, 
and  the  suitors  were  flaying  goats  and  singe- 
ing swine  in  the  court.  And  Antinoiis  caught 


him  by  the  hand  and  said,  "  Eat  and  drink, 
Telemachus,  and  we  will  find  a  ship  and 
rowers  for  thee,  that  thou  mayest  go  where 
thou  wilt,  to  inquire  for  thy  father." 

But  Telemachus  answered :  "  Think  ye  that 
I  will  eat  and  drink  with  you,  who  so  shame- 
fully waste  my  substance?  Be  sure  of  this, 
that  I  will  seek  vengeance  against  you,  and  if 
ye  deny  me  a  ship,  I  will  even  go  in  another 


So  he  spake,  and  dragged  his  hand  from  the 
hand  of  Antinolis. 

And  another  of  the  suitors  said,  "  Now  will 
Telemachus  go  and  seek  help  against  us  from 
Pylos  or  from  Sparta,  or  may  be  he  will  put 
poison  in  our  cups,  and  so  destroy  us." 

And  another  said :  "  Perchance  he  also  will 
perish,  as  his  father  has  perished,  Then 
should  we  have  much  labour,  even  dividing  all 


his  substance,  but  the  house  should  we  give  to 
his  mother  and  to  her  husband." 

So  they  spake,  mocking  him.  But  he  went 
to  the  chamber  of  his  father,  in  which  were 
ranged  many  casks  of  old  wine,  and  store  of 


gold  and  bronze,  and  clothing  and  olive  oil  ; 
and  of  these  things  the  prudent  Eurycleia, 
who  was  the  keeper  of  the  house,  had  care. 
To  her  he  spake  :  "  Mother,  make  ready  for 
me  twelve  jars  of  wine,  not  of  the  best,  but 
of  that  which  is  next  to  it,  and  twenty  meas- 
ures of  barley-meal.  At  even  will  I  take  them, 
when  my  mother  sleeps,  for  I  go  to  Pylos  and 
Sparta,  if  perchance  I  may  hear  news  of  my 

But  the  old  woman  said,  weeping :  "  What 
meanest  chou,  being  an  only  son,  thus  to  travel 
abroad  ?  Wilt  thou  perish,  as  thy  father  has 
perished  ?  For  this  evil  brood  of  suitors  will 
devise  means  to  slay  thee  and  divide  thy 
goods.  Thou  hadst  better  sit  peaceably  at 

Then  Telemachus  said  :  "  'Tis  at  the  bid- 
ding of  the  gods  I  go.  Only  swear  that  thou 
wilt  say  naught  to  my  mother  till  eleven  or 
twelve  days  be  past,  unless,  perchance,  she 
should  ask  concerning  me." 

And  the  old  woman  sware  that  it  should  be 
so,  And  Telemachus  went  again  among  the 


suitors.  But  Athene,  meanwhile,  taking  his 
shape,  had  gathered  together  a  crew,  and  also 
had  borrowed  a  ship  for  the  voyage.  And,  lest 
the  suitors  should  hinder  the  thing,  she  caused 
a  deep  sleep  to  fall  upon  them,  that  they  slept 
where  they  sat.  Then  she  came  in  the  shape 
of  Mentor  to  the  palace,  and  called  Telemachus 
forth,  saying,  "  The  rowers  are  ready ;  let  us 


Then  Athene  led  the  way,  and  they  found 

the  ship's  crew  upon  the  shore.  To  them 
spake  Telemachus,  saying,  "  Come  now,  my 
friends,  let  us  carry  the  food  on  board,  for  it  is 
all  in  the  chamber,  and  no  one  knoweth  of  the 
matter ;  neither  my  mother,  nor  any  of  the  maid- 
ens, but  one  woman  only." 

So  they  went  to  the  house  with  him,  and 
carried  all  the  provision,  and  stowed  it  in  the 
ship.  Then  Telemachus  climbed  the  ship  and 
sat  down  on  the  stern,  and  Athene  sat  by  him. 

And  when  he  called  to  the  crew,  they  made 
ready  to  depart.  They  raised  the  pine  tree 
mast,  and  set  it  in  the  hole  that  was  made  for 
it,  and  they  made  it  fast  with  stays.  Then  they 


hauled  up  the  white  sails  with  ropes  of  ox-hide. 
And  the  wind  filled  out  the  sail,  and  the  water 
seethed  about  the  stem  of  the  ship,  as  she 
hasted  through  the  water.  And  when  all  was 
made  fast  in  the  ship,  then  they  mixed  wine  in 
the  bowl,  and  poured  out  drink  offerings  to  the 
gods,  especially  to  Zeus. 

So  all  the  night,  and  till  the  dawn,  the  ship 
sped  through  the  sea. 




AT  sunrise  the  ship  came  to  Pylos,  where 
Nestor  dwelt.  Now  it  so  chanced  that  the 
people  were  offering  a  great  sacrifice  upon  the 
shore  to  Poseidon.  Nine  companies  there 
were,  and  in  each  company  five  hundred  men, 
and  for  the  five  hundred  there  were  nine  bulls. 
And  now  they  had  tasted  of  the  inner  parts 
and  were  burning  the  slices  of  flesh  on  the 


thigh-bones  to  the  god,  when  Telemachus's 
company  moored  the  ship  and  came  forth  from 
it  to  the  shore. 

Athene  spake  to  Telemachus,  saying:  "  Now 
hast  thou  no  need  to  be  ashamed.  Thou  hast 
sailed  across  the  sea  to  hear  tidings  of  thy 
father.  Go,  therefore,  to  Nestor,  and  learn 
what  counsel  he  hath  in  the  deep  of  his  heart." 

But  Telemachus  answered,  "  How  shall  I 
speak  to  him,  being  so  untried  and  young? ' 


—  i 





"  Nay,"  said  the  goddess ;  "  but  thou  shalt 
think  of  something  thyself,  and  something  the 
gods  will  put  into  thy  mouth." 

So  saying  she  led  the  way,  and  they  came 
to  where  Nestor  sat,  with  his  sons,  and  a  great 
company  round  him,  making  ready  the  feast. 
When  these  saw  the  strangers,  they  clasped 
their  hands,  and  made  them  sit  down  on  soft 
fleeces  of  wool.  And  Nestor's  son  Peisistra- 
tus  bare  messes  of  the  best,  and  wine  in  a  cup 
of  gold.  To  Athene  first  he  gave  the  wine,  for 
he  judged  her  to  be  the  elder  of  the  two,  say- 
ing, "  Pray  now  to  the  Lord  Poseidon,  and 
make  thy  drink  offering,  and  when  thou  hast 
so  done,  give  the  cup  to  thy  friend  that  he 
may  do  likewise." 

Then  Athene  took  the  cup  and  prayed  to 
Poseidon,  saying :  "  Vouchsafe  renown  to  Nes- 
tor and  his  son,  and  a  due  return  to  the  men 
of  Pylos  for  this  great  sacrifice.  And  grant 
that  we  may  accomplish  that  for  which  we 
have  come  hither." 

And  the  son  of  Ulysses  prayed  in  like 


When  they  had  eaten  and  drunk  their  fill, 
Nestor  said :  "  Strangers,  who  are  ye  ?  Sail 
ye  over  the  seas  for  trade,  or  as  pirates  that 
wander  at  hazard  of  their  lives  ? ' 

To  him  Telemachus  made  reply,  Athene 
putting  courage  into  his  heart :  "  We  come 
from  Ithaca,  and  our  errand  concerns  our- 
selves. I  seek  for  tidings  of  my  father,  who 
in  old  time  fought  by  thy  side,  and  sacked  the 
city  of  Troy.  Of  all  the  others,  as  many  as 
did  battle  with  the  men  of  Troy,  we  have 
heard,  whether  they  have  returned,  or  where 
they  died ;  but  of  this  man  even  the  death 
remains  untold.  Therefore  am  I  come  hither 
to  thee,  if  haply  thou  mayest  be  willing  to  tell 
me  of  him,  whether  thou  sawest  his  death  with 
thine  own  eyes,  or  hast  heard  it  from  another. 
Speak  me  no  soft  words  for  pity's  sake,  but 
tell  me  plainly  what  thou  hast  seen." 

Nestor  made  answer :  "  Thou  bringest  to 
my  mind  all  that  we  endured,  warring  round 
Priam's  mighty  town.  There  the  best  of  us 
were  slain.  Valiant  Ajax  lies  there,  and  there 
Achilles,  and  there  Patroclus,  and  there  my 


own  dear  son  Antilochus.  Who  could  tell  the 
tale  of  all  that  we  endured  ?  Truly,  no  one,  not 
though  thou  shouldst  abide  here  five  years  or 
six  to  listen.  For  nine  whole  years  we  were 
busy,  devising  the  ruin  of  the  enemy,  which  yet 
Zeus  brought  not  to  pass.  And  always  Ulysses 
passed  the  rest  in  craft,  thy  father  Ulysses,  if 
indeed  thou  art  his  son,  and  verily  thy  speech 
is  like  to  his;  one  would  not  think  that  a 
younger  man  could  be  so  like  to  an  elder. 
But  listen  to  my  tale.  When  we  had  sacked 
Priam's  town,  Zeus  devised  evil  against  the 
Greeks  in  the  matter  of  their  return,  for  indeed 
they  were  not  all  prudent  or  just,  and  they  had 
provoked  the  wrath  of  Athene.  First  there 
arose  debate  between  the  sons  of  Atreus. 
They  called  the  Greeks  to  the  assembly  at  the 
going  down  of  the  sun,  a  thing  which  was 
against  order,  and  the  people  came  heavy  with 
wine.  Then  Menelaiis  charged  them  that  they 
should  return  across  the  sea  without  delay ;  but 
Agamemnon  was  minded  to  keep  back  the 
host,  and  offer  sacrifice  to  Athene,  if  haply  he 
might  appease  her  wrath.  Fool  t  for  he  knew 


not  that  she  was  not  to  be  persuaded.  The 
gods  do  not  easily  repent  them  of  their  pur- 
poses. So  the  twain  contended,  and  the  Greeks 
made  a  dreadful  clamour.  That  night  we 


rested,  bein^  wroth  with  each  other.     And  the 


next  day  we  of  the  one  part  launched  our  ships, 
and  put  on  board  our  possessions  and  the  spoil 
we'  had  taken  from  Troy.  One-half  of  the 
people  set  sail,  and  one  abode  with  Agamem- 
non. And  when  we  came  to  Tenedos  there 
arose  fresh  strife  among  us,  for  Ulysses  turned, 
back  to  Troy,  but  I  went  on  my  way,  for  1 
knew  that  the  gods  intended  mischief  against 
us.  Diomed  also  fled,  and  Menelaiis  followed 
after  us,  overtaking  us  in  Lesbos.  There  we 

o  • 

doubted  whether  we  should  sail  to  seaward  of 
Chios  or  within  it.  And  when  we  asked  the 
god  for  a  sign,  he  showed  us  that  we  should  go 
straight  across  the  sea  to  Eubcea.  Then  there 
arose  a  shrill  wind,  and  the  ships  ran  swiftly 
before  it.  On  the  fourth  day  Diomed  moored 
his  ships  in  Argos ;  and  I  still  sailed  for  Pylos 
nor  did  the  wind  fail  me  till  I  came.  So  it  is 
that  I  know  not  of  my  own  knowledge  which 


of  the  Greeks  was  saved  and  which  was  lost. 
But  what  I  have  heard,  sitting  here  in  my  hall, 
thou  shalt  know,  and  I  will  hide  nothing  from 


thee.  The  Myrmidons,  the  people  of  Achilles, 
came  safe,  and  safe  Philoctetes,  and  safe  Idom- 
eneus,  with  all  them  that  the  war  had  not 
devoured.  But  of  the  son  of  Atreus  ye  have 
heard  vourselves  how  /Eonsthus  slew  him  in 

^  o 

his  hall,  and  paid  a  dreadful  penalty  therefor. 
Verily,  it  is  a  good  thing  that  a  son  of  a  dead 
man  should  be  left  to  take  vengeance  for  him. 
Only  do  thou,  as  thou  art  tall  and  comely,  so 
be  valiant  also." 

Then  said  Telemachus  :  "  Orestes  avenged 
his  father,  and  gained  great  glory  thereby. 
Would  that  the  gods  might  give  me  the  like 
strength,  that  I  might  take  vengeance  on  the 
suitors,  who  work  me  such  ill  ! ' 

Nestor  spake  :  "  Tell  me,  dost  thou  willingly 
submit  to  this  oppression  ?  or  do  the  people  of 
the  land  hate  thee  ?  Haply  Ulysses  himself 
may  come  and  requite  them  for  their  wicked- 
ness. Yea,  and  if  Athene  cared  for  thee,  as 
she  cared  for  him  —  never  did  I  see  a  god  show 


such  love  to  a  man  as  did  Athene  to  him  — 
then  might  some  of  these  men  forget  their 
thoughts  of  marriage." 

But  Telemachus  answered,  "  Scarcely  can 
this  be  accomplished,  old  man  ;  no,  not  even  if 
the  gods  so  willed  it." 

Thereupon  Athene  spake,  saying :  "  What 
word  is  this  that  thou  hast  said,  Telemachus? 
A  god  might  bring  a  man  back,  even  from  far, 
did  he  will  it  so.  But  death,  which  is  the 
common  lot  of  all,  the  gods  themselves  cannot 

Then  Telemachus  spake  again  :  "  Talk  no 
more  of  these  things,  Mentor.  I  would  now  ask 
Nestor  of  another  matter.  Tell  me  now,  son 
of  Neleus,  how  died  King  Agamemnon  ?  Where 
was  Menelaiis  ?  Was  he  not  in  Arsros,  that 


^Egisthus  took  heart  and  slew  his  brother  ?  ' 
Nestor  made  answer :  "  I  will  tell  thee  the 
whole  truth.  While  we  were  besieging  Troy, 
^Egisthus,  sitting  in  peace  in  Argos,  tempted 
the  wife  of  Agamemnon,  the  fair  Clytemnestra, 
to  sin.  At  the  first  she  scorned  him,  for  she 
was  wise  of  heart.  Also  there  was  a  certain 


minstrel  to  whom  the  King,  when  he  de- 
parted from  his  home,  gave  the  charge  of  his 
wife.  But  him  ^Eo-isthus  carried  to  a  lonelv 

O  j 

island,  and  left  him  there  to  be  the  prey  of  the 
birds.  After  that  he  persuaded  the  wife  of  the 
King.  Many  sacrifices  did  he  offer,  and  many 
gifts  did  he  give  to  the  gods,  if  haply  he  might 
appease  their  wrath.  Now,  as  for  Menelaiis, 
he  and  I  sailed  together  from  Troy.  But  when 
we  came  to  Sunium,  which  is  the  headland  of 
Athens,  Apollo  slew  the  pilot  of  the  King  with 
his  painless  shafts.  And  the  King  was  holden 
there,  for  all  that  he  was  eager  to  go,  that  he 
might  pay  due  burial  honours  to  his  friend. 
But  when  he  sailed,  then  great  waves  rose 
against  his  ships,  and  the  fleet  was  divided. 
Part  was  brought  near  to  Crete,  and  there  the 
ships  perished  on  a  great  headland  that  there 
is  looking  towards  the  southwest  wind,  and  the 
men  hardly  escaped.  But  Menelaiis  himself 
was  driven  to  Egypt  with  five  ships.  There 
he  wandered  long  among  men  of  alien  speech, 
and  gathered  for  himself  much  gold.  While 
he  was  there,  even  for  seven  years,  ^Egisthus 


bare  rule  in  Mycenae,  and  the  people  were  sub- 
dued unto  him.  But  in  the  eighth  year  the 
goodly  Orestes  came  from  Athens  and  slew 
him.  avenging  his  father.  On  that  self-same 

O         O 

day  came  Menelaiis  home  from  Egypt,  bring- 
ing much  treasure  in  his  ships.  But  wander 
not  thou,  my  son,  far  from  home,  while 
strangers  devour  thy  substance.  Rather  go  to 
Menelaiis,  for  he  hath  but  lately  come  back 
from  a  far  country ;  go  and  ask  him  to  tell  thee 
all  that  he  knoweth.  If  thou  wilt,  go  with  thy 
ships,  or,  if  it  please  thee  better,  I  will  send 
thee  with  a  chariot  and  horses,  and  my  sons 
shall  be  thy  guides." 

So  he  spake,  and  the  sun  went  down. 

Then  said  Athene :  "  Let  us  cut  up  the 
tongues  of  the  beasts,  and  mix  the  wine,  and 
make  libation  to  Poseidon  and  the  other  gods, 
and  so  bethink  us  of  sleep,  for  it  is  the  time. 
It  is  not  seemly  to  sit  long  at  a  banquet  of  the 
gods,  when  the  sun  hath  set." 

So  she  spake,  and  they  hearkened  to  her 
words.  And  when  they  had  finished,  Athene 
and  Telemachus  would  have  gone  back  to 


their  ship.  But  Nestor  stayed  them,  saying : 
"  Now  Zeus  and  all  the  gods  forbid  that  ye 
should  depart  to  your  ships  from  my  house,  as 
though  it  were  the  dwelling  of  a  needy  man 
that  hath  not  ru^s  and  blankets  in  his  house, 


whereon  his  guests  may  sleep !  Not  so  ;  I  have 
rugs  and  blankets  enough.  Never  shall  the 
son  of  my  friend  Ulysses  lay  him  down  on  his 
ship's  deck,  while  I  am  alive,  or  my  children 
after  me,  to  entertain  strangers  in  my  hall." 

Thereupon  said  the  false  Mentor:  "  This  is 
good,  dear  father.  ,  Let  Telemachus  abide 
with  thee ;  but  I  will  go  back  to  the  ship, 
and  cheer  the  company,  and  tell  them  all. 
There  I  will  sleep  this  night,  and  to-morrow 
I  go  to  the  Cauconians,  \vhere  there  is  owing 
to  me  a  debt  neither  small  nor  of  yesterday. 
But  do  thou  send  this  man  on  his  way  in  thy 

Then  the  goddess  departed  in  the  semblance 
of  a  sea-eagle,  and  all  that  saw  it  were  amazed. 

Then  the  old  man  took  Telemachus  by  the 
hand,  and  said :  "  No  coward  or  weakling  art 
thou  like  to  be,  whom  the  gods  attend  even 


now  in  thy  youth.  This  is  none  other  than 
Athene,  daughter  of  Zeus,  the  same  that  stood 
by  thy  father  in  the  land  of  Troy." 

After  this  the  old  man  led  the  company  to 
his  house.  Here  he  mixed  for  them  a  bowl 
of  wine  eleven  years  old;  and  they  made  liba- 
tions and  prayed  to  Athene ;  and  when  they 
had  drunk  to  their  hearts'  content  they  lay 
down  to  sleep.  Telemachus  slept  on  a  bed- 
stead beneath  the  gallery,  and  Peisistratus,  who 
alone  of  Nestor's  sons  was  unwedded,  slept  by 

The  next  day,  as  soon  as  it  was  morning, 
Nestor  arose  and  his  sons.  And  the  old  man 
said :  "  Let  one  man  go  to  the  plain  for  a 
heifer,  and  let  another  go  to  the  ship  of  Telem- 
achus, and  bid  all  the  company  come  hither, 
leaving  two  only  behind.  And  a  third  shall 
command  the  goldsmith  that  he  gild  the  horns 
of  the  heifer,  and  let  the  handmaids  prepare  all 
things  for  a  feast." 

They  did  as  the  old  man  commanded ;  and 
after  the  sacrifice  the  fair  Polycaste,  that  was 
Nestor's  youngest  daughter,  gave  Telemachus 


the  bath,  and  anointed  him  with  olive  oil,  and 
arrayed  him  in  a  goodly  mantle  and  tunic. 
Then  he  sat  him  down  by  Nestor's  side. 

When  they  had  eaten  and  drunk,  old  Nestor 
said,  "  Put  now  the  horses  in  the  chariot  that 
Telemachus  may  go  his  way." 

So  they  yoked  the  horses,  and  the  dame  that 
kept  the  stores  put  into  the  chariot  food  and 
wine  and  dainties,  such  as  princes  eat.  And 
Peisistratus  took  the  reins,  and  Telemachus 
rode  with  him.  And  all  that  day  they  jour- 
neyed ;  and  when  the  land  grew  dark  they 
came  to  the  city  of  Pherae,  where  Diocles, 
son  of  Orsilochus,  was  King,  and  there  they 
rested ;  and  the  next  day,  travelling  again, 
came  to  Lacedaemon,  to  the  palace  of  King 




Now  it  chanced  that  Menelaiis  had  made  a 
great  feast  that  day,  for  his  daughter  Hermione, 
the  child  of  the  fair  Helen,  was  married  to  Ne- 
optolemus,  the  son  of  Achilles,  to  whom  she 
had  been  promised  at  Troy ;  and  he  had  also 
taken  a  wife  for  his  son  Megapenthes.  And 
the  two  wayfarers  stayed  their  chariot  at  the 
door,  and  the  steward  spied  them,  and  said  to 
Menelaiis :  — 

"  Lo !  here  are  two  strangers  who  are  like 
the  children  of  kings.  Shall  we  keep  them 
here,  or  send  them  to  another  ? ' 

But  Menelaiis  was  wroth,  and  said :  "  Shall 
we,  who  have  eaten  so  often  of  the  bread  of 
hospitality,  send  these  strangers  to  another? 
Nay,  but  unyoke  their  horses  and  bid  them 
sit  down  to  meat." 

So  the  squires  loosed  the  horses  from  the 
yoke,  and  fastened  them  in  the  stall,  and  gave 

SPARTA.  35 

them  spelt  to  eat  and  white  barley  mixed  with 
it,  and  led  the  men  into  the  hall.  Much  did 
they  marvel  at  the  sight,  for  there  was  a  gleam 
as  of  the  sun  or  moon  in  the  palace  of  Mene- 
laiis.  And  when  they  had  gazed  their  fill, 
they  bathed  them  in  the  polished  baths.  After 
that  they  sat  them  down  by  the  side  of  Mene- 
lalis.  Then  a  handmaid  bare  water  in  an  ewer 
of  gold,  and  poured  it  over  a  basin  of  silver 
that  they  might  wash  their  hands.  Afterwards 
she  drew  a  polished  table  to  their  side,  and  a 
dame  of  reverend  look  brought  food,  and  set  it 
by  them,  laying  many  dainties  on  the  board, 
and  a  carver  placed  by  them  platters  of  divers 
kinds  of  flesh,  and  set  near  them  golden  bowls. 

Then  said  Menelaiis  :  "  Eat  and  be  glad ; 
afterwards  I  will  ask  you  who  ye  are,  for  ye 
seem  like  to  the  sons  of  kings.  No  churls 
could  have  such  children  as  ye  are." 

So  spake  he,  and  set  before  them  the  chine, 
which  was  his  own  portion  of  the  feast ;  and 
when  they  had!  ended  the  meal,  Telemachus, 
looking  round  at  the  hall,  said  to  his  com- 
panion :  — 


"  See  the  gold  and  the  amber,  and  the  silver 
and  the  ivory.  This  is  as  the  hall  of  Olympian 

This  he  spake  with  his  face  close  to  his 
comrade's  ear,  but  Menelaiis  heard  him  and 
said  :  — 

"  With  the  halls  of  the  gods  nothing  mortal 
may  compare.  And  among  men  also  there 
may  be  the  match  of  these  things.  Yet  I 
have  wandered  far,  and  got  many  possessions 
in  many  lands.  But  woe  is  me !  while  I  gath- 
ered these  things  my  brother  was  foully  slain 
in  his  house.  Would  that  I  had  but  the  third 
part  of  this  wealth  of  mine,  so  that  they 
who  perished  at  Troy  were  alive  again !  And 
most  of  all  I  mourn  for  the  great  Ulysses, 
for  whether  he  be  alive  or  dead  no  man 

But  Telemachus  wept  to  hear  mention  of  his 
father,  holding  up  his  purple  cloak  before  his 
eyes.  This  Menelaiis  saw,  and  knew  him  who 
he  was,  and  pondered  whether  he  should  wait 
till  he  should  himself  speak  of  his  father,  or 
should  rather  ask  him  of  his  errand.  But 

IN  SPARTA.  37 

while  he  pondered  there  came  in  the  fair 
Helen,  and  three  maidens  with  her,  of  whom 
one  set  a  couch  for  her  to  sit,  and  one  spread  a 
carpet  for  her  feet,  and  one  bare  a  basket  of 
purple  wool;  but  she  herself  had  a  distaff  of 
gold  in  her  hand.  And  when  she  saw  the 
strangers  she  said  :  — 


"  Who  are  these,  Menelaiis  ?  Never  have  I 
seen  such  likeness  in  man  or  woman  as  this 
one  bears  to  Ulysses.  Surely'  tis  his  son  Telem- 
achus,  whom  he  left  an  infant  at  home  when 
ye  went  to  Troy  for  my  sake  ! ' 

Then  said  Menelaiis :  "  It  must  indeed  be  so, 
lady.  For  these  are  the  hands  and  feet  of 
Ulysses,  and  the  look  of  his  eyes  and  his  hair. 
And  but  now,  when  I  made  mention  of  his 
name,  he  wept,  holding  his  mantle  before  his 

Then  said  Peisistratus :  "  King  Menelaiis, 
thou  speakest  truth.  This  is  indeed  the 
son  of  Ulysses,  who  is  come  to  thee,  if  haply 
thou  canst  help  him  by  word  or  deed." 

And  Menelaiis  answered :  "  Then  is  he  the 
son  of  a  man  whom  I  loved  right  well.  I 


thought  to  give  him  a  city  in  this  land,  bring- 
ing him  from  Ithaca  with  all  his  o^oods.  Then 

o  o 

might  we  often  have  companied  together,  nor 
should  aught  have  divided  us  but  death  itself. 
But  these  things  the  gods  have  ordered  other- 


At  these  words  they  all  wept  —  the  fail- 
Helen  and  Telemachus  and  Menalaiis ;  nor 
could  Peisistratus  refrain  himself,  for  he 
thought  of  his  dear  brother  Antilochus,  whom 
Memnon,  son  of  the  Morning,  slew  at 

Thus  thinking,  he  spake  to  Menelalis,  say- 
ing, "  Son  of  Atreus,  Nestor  hath  ever  said  of 
thee  that  thou  art  wise  beyond  all  other  men. 
Yet  I  would  have  thee  listen  to  me,  for  I  for 
one  have  no  pleasure  in  weeping  when  we  sit 
at  supper  time.  I  blame  not  indeed  these  who 
weep  for  him  that  hath  died.  This,  indeed,  is 
all  the  due  that  we  can  pay  to  the  dead,  to 
cut  the  hair  and  to  weep.  And  I  too  have  a 
brother  dead,  not  the  meanest  of  the  Greeks, 
whom  thou  must  have  known.  I  never,  in- 
deed, beheld  him,  but  men  say  that  Antilochus 

IN  SPARTA.  39 

was    excellent    in    speed    of   foot    and    in    the 


To  him  Menelalis  made  reply  :  "  Thou  hast 
said  all  that  a  wise  man  might  say ;  yea, 
though  he  were  older  than  thou.  Fitting  it  is 
that  thou  shouldest  speak  wisely,  being  sprung 
from  such  a  sire.  But  now  will  wre  cease  from 
weeping;  and  to-morrow  there  is  much  that 
Telemachus  and  I  must  say  one  to  the  other." 

Then  the  fair  Helen  put  a  mighty  medicine 
in  the  wine  whereof  they  drank  —  nepenthe 
men  call  it..  So  mighty  is  it  that  whosoever 
drinks  of  it,  that  day  he  weeps  not,  though 
father  and  mother  die,  and  though  men  slay 
brother  or  son  before  his  eyes.  Polydamna, 
wife  of  King  Thoas,  had  given  it  to  her  in 
Egypt,  where,  indeed,  many  medicines  grow 
that  are  mighty  both  for  good  and  ill." 

And  after  this  she  said :  "  It  were  long  to 
tell  all  the  wise  and  valiant  deeds  of  Ulysses. 
One  thing,  however,  ye  shall  hear,  and  it  is 
this :  while  the  Greeks  were  before  Troy  he 
came  into  the  city,  having  disguised  himself 
as  a  beggar-man,  yea,  and  he  had  laid  many 


blows  upon  himself,  so  that  he  seemed  to  have 
been  shamefully  entreated.  I  only  knew  him 
who  he  was,  and  questioned  him,  but  he  an- 
swered craftily.  And  afterwards,  when  I  had 
bathed  him  and  anointed  him  with  oil,  I  swore 
that  I  would  not  tell  the  thing  till  he  had  gone 
back  to  the  camp.  So  he  slew  many  Trojans 
with  the  sword,  and  learnt  many  things.  And 
while  other  women  in  Troy  lamented,  I  was 
glad,  for  my  heart  was  turned  again  to  my 

Then  Menelaiis  said :  "  Thou  speakest  truly, 
lady.  Many  men  have  I  seen,  and  travelled 
over  many  lands,  but  never  have  I  seen  one 
who  might  be  matched  with  Ulysses.  Well 
do  I  remember  how,  when  I  and  other  chiefs 
of  the  Greeks  sat  in  the  horse  of  wood,  thou 
didst  come,  Dei'phobus  following  thee.  Some 
god  who  loved  the  sons  of  Troy  put  the  thing 
into  thy  heart.  Thrice  didst  thou  walk  round 
our  hiding-place  and  call  by  name  to  each  one 
of  the  chiefs,  likening  thy  voice  in  marvellous 
fashion  to  the  voice  of  his  wife.  Then  would 
Diomed  and  I  have  either  risen  from  our  place 

IN  SPARTA.  41 

or  answered  thee  straightway.  But  Ulysses 
hindered  us,  so  saving  all  the  Greeks." 

But  Telemachus  said :  "  Yet  all  these  things 
have  not  kept  him,  but  that  he  has  perished." 

And  after  that  they  slept. 




THE  next  day  Menelaiis  said  to  Telemachus : 
"  For  what  end  hast  thou  come  hither  to  fair 
Lacedaemon  ?  Is  it  on  some  matter  of  the 
common  weal,  or  on  business  of  thine  own  ?  ' 

Then  Telemachus  said :  "I  have  come,  if 
haply  thou  canst  tell  me  aught,  of  my  father. 
For  certain  suitors  of  my  mother  devour  my 
goods,  nor  do  I  see  any  help.  Tell  me,  there- 
fore, true,  sparing  me  not  at  all,  but  saying  if 
thou  knowest  anything  of  thyself,  or  hast 
heard  it  from  another  ? ' 

And  Menelaiis  answered :  "  It  angers  me  to 
hear  of  these  cowards  who  would  lie  in  a  brave 
man's  bed.  So  a  hind  lays  its  young  in  a 
lion's  den,  but  when  he  comes  he  slays  both 
her  and  them.  So  shall  it  be  with  these  in  the 
day  when  Ulysses  shall  come  back.  But  as  to 
what  thou  askest  me,  I  will  answer  clearly  and 
without  turning  aside. 


"  In   the  river  /Egyptus  I  was  stayed  long 
time,  though  I  was  eao;er  to  ^et  me  home ;  the 

o  o  o 

gods  stayed  me,  for  I  had  not  offered  to  them 
due  sacrifice.  Now  there  is  an  island  in  the 
wash  of  the  waves  over  against  the  land  of 
Egypt  —  men  call  it  Pharos,  and  it  is  distant 
one  day's  voyage  for  a  ship,  if  the  wind  blow- 
eth  fair  in  her  wake.  Here  did  the  gods  keep 
me  twenty  days,  nor  did  the  sea  winds  ever 
blow.  Then  had  all  my  corn  been  spent,  and 
the  lives  also  of  my  men,  but  that  the  daughter 
of  Proteus  had  pity  on  me.  Her  heart  was 
moved  to  see  me  when  I  wandered  alone,  apart 
from  my  company,  for  they  all  roamed  about 
the  island,  fishing  with  hooks  because  hunger 
gnawed  them.  So  she  stood  by  me  and  spake, 
saying :  '  Art  thou  foolish,  stranger,  and  feeble 
of  wit,  or  dost  thou  sit  still  for  thine  own 
pleasure,  because  it  is  sweet  to  thee  to  suffer? 
Verily,  thou  stayest  long  in  this  place,  and 
canst  find  no  escape,  while  the  heart  of  thy 
people  faileth  within  them.'  Then  I  an- 
swered :  '  I  will  tell  thee  the  truth,  whosoever 
thou  art.  It  is  not  my  own  will  that  holdeth 


me  here;  I  must  needs  have  sinned  against 
the  o;ods.  Tell  me  now  which  of  the  £ods 

o  o 

have  I  offended,  and  how  shall  I  contrive  to 
return  to  my  own  home  ? '  So  I  spake,  and 
straightway  the  goddess  made  answer:  '  I  will 
tell  thee  all.  To  this  place  resorteth  Proteus, 
who  knoweth  the  depths  of  all  the  sea.  My 
father  is  he.  If  thou  couldst  lay  an  ambush 
for  him  and  catch  him,  he  will  declare  to  thee 
thy  way,  how  thou  mayest  return  across  the 
deep.  Also  he  will  show  thee  what  good  and 
what  evil  have  happened  within  thy  halls  while 
thou  hast  been  wandering  far  away.'  So  she 
spake,  and  I  made  reply,  '  Devise  thyself  this 
ambush,  lest  by  any  chance  he  see  me  first 
and  avoid  me,  for  it  is  hard  for  a  man  to  over- 
come a  god.'  Then  said  the  goddess:  'When 
the  sun  in  his  course  hath  reached  the  mid- 
heaven,  then  cometh  the  old  man  from  the 
sea;  before  the  breath  of  the  west  wind  he 
cometh,  and  the  ripple  covereth  him.  And 
when  he  is  come  out  of  the  sea,  he  lieth  down 
in  the  caves  to  sleep,  and  all  about  him  lie  the 
seals,  the  brood  of  ocean,  and  bitter  is  the 


smell  of  the  salt  water  that  they  breathe. 
Thither  will  I  lead  thee  at  break  of  day,  thee 
and  three  of  thy  companions.  Choose  them 
from  thy  ships,  the  bravest  that  thou  hast. 
And  now  I  will  tell  thee  the  old  man's  art. 
First,  he  will  count  the  seals,  and  when  he  has 
told  the  tale  of  them,  he  will  lie  down  in  the 
midst,  as  a  shepherd  in  the  midst  of  his  flock. 
Now,  so  soon  as  ye  shall  see  him  thus  laid 
down,  then  remember  your  courage,  and  hold 
him  there,  for  all  that  he  shall  strive  to  be  free. 
For  he  will  take  all  manner  of  shapes  of  creat- 
ures that  creep  upon  the  earth,  and  of  water 
likewise,  and  of  burning  fire.  But  do  ye  grasp 
him  fast,  and  press  him  hard,  and  when  he 
shall  question  thee,  returning  to  his  proper 
shape,  then  let  him  go  free,  and  ask  him  which 
of  the  gods  is  angry  with  thee,  and  how  thou 
mayest  return  across  the  deep.'  Thereupon 
she  dived  beneath  the  sea,  and  I  betook  me  to 
the  ships ;  but  I  wras  sorely  troubled  in  heart. 
The  next  morning  I  took  three  of  my  com- 
rades, in  whom  I  trusted  most,  and  lo !  she 
had  brought  from  the  sea  the  skins  of  four 


sea-calves,  which  she  had  newly  flayed,  for  she 
was  minded  to  lay  a  snare  for  her  father.  She 
scooped  hiding-places  for  us  in  the  sand,  and 
made  us  lie  down  therein,  and  cast  the  skin  of 
a  sea-calf  over  each  of  us.  It  would  have  been 
a  grievous  ambush,  for  the  stench  of  the  skins 
had  distressed  us  sore,  —  who,  indeed,  would 
lay  him  down  by  a  beast  of  the  sea  ?  —  but  she 
wrought  a  deliverance  for  us.  She  took  am- 
brosia, very  sweet,  and  put  it  under  each  man's 
nostrils,  that  it  might  do  away  with  the  stench 
of  the  beast. 

"  So  all  the  morning  we  waited  with  steadfast 
hearts.  And  the  seals  came  forth  from  the 
brine,  and  ranged  them  in  order  upon  the 
shore.  And  at  noon  the  old  man,  came  forth 
out  of  the  sea,  and  went  along  the  line  of  the 
sea-beasts,  and  counted  them.  Us,  too,  he 
counted  among  them,  and  perceived  not  our 
device ;  and  after  that  he  laid  him  down  to 
sleep.  Then  we  rushed  upon  him  with  a  cry, 
and  held  him  fast ;  nor  did  he  forget  his  cun- 
ning, for  he  became  a  bearded  lion,  and  a 
snake,  and  a  pard,  and  a  great  wild  boar. 


Also  he  took  the  shape  of  running  water, 
and  of  a  flowering  tree.  And  all  the  while 
we  held  him  fast.  When  at  last  he  was 
weary,  he  said,  '  Which  of  the  gods,  son  of 
Atreus,  bade  thee  thus  waylay  me  ? '  But  I 
answered  him :  '  Wherefore  dost  thou  beguile 
me,  old  man,  with  crooked  words  ?  I  am 
holden  in  this  isle,  and  can  find  no  escape 
therefrom.  Tell  me  now  which  of  the  gods 
hindereth  me,  and  how  I  may  return  across 
the  sea  ? '  The  old  man  made  reply :  '  Thou 
shouldest  have  done  sacrifice  to  Zeus  and  the 
other  gods  before  embarking,  if  thou  wouldst 
have  reached  thy  native  country  with  speed. 
But  now  thou  must  go  again  to  the  river 
^gyptus,  and  make  offerings  to  the  gods; 
so  shall  they  grant  that  which  thou  desirest.' 
Then  was  my  spirit  broken  within  me,  when  I 
heard  that  I  must  traverse  again  this  weary 
way,  but  I  said :  '  Old  man,  I  will  do  all  thy 
bidding.  But  tell  me  now,  I  pray  thee,  did 
the  other  Greeks,  whom  Nestor  and  I  left  be- 
hind us  in  Troy,  return  safe  to  their  homes,  or 
perished  any  by  an  evil  death  on  board  of  his 


ship  or  among  his  friends  ? '  To  this  the  old 
man  made  reply :  *  Thou  doest  ill  to  ask  such 
things,  for  thou  wilt  weep  to  hear  them.  Two 
only  of  the  chiefs  perished  in  returning ;  as  for 
the  others,  thou  knowest  what  befell.  The  ship 
of  the  Lesser  Ajax  was  smitten  ;  yet  might  he 
have  escaped,  though  Athene  hated  him,  for 
by  the  help  of  Poseidon  he  reached  the  rocks. 
But  there  he  spake,  in  the  blindness  of  his 
heart,  high  words  of  pride,  saying  that  in  de- 
spite of  the  gods  he  had  escaped  the  devouring 
sea.  Then  did  Poseidon  smite  with  his  trident 
the  rock  whereon  he  sat,  and  the  one  part  fell 
into  the  sea,  carrying  Ajax  with  it ;  so  he  per- 
ished, drinking  the  brine.  Thy  brother  indeed 
escaped  from  the  fates  of  the  sea,  for  Hera 
saved  him ;  but  the  storm-wind  carried  him 
to  the  land  where  ^Egisthus,  son  of  Thyestes, 
dwelt.  But  when  Agamemnon  set  foot  upon 
his  native  land,  he  kissed  it,  weeping  hot  tears, 
so  glad  was  he  to  see  it  again.  But  the  watch- 
man spied  him  from  his  tower,  even  the  watch- 
man whom  the  crafty  yEgisthus  had  hired  with 
two  talents  of  gold.  For  the  space  of  two  years 


had  he  watched,  lest  Agamemnon  should  pass 
by  him  unawares.  So  now  he  went  to  the 
house  of  /Egisthus,  bearing  the  news.  And 
yEgisthus  contrived  a  crafty  treason.  He  set 
an  ambush  in  the  hall,  twenty  of  the  bravest  of 
the  place,  and  in  the  further  side  of  the  hall  he 
bade  them  make  ready  a  feast  ;  then  he  went 
with  chariots  and  horses  to  bid  Agamemnon 
to  the  feast ;  to  his  house  he  brought  him, 
knowing  nothing  of  his  doom.  And  after  the 

o  o 

feast  he  slew  him,  as  one  slayeth  an  ox  at  the 
stall.  Not  one  of  the  company  of  Agamemnon 
was  left,  and  of  the  company  of  /Egisthus  not 
one.'  Then  I  wept  sore,  caring  nothing  to  live 
any  more.  But  the  old  man  said  :  '  Weep  not, 
son  of  Atreus,  for  there  is  no  help  in  tears. 
Rather  make  haste  to  return,  for  either  thou 
shalt  find  /Egisthus  yet  alive,  or  haply  Orestes 
may  have  slain  him,  and  thou  shalt  come  in 
time  for  his  funeral  feast.'  So  he  spake,  and 
my  heart  was  comforted  within  me,  and  I  said : 
'  Their  fate  I  know ;  but  there  is  yet  another 
of  whom  I  would  fain  hear.  Is  he  yet  alive, 
wandering  on  the  deep,  or  is  he  dead  ?  Speak, 


though  it  grieve  me  to  hear.'  Straightway  the 
old  man  answered :  '  It  is  the  son  of  Laertes  of 
whom  thou  speakest.  Him  I  saw  in  an  island, 
even  in  the  dwelling  of  Calypso ;  and  he  was 
shedding  great  tears,  because  the  nymph  keeps 
him  there  perforce,  so  that  he  may  not  come 
to  his  own  country,  for  he  hath  neither  ship 
nor  comrades.  But  thou,  Menelalis,  wilt  not 
die  as  other  men.  The  gods  will  take  thee  to 
the  Elysian  plain,  that  is  at  the  world's  end. 
No  snow  is  there,  nor  storm,  nor  any  rain,  but 
the  ocean  ever  sendeth  forth  the  west  wind  to 
breathe  cool  on  men.  Thus  shall  it  be  with 
thee,  because  thou  hast  Helen  to  wife,  and  so 
art  as  the  son  of  Zeus.'  So  spake  Proteus,  and 
plunged  into  the  sea.  The  next  day  we  went 
back  to  the  river  ^Egyptus,  the  stream  that  is 
fed  from  heaven,  and  offered  sacrifice  to  the 
gods.  And  when  I  had  appeased  their  anger, 
I  made  a  great  barrow  to  Agamemnon,  my 
brother,  that  his  name  might  not  be  forgot- 
ten among  men.  And  when  these  things  had 
been  duly  performed,  I  set  sail,  and  came  back 
to  my  own  country,  for  the  gods  gave  me  a  fair 


wind.  But  do  thou  tarry  now  in  my  halls. 
And  when  thou  art  minded  to  go,  I  will  give 
thee  a  chariot  and  three  horses  with  it,  and  a 
goodly  cup  also,  from  which  thou  mayest  pour 
libations  to  the  gods  ;  but  do  thou  remember 
me  all  the  days  of  thy  life." 

To  him  Telemachus  made  reply :  "  Keep 
me  not  long,  son  of  Atreus,  for  my  company 
wait  for  me  in  Pylos,  though  indeed  I  would 

J  O 

be  content  to  stay  with  thee  for  a  wrhole  year, 
nor  would  any  longing  for  my  home  come  over 
me.  And  let  any  gift  thou  givest  me  be  a 
thing  for  me  to  treasure.  But  I  will  take  no 
horses  to  Ithaca.  Rather  let  them  stay  here 
and  grace  thy  home,  for  thou  art  lord  of  a  wide 
plain  where  there  is  wheat  and  rye  and  barley. 
But  in  Ithaca  there  is  no  meadow  land.  It  is 
a  pasture  land  of  goats,  yet  verily  it  is  more 
pleasant  to  my  eyes  than  if  it  were  a  fit  feeding- 
place  for  horses." 

Then  said  Menelaiis  :  "  Thou  speakest  well, 
as  becometh  the  son  of  thy  father.  Come,  now, 
I  will  change  the  gifts.  Of  all  the  treasures  in 
my  house,  I  will  give  thee  the  goodliest,  espec- 


ially  a  bowl  which  the  King  of  the  Sidonians 
gave  me.  Of  silver  it  is,  and  the  lips  are 
finished  with  gold." 

Now  it  had  been  made  known  meanwhile  to 
the  suitors  in  Ithaca  that  Telemachus  was  gone 
upon  this  journey  seeking  his  father,  and  the 
thing  displeased  them  much.  And  after  that 
they  had  held  counsel  about  the  matter,  it 
seemed  best  that  they  should  lay  an  ambush 
against  him  which  should  slay  him  as  he  came 
back  to  his  home.  So  Antinolis  took  twenty 
men  and  departed,  purposing  to  lie  in  wait  in 
the  strait  between  Ithaca  and  Samos. 

Nor  was  this  counsel  unknown  to  Penelope, 
for  the  herald  Medon  had  heard  it,  and  he 
told  her  how  that  Telemachus  had  gone  seek- 
ing news  of  his  father,  and  how  the  suitors  pur- 
posed to  slay  him  as  he  returned.  And  she 
called  her  women,  old  and  young,  and  rebuked 
them,  saying:  "Wicked  that  ye  were,  that  knew 
that  he  was  about  to  0:0,  and  did  not  rouse  me 


from  my  bed.  Surely  I  had  kept  him,  eager 
though  he  was,  from  his  journey,  or  he  had  left 
me  dead  behind  him  ! ' 

..  •• 

....  .      .,, 

•    1  m  • 


5    . 
|     • 


.  '     . 











Then  said  Eurycleia:  "  Slay  me,  if  them  wilt, 
but  I  will  hide  nothing  from  thee.  I  knew  his 
purpose,  and  I  furnished  him  with  such  things 
as  he  needed.  But  he  made  me  swear  that  I 
would  not  tell  thee  till  the  eleventh  or  the 
twelfth  day  was  come.  But  go  with  thy  maid- 
ens and  make  thy  prayer  to  Athene  that  she  will 
save  him  from  death ;  and  indeed  I  think  that 
this  house  is  not  altogether  hated  by  the  gods." 

Then  Penelope,  having  duly  prepared  her- 
self, went  with  her  maidens  to  the  upper 
chamber,  and  prayed  aloud  to  Athene  that 
she  would  save  her  son.  And  the  suitors 
heard  her  praying,  and  said,  "  Surely  the 
Queen  prays,  thinking  of  her  marriage,  nor 
knows  that  death  is  near  to  her  son." 

Then  she  lay  down  to  sleep,  and  had  neither 
eaten  nor  drunk.  And  while  she  slept  Athene 
sent  her  a  dream  in  the  likeness  of  her  sister 
Iphthime,  who  was  the  wife  of  Eumelus,  son  of 
Alcestis.  And  the  vision  stood  over  her  head 
and  spake :  "  Sleepest  thou,  Penelope  ?  The 
gods  would  not  have  thee  grieve,  for  thy  son 
shall  surely  return." 


And  Penelope  said :  "  How  earnest  thou 
here,  my  sister  ?  For  thy  dwelling  is  far  away. 
And  how  can  I  cease  to  weep  when  my  hus- 
band is  lost  ?  And  now  my  son  is  gone,  and 
I  am  sore  afraid  for  him,  lest  his  enemies  slay 

But  the  vision  answered  :  "  Fear  not  at  all  ; 
for  there  is  a  mighty  helper  with  him,  even 
Athene,  who  hath  bid  me  tell  thee  these 

Then  Penelope  said  :  "  If  thou  art  a  god- 
dess, tell  me  this.  Is  my  husband  yet  alive  ? ' 

But   the   vision   answered,  "  That    I   cannot 


say,  whether   he    be  alive  or  dead."     And    so 
saying,  it  vanished  into  air. 

And  Penelope  woke  from  her  sleep,  and  her 
heart  was  comforted. 


*     ' 



AGAIN  the  gods  sate  in  council  on  high 
Olympus,  and  Athene  spake  among  them, 
saying:  "  Now  let  no  king  be  minded  to  do 
righteously,  for  see  how  there  is  no  man  that 
remembereth  Ulysses,  who  was  as  a  father  to 
his  people.  And  he  lieth  far  off,  fast  bound 
in  Calypso's  isle,  and  hath  no  ship  to  take  him 
to  his  own  country.  Also  the  suitors  are  set 
upon  slaying  his  son,  who  is  gone  to  Pylos 
and  to  Lacedasmon,  that  he  may  get  tidings  of 
his  father." 

To  her  Zeus  made  answer  :  "  What  is  this 
that  thou  sayest  ?  Didst  not  thou  thyself  plan 
this  device  that  the  vengeance  of  Ulysses 
might  be  wrought  upon  the  suitors  ?  As  for 
Telemachus,  do  thou  guide  him  by  thy  art,  as 
well  thou  mayest,  so  that  he  may  come  to  his 
own  land  unharmed,  and  the  suitors  may  have 
their  labour  in  vain." 


Also  he  said  to  Hermes :  "  Hermes,  go  to 
the  nymph  Calypso,  and  tell  her  my  sure  pur- 
pose that  Ulysses  shall  now  come  back  to  his 

So  Hermes  put  on  his  golden  sandals,  and 
took  his  wand  in  his  hand,  and  came  to  the 
island  of  Ogygia,  and  to  the  cave  where  Ca- 
lypso dwelt.  A  fair  place  it  was.  In  the  cave 
was  burning  a  fire  of  sweet-smelling:  wood,  and 

o  o 

Calypso  sat  at  her  loom,  and  sang  with  a  lovely 
voice.  And  round  about  the  cave  was  a  grove 
of  alders  and  poplars  and  cypresses,  wherein 
many  birds,  falcons  and  owls  and  sea-crows, 
were  wont  to  roost ;  and  all  about  the  mouth 
of  the  cave  was  a  vine  with  purple  clusters  of 
grapes ;  and  there  were  four  fountains  which 
streamed  four  ways  through  meadows  of  pars- 
ley and  violet.  Very  fair  was  the  place,  so 
that  even  a  god  might  marvel  at  it,  and  Hermes 
stood  and  marvelled.  Then  went  he  into  the 
cave,  and  Calypso  knew  him  when  she  saw 
him  face  to  face,  for  the  gods  know  each  other, 
even  though  their  dwellings  be  far  apart.  But 
Ulysses  was  not  there,  for  he  sat,  as  was  his 


wont,  on  the  seashore,  weeping  and  groaning, 
because  he  might  not  see  wife  and  home  and 

Then  Calypso  said  to  Hermes :  "  Wherefore 
hast  thou  come  hither,  Hermes  of  the  golden 
wand  ?  Welcome  thou  art,  but  thou  hast  not 
been  used  to  visit  me  of  old  time?  Tell  me 
all  thy  thought,  that  I  may  fulfil  it  if  I  may, 
but  first  follow  me,  that  I  may  set  food  before 

So  she  spread  a  table  with  ambrosia,  and  set 
it  by  him,  and  mixed  the  ruddy  nectar  for  him, 
and  the  messenger  ate  and  drank.  So,  when 
he  had  comforted  his  soul  with  food,  he  spake, 
saying :  — 

"  Thou  questionest  of  my  coming,  and  I  will 
tell  thee  the  truth.  It  is  by  no  wish  of  mine 
own  that  I  come,  for  who  would  of  his  free 
will  pass  over  a  sea  so  wide,  wherein  is  no  city 
of  men  that  do  sacrifice  to  the  o;ods  ?  Zeus  bade 


me  come,  and  none  may  go  against  the  com- 
mands of  Zeus.  He  saith  that  thou  hast  \vith 
thee  a  man  more  wretched  than  all  his  fellows, 
as  many  as  fought  against  Troy  for  nine  years 


and  in  the  tenth  year  departed  homeward.  All 
the  rest  of  his  company  were  lost,  but  him  the 
waves  carried  thither.  Now,  therefore,  send 
him  home  with  what  speed  thou  mayest ;  for  it 
is  not  fated  that  he  should  die  away  from  his 
friends.  Rather  shall  he  see  again  the  high 
roof  of  his  home  and  his  native  country." 

It  vexed  Calypso  much  to  hear  this,  for  she 
would  fain  have  kept  Ulysses  with  her  always, 
and  she  said  :  — 

"  Ye  gods  are  always  jealous  when  a  goddess 
loves  a  mortal  man.  And  as  for  Ulysses,  did 
not  I  save  him  when  Zeus  had  smitten  his  ship 
with  a  thunderbolt,  and  all  his  comrades  had 
perished  ?  And  now  let  him  go  —  if  it  pleases 
Zeus.  Only  I  cannot  send  him,  for  I  have, 
neither  ship  nor  rowers.  Yet  will  I  willingly 
teach  him  how  he  may  safely  return." 

And  Hermes  said,  "  Do  this  thing  speedily, 
lest  Zeus  be  wroth  with  thee." 

So  he  departed.  And  Calypso  went  seeking 
Ulysses,  and  found  him  on  the  shore  of  the  sea, 
looking  out  over  the  waters,  as  was  his  wont, 
and  weeping,  for  he  was  weary  of  his  life,  so 


much  did  he  desire  to  see  Ithaca  again.  She 
stood  by  him  and  said :  - 

"  Weary  not  for  thy  native  country,  nor  waste 
thyself  with  tears.  If  thou  wilt  go,  I  will  speed 
thee  on  thy  way.  Take,  therefore,  thine  axe 
and  cut  thee  beams,  and  join  them  together, 
and  make  a  deck  upon  them,  and  I  will  give 
thee  bread  and  water  and  wine,  and  clothe  thee 
also,  so  that  thou  mayest  return  safe  to  thy 
native  country,  for  the  gods  will  have  it  so." 

"  Nay,"  said  Ulysses,  "  what  is  this  that  thou 
sayest  ?  Shall  I  pass  in  a  raft  over  the  dread- 
ful sea,  over  which  even  ships  go  not  without 
harm  ?  I  will  not  go  against  thy  will ;  but  thou 
must  swear  the  great  oath  of  the  gods  that  thou 
plannest  no  evil  against  me." 

Then  Calypso  smiled  and  said :  "  These  are 
strange  words.  By  the  Styx  I  swear  that  I 
plan  no  harm  against  thee,  but  only  such  good 
as  I  would  ask  myself,  did  I  need  it ;  for  indeed 
my  heart  is  not  of  iron,  but  rather  full  of  com- 

Then  they  two  went  to  the  cave  and  sat 
down  to  meat,  and  she  set  before  him  food 


such  as  mortal  men  eat,  but  she  herself  ate 
ambrosia  and  drank  nectar,  as  the  gods  are 
wont.  And  afterwards  she  said  :  — 

"  Why  art  thou  so  eager  for  thy  home  ? 
Surely  if  thou  knewest  all  the  trouble  that 
awaits  thee,  thou  wouldst  not  go,  but  wouldst 
rather  dwell  with  me.  And  though  thou  desir- 
est  all  the  day  long  to  see  thy  wife,  surely  I  am 
not  less  fair  than  she." 

"  Be  not  angry,"  Ulysses  made  reply.  "  The 
wise  Penelope  cannot,  indeed,  be  compared  to 
thee,  for  she  is  a  mortal  woman  and  thou  art  a 
goddess.  Yet  is  rny  home  dear  to  me,  and  I 
would  fain  see  it  again.  Yea,  and  if  some  god 
should  wreck  me  on  the  deep,  yet  would  I 
endure  it  with  patient  heart.  Already  have  I 
suffered  much,  and  toiled  much  in  perils  of  war 
and  perils  of  the  sea.  And  as  to  what  is  yet  to 
come,  let  it  be  added  to  the  tale  of  what  hath 

The  next  day  Calypso  gave  him  an  axe  with 
a  handle  of  olive  wood,  and  an  adze,  and  took 
him  to  the  end  of  the  island,  where  there  were 
great  trees,  long  ago  sapless  and  dry,  alder  and 


poplar  and  pine.  Of  these  he  felled  twenty, 
and  lopped  them  and  worked  them  by  the  line. 
Then  the  goddess  brought  him  a  gimlet,  and  he 
.made  holes  in  the  logs  and  joined  them  with 
pegs.  And  he  made  decks  and  side  planking 
also;  also  a  mast  and  a  yard,  and  a  rudder 
wherewith  to  turn  the  raft.  And  he  fenced  it 
about  with  a  bulwark  of  osier  against  the  waves. 


The  sails,  indeed,  Calypso  wove,  and  Ulysses 
fitted  them  with  braces  and  halyards  and  sheets. 
Last  of  all  he  pushed  the  raft  down  to  the  sea 
with  levers. 

On  the  fourth  day  all  was  finished,  and  on 
the  fifth  day  he  departed.  And  Calypso  gave 
him  goodly  garments,  and  a  skin  of  wine,  and  a 
skin  of  water,  and  rich  provender  in  a  wallet  of 
leather.  She  sent  also  a  fair  wind  blowing  be- 
hind, and  Ulysses  set  his  sails  and  proceeded 
joyfully  on  his  way;  nor  did  he  sleep,  but 
watched  the  stars,  the  Pleiades  and  Bootes,  and 
the  Bear,  which  men  also  call  the  Wain,  which 
turneth  ever  in  one  place,  watching  Orion. 
For  Calypso  had  said  to  him,  "  Keep  the  Bear 
ever  on  thy  left  as  thou  passest  over  the  sea." 


Seventeen  days  he  sailed ;  and  on  the  eigh- 
teenth day  appeared  the  shadowy  hills  of  the 
island  of  the  Phaeacians,  where  it  was  nearest 
to  him ;  and  the  island  showed,  as  a  shield 
misfht  show,  through  the  mist  of  the  sea. 

o  o 

But  now  Poseidon,  coming  back  from  feast- 
ing with  the  Ethiopians,  spied  him  as  he  sailed, 
and  it  angered  him  to  the  heart.  He  shook 


his  head,  and  spake  to  himself,  saying :  "Verily, 
the  gods  must  have  changed  their  purpose  con- 
cerning Ulysses  while  I  was  absent  among  the 
Ethiopians ;  and  now  he  is  nigh  to  the  island 
of  the  Phaeacians,  which  if  he  reach,  it  is  or- 
dained that  he  shall  escape  from  his  woes.  Yet 
even  now  I  will  send  him  far  enough  on  a  way 
of  trouble." 

Thereupon  he  gathered  the  clouds,  and 
troubled  the  waters  of  the  deep,  holding  his  tri- 
dent in  his  hand.  And  he  raised  a  storm  of 
all  the  winds  that  blow,  and  covered  the  land 
and  the  sea  with  clouds. 

Sore  troubled  was  Ulysses,  and  said  to  him- 
self: "It  was  truth  that  Calypso  spake  when 
she  said  how  that  I  should  suffer  many 


troubles  returning  to  my  home.  Would  that  I 
had  died  that  day  when  many  a  spear  was  cast 
by  the  men  of  Troy  over  the  dead  Achilles. 
Then  would  the  Greeks  have  buried  me ;  but 
now  shall  I  perish  miserably." 

And  as  he  spake  a  great  wave  struck  the 
raft  and  tossed  him  far  away,  so  that  he 
dropped  the  rudder  from  his  hand.  Nor  for 
a  long  time  could  he  rise,  so  deep  was  he  sunk, 
and  so  heavy  was  the  goodly  clothing  which 
Calypso  had  given  him.  Yet  at  the  last  he 
rose,  and  spat  the  salt  water  out  of  his  mouth, 
and,  so  brave  was  he,  sprang  at  the  raft,  and 
caught  it,  and  sat  thereon,  and  was  borne 
hither  and  thither  by  the  waves.  But  Ino  saw 
him  and  pitied  him  —  a  woman  she  had  been, 
and  was  now  a  goddess  of  the  sea  —  and  rose 
from  the  deep  like  to  a  sea-gull  upon  the  wing, 
and  sat  upon  the  raft,  and  spake,  saying :  — 

"  Luckless  mortal,  why  doth  Poseidon  hate 
thee  so  ?  He  shall  not  slay  thee,  though  he 
fain  would  do  it.  Put  off  these  garments,  and 
swim  to  the  land  of  Phasacia,  putting  this  veil 
under  thy  breast.  And  when  thou  art  come 


to  the  land,  loose  it  from  thee,  and  cast  it 
into  the  sea;  but  when  thou  castest  it,  look 

Then  the  goddess  gave  him  the  veil,  and 
dived  again  into  the  deep  as  a  sea-gull  diveth, 
and  the  waves  closed  over  her.  Then  Ulysses 
pondered  the  matter,  saying  to  himself  :  "  Woe 
is  me !  can  it  be  that  another  of  the  2fods  is 


contriving  a  snare  for  me,  bidding  me  leave 
my  raft  ?  Verily,  I  will  not  yet  obey  her  coun- 
sel, for  the  land,  when  I  saw  it,  seemed  a  long 
way  off.  I  am  resolved  what  to  do;  so  long 
as  the  raft  will  hold  together,  so  Ions:  will  I 

O  O 

abide  on  it ;  but  when  the  waves  shall  break 
it  asunder,  then  will  I  swim,  for  nothing  better 
may  be  done." 

But  while  he  thought  thus  within  himself, 
Poseidon  sent  another  great  wave  against  the 

o  o 

raft.  As  a  stormy  wind  scattereth  a  heap  of 
husks,  so  did  the  wave  scatter  the  timbers  of 
the  raft.  But  Ulysses  sat  astride  on  a  beam, 
as  a  man  sitteth  astride  of  a  horse ;  and  he 
stripped  off  from  him  the  goodly  garments 
which  Calypso  had  given  him,  and  put  the  veil 


under  his  breast,  and  so  leapt  into  the  sea, 
stretching  out  his  hands  to  swim. 

And  Poseidon,  when  he  saw  him,  shook  his 
head,  and  communed  with  his  soul,  saying: 
"  Even  so,  after  all  that  thou  hast  suffered,  go 
wandering  over  the  deep,  till  thou  come  to  the 
land.  Thou  wilt  not  say  that  thou  hast  not 
had  trouble  enough." 

But  Athene,  binding  up  the  other  winds, 
roused  the  swift  north  wind  that  so  Ulysses 
might  escape  from  death. 

So  for  two  days  and  two  nights  he  swam.  But 
on  the  third  day  there  was  a  calm,  and  he  saw 
the  land  from  the  top  of  a  great  wave,  for  the 
waves  were  yet  high,  close  at  hand.  Dear  as 
a  father  to  his  children,  rising  up  from  griev- 
ous sickness,  so  dear  was  the  land  to  Ulysses. 
But  when  he  came  near  he  heard  the  waves 
breaking  along  the  shore,  for  there  was  no  har- 
bour there,  but  only  cliffs  and  rugged  rocks. 

Then  at  last  the  knees  of  Ulysses  were 
loosened  with  fear,  and  his  heart  was  melted 
within  him,  and  in  heaviness  of  spirit  he  spake 
to  himself:  "Woe  is  me!  for  now,  when  be- 


yond  all  hope,  Zeus  hath  given  me  the  sight 
of  land,  there  is  no  place  where  I  may  win  to 
shore  from  out  of  the  sea.  For  the  crags  are 
sharp,  and  the  waves  roar  about  them,  and  the 
smooth  rock  riseth  sheer  from  the  sea,  and 
the  water  is  deep,  so  that  I  may  gain  no  foot- 
hold. If  I  should  seek  to  land,  then  a  great 
wave  may  dash  me  on  the  rocks.  And  if  I 
swim  along  the  shore,  if  haply  I  may  find  some 
harbour,  I  fear  lest  the  winds  may  catch  me 
again  and  bear  me  out  into  the  deep;  or  it 
may  be  that  some  god  may  send  a  monster  of 
the  sea  against  me ;  and  verily  there  are  many 
such  in  the  sea-pastures,  and  I  know  that 
Poseidon  is  very  wroth  against  me." 

While  he  pondered  these  things  in  his  heart 
a  great  wave  bare  him  to  the  rocks.  Then 
had  his  skin  been  stripped  from  him  and  all 
his  bones  broken,  but  that  Athene  put  a 
thought  into  his  heart.  For  he  rushed  in 
towards  the  shore,  and  clutched  the  rock  with 
both  his  hands,  and  clung  thereto  till  the  wave 
had  passed.  But  as  it  ebbed  back,  it  caught 
him,  and  carried  him  again  into  the  deep. 


Even  as  a  cuttle-fish  is  draped  from  out  its 


hole  in  the  rock,  so  was  he  dragged  by  the 
water,  and  the  skin  was  stripped  from  his  hand 
against  the  rocks.  Then  had  Ulysses  perished, 
even  against  the  ordinance  of  fate,  had  not 
Athene  put  a  counsel  in  his  heart.  He  swam 
outside  the  breakers,  and  so  along  the  shore, 
looking  for  a  place  where  the  waves  might  be 
broken,  or  there  should  be  a  harbour.  At  last 
he  came  to  where  a  river  ran  into  the  sea. 
Free  was  the  place  of  rocks,  and  sheltered 
from  the  wind,  and  Ulysses  felt  the  stream  of 
the  river  as  he  ran.  Then  he  prayed  to  the 
river-god :  — 

"  Hear  me,  O  King,  whosoever  thou  art.  I 
am  come  to  thee  a  suppliant,  fleeing  from  the 
wrath  of  Poseidon.  Save  me,  O  King." 

Thereupon  the  river  stayed  his  stream,  and 
made  the  water  smooth  before  Ulysses,  so  that 
at  last  he  won  his  way  to  the  land.  His  knees 
were  bent  under  him,  and  his  hands  dropped 
at  his  side,  and  the  salt  water  ran  out  his 
mouth  and  nostrils.  Breathless  was  he,  and 
speechless  ;  but  when  he  came  to  himself,  he 


loosed  the  veil  from  under  his  breast,  and  cast 
it  into  the  salt  stream  of  the  river,  and  the 
stream  bare  it  to  the  sea,  and  Ino  came  up 
and  caught  it  in  her  hands. 

Then  he  lay  down  on  the  rushes  by  the 
bank  of  the  river  and  kissed  the  earth,  think- 
ing within  himself :  "  What  now  shall  I  do  ? 
for  if  I  sleep  here  by  the  river,  I  fear  that  the 
dew  and  the  frost  may  slay  me ;  for  indeed  in 
the  morning-time  the  wind  from  the  river 


blows  cold.  And  if  I  go  up  to  the  wood,  to 
lay  me  down  to  sleep  in  the  thicket,  I  fear  that 
some  evil  beast  may  devour  me." 

But  it  seemed  better  to  go  to  the  wood.  So 
he  went.  Now  this  was  close  to  the  river,  and 
he  found  two  bushes,  of  wild  olive  one,  and  of 
fruitful  olive  the  other.  So  thickly  grown 
together  were  they  that  the  winds  blew  not 
through  them,  nor  did  the  sun  pierce  them, 
nor  yet  the  rain.  Thereunder  crept  Ulysses, 
and  found  great  store  of  leaves,  shelter  enough 
for  two  or  three,  even  in  winter  time,  when 
the  rain  is  heavy.  Then  did  Ulysses  rejoice, 
laying  himself  in  the  midst,  and  covering  him- 


self  with  leaves.  Thus,  even  as  a  man  who 
dwells  apart  from  others  cherishes  his  fire, 
hiding  it  under  the  ashes,  so  Ulysses  cherished 
his  life  under  the  leaves.  And  Athene  sent 
down  upon  his  eyelids  deep  sleep,  that  might 
ease  him  of  his  toil. 




MEANWHILE  Athene  went  to  the  city  of 
Phaeacians,  to  the  palace  of  Alcinous,  their 
King.  There  she  betook  her  to  the  chamber 
where  slept  Nausicaa,  daughter  of  the  King, 
a  maiden  fair  as  are  the  gods.  The  goddess 
stood  above  the  maiden,  in  the  semblance  of 
the  daughter  of  Dymas  (now  Dymas  was  a 
famous  rover  of  the  sea),  a  girl  that  was  of  like 
age  with  her,  and  had  found  favour  in  her 

Athene  spake,  saying :  "  Why  hath  thy 
mother  so  careless  a  child,  Nausicaa  ?  Lo ! 
thy  raiment  lieth  unwashed,  and  yet  the  day 
of  thy  marriage  is  at  hand,  when  thou  must 
have  fair  clothing  for  thyself,  and  to  give  to 
them  that  shall  lead  thee  to  thy  bridegroom's 
house ;  for  thus  doth  a  bride  wrin  good  repute. 
Do  thou  therefore  arise  with  the  day,  and  go 


to  wash  the  raiment,  and  I  will  go  with  thee. 
Ask  thy  father  betimes  in  the  morning  to  give 
thee  mules  and  a  wagon  to  carry  the  raiment 
and  the  robes.  Also  it  is  more  becoming  for 
thee  to  ride  than  to  go  on  foot,  for  the  laun- 
dries are  far  from  the  city." 

And  when  the  morning  was  come,  Nausicaa 
awoke,  marvelling  at  the  dream,  and  went 
seeking  her  parents.  Her  mother  she  found 
busy  with  her  maidens  at  the  loom,  spinning 
yarn  dyed  with  purple  of  the  sea,  and  her 
father  she  met  as  he  was  going  to  the  council 
with  the  chiefs  of  the  land.  Then  she  said : 
"  Give  me,  father,  the  wagon  with  the  mules, 
that  I  may  take  the  garments  to  the  river  to 
wash  them.  Thou  shouldest  always  have 
clean  robes  when  thou  goest  to  the  council ; 
and  there  are  my  five  brothers  also,  who 
love  to  have  newly  washed  garments  at  the 

But  of  her  own  marriage  she  said  nothing. 
And  her  father,  knowing  her  thoughts,  said  : 
"  I  grudge  thee  not,  dear  child,  the  mules  or 
aught  else.  The  men  shall  harness  for  thee  a 


wagon  with  strong  wheels  and  fitted  also  with 
a  frame." 

Then  he  called  to  the  men,  and  they  made 
ready  the  wagon,  and  harnessed  the  mules ; 
and  the  maiden  brought  the  raiment  out  of  her 
chamber,  and  put  it  in  the  wagon.  Also  her 
mother  filled  a  basket  with  all  manner  of  food, 
and  poured  wine  in  a  goat-skin  bottle.  Olive 
oil  also  she  gave  her,  that  Nausicaa  and  her 
maidens  might  anoint  themselves  after  the 
bath.  And  Nausicaa  took  the  reins,  and 
touched  the  mules  with  the  whip.  Then  was 
there  a  clatter  of  hoofs,  and  the  mules  went  on 
with  their  load,  nor  did  they  grow  weary. 

When  they  came  to  the  river,  where  was 
water  enough  for  the  washing  of  raiment 
though  it  were  ever  so  foul,  the  maidens  loosed 
the  mules  from  the  chariot,  and  set  them  free 
to  graze  in  the  sweet  clover  by  the  river-bank. 
Then  they  took  the  raiment  from  the  wagon, 
and  bare  it  to  the  river,  and  trod  it  in  the 
trenches,  vying  one  with  the  other.  And 
when  they  had  cleansed  away  all  the  stains, 
then  they  laid  the  garments  on  the  shore  of 


the  sea,  where  the  waves  had  washed  the  peb- 
bles clean.  After  that  they  bathed,  and 
anointed  themselves ;  and  then  they  sat  down 
to  eat  and  drink  by  the  river-side;  and  after 
the  meal  they  played  at  ball,  singing  as  they 
played,  and  Nausicaa  led  the  song.  Fair  was 
she  as  Artemis  when  she  hunts  wild  goats  or 
stags,  overtopping  all  the  nymphs  that  bear 
her  company.  Fair  are  all,  but  she  is  fairer, 
and  Latona,  her  mother,  is  glad  at  heart.  So 
was  Nausicaa  fairer  than  all  the  maidens. 
And  when  they  had  ended  their  play,  and  were 
yoking  the  mules,  and  folding  up  the  raiment, 
then  Athene  contrived  this  thing,  that  the 
princess,  throwing  the  ball  to  one  of  her 
maidens,  cast  it  so  wide  that  it  fell  into  the 
river.  Whereupon  they  all  cried  aloud,  and 
Ulysses  awoke.  And  he  said  to  himself : 
"  What  is  this  land  to  which  I  have  come  ? 
Are  they  that  dwell  therein  fierce  or  kind  to 
strangers?  Just  now  I  seemed  to  hear  the 
voice  of  nymphs,  or  am  I  near  the  dwellings  of 
men  ?  " 

Then   he    twisted    a  leafy  bough  about  his 


loins,  and  rose  up  and  went  towards  the 
maidens,  who  indeed  were  frighted  to  see  him 
(for  he  was  wild  of  aspect),  and  fled  hither 
and  thither.  But  Nausicaa  stood  and  fled  not. 
Then  Ulysses  thought  within  himself,  should 
he  go  near  and  clasp  her  knees,  or,  lest  haply 
this  should  anger  her,  should  he  stand  and 
speak  ?  And  this  he  did,  saying :  — 

"  I  am  thy  suppliant,  O  Queen.  Whether 
thou  art  a  goddess,  I  know  not.  But  if  thou 
art  a  mortal,  happy  thy  father  and  mother,  and 
happy  thy  brothers,  and  happiest  of  all  he  who 
shall  win  thee  in  marriage.  Never  have  I  seen 
man  or  woman  so  fair.  Thou  art  like  a  young 
palm  tree  that  but  lately  I  saw  in  Delos, 
springing  by  the  temple  of  the  god.  But  as 
for  me,  I  have  been  cast  on  this  shore,  having 
come  from  the  island  Ogygia.  Pity  me,  then, 
and  lead  me  to  the  city,  and  give  me  some- 
thing, a  wrapper  of  this  linen,  maybe,  to  put 
about  me.  So  may  the  gods  give  thee  all  bless- 
ings ! " 

And  Nausicaa  made  answer:  "Thou  seem- 
est,  stranger,  to  be  neither  evil  nor  foolish  ;  and 


as  for  thy  plight,  the  gods  give  good  fortune 
or  bad,  as  they  will.  Thou  shalt  not  lack 
clothing  or  food,  or  anything  that  a  suppliant 
should  have.  And  I  will  take  thee  to  the  city. 
Know  also  that  this  land  is  Phaeacia,  and  that  I 
am  daughter  to  Alcinolis,  who  is  King  thereof." 

Then  she  called  to  her  maidens :  "  What 
mean  ye  to  flee  when  ye  see  a  man  ?  No 
enemy  comes  hither  to  harm  us,  for  we  are 
dear  to  the  gods,  and  also  we  live  in  an  island 
of  the  sea,  so  that  men  may  not  approach  to 
work  us  wrong ;  but  if  one  cometh  here  over- 
borne by  trouble,  it  is  well  to  succour  him. 
Give  this  man,  therefore,  food  and  drink,  and 
wash  him  in  the  river,  where  there  is  shelter 
from  the  wind." 

So  they  brought  him  down  to  the  river,  and 
gave  him  a  tunic  and  a  cloak  to  clothe  himself 
withal,  and  also  oil-olive  in  a  flask  of  gold. 
Then,  at  his  bidding,  they  departed  a  little 
space,  and  he  washed  the  salt  from  his  skin 
and  out  of  his  hair,  and  anointed  himself,  and 
put  on  the  clothing.  And  Athene  made  him 
taller  and  fairer  to  see,  and  caused  the  hair  to 


be  thick  on  his  head,  in  colour  as  a  hyacinth. 
Then  he  sat  down  on  the  seashore,  right  beau- 
tiful to  behold,  and  the  maiden  said :  — 

"  Not  without  some  bidding  of  the  gods 
comes  this  man  to  our  land.  Before,  indeed,  I 
deemed  him  uncomely,  but  now  he  seems  like 
to  the  gods.  I  should  be  well  content  to  have 
such  a  man  for  a  husband,  and  maybe  he  might 
will  to  abide  in  this  land.  But  give  him,  ye 
maidens,  food  and  drink." 

So  they  gave  him,  and  he  ate  ravenously, 
having  fasted  long.  Then  Nausicaa  bade  yoke 
the  mules,  and  said  to  Ulysses :  — 

"  Arise,  stranger,  come  with  me,  that  I  may 
bring  thee  to  the  house  of  my  father.  But  do 
thou  as  I  shall  tell  thee,  and,  indeed,  thou 
seemest  discreet  enough.  So  long  as  we  shall 
be  passing  through  the  fields,  follow  quickly 
with  the  maidens  behind  the  chariot.  But 
when  we  shall  come  to  the  city,  —  thou  wilt  see 
a  high  wall  and  a  harbour  on  either  side  of  the 
narrow  way  that  leadeth  to  the  gate,  —  then 
follow  the  chariot  no  more.  Hard  by  the  wall 
is  a  grove  of  Athene,  a  grove  of  poplars,  with 


a  spring  in  the  midst,  and  a  meadow  round 
about ;  there  abide  till  such  time  as  I  may  have 
reached  the  house  of  my  father.  For  I  would 
not  that  the  people  should  speak  lightly  of  me. 
And  I  doubt  not  that  were  thou  with  me  some 
one  of  the  baser  sort  would  say :  '  Who  is  this 
stranger,  tall  and  fair,  that  cometh  with  Nau- 
sicaa  ?  Will  he  be  her  husband  ?  Perchance 
it  is  some  god  who  has  come  down  at  her 
prayer,  or  a  man  from  far  away;  for  of  us 
men  of  Phasacia  she  thinks  scorn.'  It  would  be 
shame  that  such  words  should  be  spoken.  And 
indeed  it  is  ill-done  of  a  maiden  who,  father 
and  mother  unknowing,  companies  with  men. 
But  when  thou  shalt  judge  that  I  have  come 
to  the  palace,  then  go  up  thyself  and  ask  for 
my  father's  house.  Any  one,  even  a  child,  can 
show  it  thee,  for  the  other  Phaeacians  dwell  not 
in  such.  And  when  thou  art  come  within  the 
doors,  pass  quickly  through  the  hall  to  where 
my  mother  sits.  Close  to  the  hearth  is  her 
seat,  and  my  father's  hard  by,  where  he  sits 
with  the  wine-cup  in  his  hand,  as  a  god.  Pass 
him  by,  and  lay  hold  of  my  mother's  knees,  and 


pray  her  that  she  give  thee  safe  return  to  thy 

Then  she  smote  the  mules  with  the  whip. 
Quickly  did  they  leave  the  river  behind  them ; 
but  the  maiden  was  heedful  to  drive  them  so 
that  Ulysses  and  the  maidens  might  be  able  to 
follow  on  foot.  At  sunset  they  came  to  the 
sacred  grove  of  Athene,  and  there  Ulysses  sat 
him  down,  and  prayed  to  Athene,  saying, 
"  Hear  me,  now,  O  daughter  of  Zeus,  for  before 
when  Poseidon  smote  me,  thou  heardest  me  not, 
and  grant  that  this  people  may  look  upon  me 
with  pity." 

So  he  spake,  and  Athene  heard  him,  but 
showed  not  herself  to  him,  face  to  face,  for  she 
feared  the  wrath  of  her  uncle  Poseidon,  so 
grievously  did  he  rage  against  Ulysses. 




















NAUSICAA  came  to  her  father's  house,  and 
there  her  brothers  unyoked  the  mules  from 
the  wagon,  and  carried  the  garments  into  the 
house ;  and  the  maiden  went  to  her  chamber, 
where  her  nurse  kindled  for  her  a  fire,  and  pre- 
pared a  meal. 

At  the  same  time  Ulysses  rose  to  go  to  the 
city;  and  Athene  spread  a  mist  about  him,  for 
she  would  not  that  any  of  the  Phaeacians 
should  see  him  and  mock  him.  And  when  he 
was  now  about  to  enter  the  city,  the  goddess 
took  upon  herself  the  shape  of  a  young  maiden 
carrying  a  pitcher,  and  met  him. 

Then  Ulysses  asked  her:  "My  child,  canst 
thou  tell  me  where  dwells  Alcinoiis  ?  for  I  am 
a  stranger  in  this  place." 

She  answered :  "  I  will  show  thee,  for  indeed 
he  dwells  near  to  my  own  father.  But  be  thou 


silent,  for  we  Phaeacians  love  not  strangers 
over  much." 

Then  Athene  led  the  way,  and  Ulysses  fol- 
lowed after  her ;  and  much  he  marvelled,  as  he 
went,  at  the  harbours,  and  the  ships,  and  the 
places  of  assembly,  and  the  walls.  And  when 
they  came  to  the  palace,  Athene  said :  "  This 
is  the  place  for  which  thou  didst  inquire. 
Enter  in;  here  thou  shalt  find  kings  at  the 
feast ;  but  be  not  afraid ;  the  fearless  man  ever 
fares  the  best.  And  look  thou  first  for  the 
Queen.  Her  name  is  Arete,  and  she  is  near 
akin  to  the  King,  for  she  is  indeed  his  brother's 
child.  Rhexenor  was  the  King's  brother;  him 
Apollo  smote  with  his  shafts,  being  yet  a  young 
man,  and  Alcinous  took  his  daughter  to  wife. 
Never  was  wife  more  honoured  of  her  lord  and 
of  all  the  people.  Nor  does  she  lack  under- 
standing; and  they  whom  she  favoureth  have 
an  end  of  their  troubles.  If  she  be  well  dis- 
posed to  thee,  doubtless  thou  wilt  see  thy 
native  country  again." 

Having  thus  spoken,  Athene  departed,  going 
to  the  land  of  Athens,  and  Ulysses  entered  the 


palace.  In  it  there  was  a  gleam  as  of  the  sun 
or  the  moon. 

A  wondrous  place  it  was,  with  walls  of 
brass  and  doors  of  gold,  hanging  on  posts 
of  silver ;  and  on  either  side  of  the  door  were 
dogs  of  gold  and  silver,  the  work  of  Hephaestus, 
and  against  the  wall,  all  alone:  from  the  thresh- 

o  o 

old  to  the  inner  chamber,  were  set  seats,  on 
which  sat  the  chiefs  of  the  Phaeacians,  feast- 
ing ;  and  youths  wrought  in  gold  stood  holding 
torches  in  their  hands,  to  give  light  in  the 
darkness.  Fifty  women  were  in  the  house 
grinding  corn  and  weaving  robes,  for  the 
women  of  the  land  are  no  less  skilled  to 
weave  than  are  the  men  to  sail  the  sea.  And 
round  about  the  house  were  gardens  beautiful 
exceedingly,  with  orchards  of  fig,  and  apple, 
and  pear,  and  pomegranate,  and  olive.  Drought 
hurts  them  not,  nor  frost,  and  harvest  comes 
after  harvest  without  ceasing.  Also  there  was 
a  vineyard ;  and  some  of  the  grapes  were 
parching  in  the  sun,  and  some  were  being 
gathered,  and  some  again  were  but  just  turn- 
ing red.  And  there  were  beds  of  all  manner 


of  flowers;  and  in  the  midst  of  all  were  two 
fountains  which  never  failed. 

These  things  Ulysses  regarded  for  a  space, 
and  then  passed  into  the  hall.  And  there  the 
chiefs  of  Phaeacia  were  drinking  their  last  cup 
to  Hermes.  Quickly  he  passed  through  them, 
and  put  his  hands  on  the  knees  of  Arete  and 
said  —  and  as  he  spake  the  mist  cleared  from 
about  him,  and  all  that  were  in  the  hall  beheld 
him:  — 

"  I  am  a  suppliant  to  thee,  and  to  thy  hus- 
band, and  to  thy  guests.  The  gods  bless  thee 
and  them,  and  grant  you  to  live  in  peace,  and 
that  your  children  should  come  peacefully  after 
you !  Only,  do  ye  send  me  home  to  my  native 



And  he  sat  down  in  the  ashes  of  the  hearth. 
Then  for  a  space  all  were  silent,  but  at  the  last 
spake  Echeneiis,  who  was  the  oldest  man  in 
the  land :  — 

"  King  Alcinoiis,  this  ill  becomes  you  that 
this  man  should  sit  in  the  ashes  of  the  hearth. 
Raise  him  and  bid  him  sit  upon  a  seat,  and  let 
us  pour  out  to  Father  Zeus,  who  is  the  friend 


of  suppliants,  and  let  the  keeper  of  the  house 
give  him  meat  and  drink." 

And  Alcinolis  did  so,  bidding  his  eldest 
born,  Laodamas,  rise  from  his  seat.  And  an 
attendant  poured  water  on  his  hands,  and  the 
keeper  of  the  house  gave  him  meat  and  drink. 
Then,  when  all  had  poured  out  to  Father  Zeus, 
King  Alcinoiis  spake,  saying,  "  In  the  morning 
we  will  call  an  assembly  of  the  people,  and  con- 
sider how  we  may  take  this  stranger  to  his 
home,  so  that  he  may  reach  it  without  trouble 
or  pain.  Home  will  we  take  him  without  hurt, 
but  what  things  may  befall  him  there,  we  know 
not ;  these  shall  be  as  the  Fates  spun  his 
thread,  when  his  mother  bare  him.  But,  if 
haply  he  is  a  god  and  not  a  man,  then  is  this 
a  new  device  of  the  gods.  For  heretofore  they 
have  shown  themselves  manifestly  in  our  midst, 
when  we  offer  sacrifice,  and  sit  by  our  sides  at 
feasts.  Yea,  and  if  a  traveller  meet  them  on 
the  way,  they  use  no  disguise,  for  indeed  they 
are  near  of  kin  to  us." 

Then  spake  Ulysses :  "  Think  not  such 
things  within  thy  heart,  O  King!  No  god 


am  I,  but  if  thou  knowest  one  that  is  most 
miserable  among  the  sons  of  men,  to  him 
mayest  thou  liken  me.  Of  many  woes  might 
I  tell.  Nevertheless,  suffer  me  to  eat ;  'tis  a 
shameless  thing,  the  appetite  of  a  man,  for, 
how  sad  soever  he  be,  yet  it  biddeth  him  eat 
and  drink.  But  do  ye,  when  the  day  cometh, 
bestir  yourselves,  and  carry  me  to  my  home. 
Fain  would  I  die  if  I  could  see  my  home 
again ! ' 

And  they  answered  that  it  should  be  so,  and 
went  each  to  his  home.  Only  Ulysses  was 
left  in  the  hall,  and  Alcinoiis  and  Arete  with 
him.  And  Arete  saw  his  cloak  and  tunic,  that 
she  and  her  maidens  had  made  them,  and 
said  :  — 

"  Whence  art  thou,  stranger  ?  and  who  gave 
thee  these  garments  ?  ' 

So  Ulysses  told  her  how  he  had  come 
from  the  island  of  Calypso,  and  what  he  had 
suffered,  and  how  Nausicaa  had  found  him 
on  the  shore,  and  had  guided  him  to  the 

But  Alcinous  blamed  the  maiden  that  she 


had  not  herself  brought  him  to  the  house. 
"  For  thou  wast  her  suppliant,"  he  said. 

"  Nay,"  said  Ulysses,  "  she  would  have 
brought  me,  but  I  would  not,  fearing  thy 
wrath."  For  he  would  not  have  the  maiden 

Then  said  Alcinoiis  :  "  I  am  not  one  to  be 
angered  for  such  cause.  Gladly  would  I  have 
such  a  one  as  thou  art  to  be  my  son-in-law,  and 
I  would  give  him  house  and  wealth.  But  no 
one  would  I  stay  against  his  will.  And  as  for 
sending  thee  to  thy  home,  that  is  easy  ;  thou 
shalt  lay  thee  down  to  sleep,  and  my  men  shalt 
smite  the  sea  with  oars,  and  take  thee  whither- 
soever thou  wilt,  even  though  it  be  further  by 
far  than  Eubcea,  which  they  say  is  the  furthest 
of  all  lands.  Yet  even  thither  did  our  men  go, 
carrying  Rhadamanthus.  In  one  day  they 
went,  and  returned  the  same,  and  were  not 
weary.  For  verily  my  ships  are  the  best  that 
sail  the  sea,  and  my  young  men  the  most 
skilful  of  all  that  ply  the  oar." 

So  he  spake,  and  Ulysses  rejoiced  to  hear 
his  words.  And  he  prayed  within  himself, 


"  Grant,  Father  Zeus,  that  Alcinoiis  may  fulfil 
all  that  he  hath  said,  and  that  I  may  come  to 
my  own  land  ! ' 

Then  Arete  bade  her  handmaids  prepare  a 
bed  for  the  stranger.  So  they  went  from  the 
hall,  with  torches  in  their  hands,  and  made  it 
ready.  And  when  they  had  ended  they  called 
Ulysses,  saying,  "  Up,  stranger,  and  sleep,  for 
thy  bed  is  ready." 

Right  glad  was  he  to  sleep  after  all  that  he 
had  endured. 




THE  next  day  the  King  arose  at  dawn,  as 
also  did  Ulysses,  and  the  King  led  the  way 
to  the  place  of  assembly.  Meanwhile  Athene, 
wearing  the  guise  of  the  King's  herald,  went 
throughout  the  city,  and  to  each  man  she  said, 
"  Come  to  the  assembly,  captains  and  coun- 
sellors of  the  Phaeacians,  that  ye  may  learn 
concerning  this  stranger,  who  hath  lately  come 
to  the  hall  of  Alcinoiis." 

So  she  roused  their  desire,  and  the  place 
of  assembly  was  filled  to  the  utmost ;  much 
did  the  men  marvel  to  see  Ulysses,  for  Athene 
had  poured  marvellous  grace  upon  him,  making 
him  fairer  and  taller  and  stronger  to  see. 

Then  the  King  rose  up  and  spake :  "  Heark- 
en, captains  and  counsellors  of  the  people,  to 
what  I  say.  This  stranger  hath  come  to  my 
hall  ;  I  know  not  who  he  is  or  whence  he 


comes,  whether  it  be  from  the  rising  or  the 
setting  of  the  sun ;  and  he  prays  that  he  may 
be  safely  carried  to  his  home.  This  boon  we 
have  been  wont  to  give  to  strangers  from  old 
time.  Let  us  therefore  choose  a  ship  that  hath 
never  sailed  before,  and  two  and  fifty  youths 
that  are  the  best  to  ply  the  oar;  and  when 
ye  have  made  ready  the  ship,  then  come  to  my 
house  and  feast ;  I  will  provide  well  for  all. 
Bid,  also,  Demodocus  the  minstrel  come,  for 
the  gods  have  given  to  him  above  all  others 
the  gift  of  song  wherewith  to  rejoice  the  hearts 
of  men." 

Then  they  did  as  the  King  counselled. 
They  made  ready  the  ship,  and  moored  her  by 
the  .shore,  and  after  that  they  went  to  the 
palace  of  the  King.  From  one  end  thereof  to 
the  other  it  was  crowded,  for  many  were  there, 
both  young  and  old.  And  Alcinoiis  slew  for 
them  twelve  sheep,  and  eight  swine,  and  two 
oxen;  and  his  men  prepared  for  the  people  a 
goodly  feast. 

Then  came  the  servants  of  the  King,  lead- 
ing the  minstrel  by  the  hand.  Much  did  the 
















Muse  love  him,  but  she  had  given  him  both 
good  and  evil.  She  had  granted  him  the  gift 
of  sweet  sons:,  but  she  had  taken  from  him  the 


sight  of  his  eyes.  The  servants  set  him  in  a 
silver  chair,  in  the  midst  of  the  guests,  and 
hung  a  harp  upon  a  pin  above  his  head,  and 
showed  him  how  he  might  reach  his  hand  to 
take  it.  And  close  by  his  side  they  placed  a 
table  and  a  basket  and  a  cup  of  wine,  that  he 
might  drink  at  his  pleasure. 

So  the  Phaeacians  feasted  in  the  hall ;  and 
when  they  had  had  enough  of  meat  and  drink, 
then  the  minstrel  sans:.  He  sans:  a  song,  the 

O  O  O' 

fame  of  which  had  reached  to  heaven,  of  the 
quarrel  between  Ulysses  and  Achilles,  how 
they  fell  out  at  a  feast  of  the  gods,  and  Aga- 
memnon was  glad  when  he  saw  that  the 
noblest  of  the  Greeks  were  at  strife.  For 
Apollo  at  Pytho  had  told  him  that  it  must 
be  so;  that  is  to  say,  that  the  wisest  and  the 
strongest  must  be  at  variance  before  he  could 
take  the  great  city  of  Troy. 

But  as  the  minstrel  sang,  Ulysses  held  his 
purple  cloak  before  his  face,  for  he  was 


ashamed  to  weep  in  the  sight  of  the  people. 
Whensoever  the  singer  ceased  from  his  song, 
then  did  Ulysses  wipe  away  the  tears  and  pour 
out  libations  to  the  gods ;  but  when  he  began 
again,  for  the  chiefs  loved  to  hear  the  song, 
then  again  he  covered  his  face  and  wept.  But 
none  noted  the  thing  save  only  Alcinolis. 

Then  the  King  said  to  the  chiefs,  "  Now 
that  we  have  feasted  and  delighted  ourselves 
with  song,  let  us  go  forth,  that  this  stranger 
may  see  that  we  are  skilful  in  boxing  and 
wrestling  and  running." 

So  they  went  forth,  a  herald  leading  Demo- 
docus  by  the  hand,  for  the  minstrel  was  blind. 
Then  stood  up  many  Phasacian  youths,  and 
the  fairest  and  strongest  of  them  all  was 
Laodamas,  eldest  son  to  the  King,  and  after 
him  Euryalus.  And  next  they  ran  a  race,  and 
Clytoneus  was  the  swiftest.  And  among  the 
wrestlers  Euryalus  was  the  best,  and  of  the 
boxers,  Laodamas.  And  in  throwing  the  quoit 
Elatrius  excelled,  and  in  leaping  at  the  bar, 

Then   Laodamas,  Euryalus  urging  him,  said 


to  Ulysses,  "  Father,  wilt  thou  not  try  thy 
skill  in  some  game,  and  put  away  the  trouble 
from  thy  heart  ? ' 

But  Ulysses  answered :  "  Why  askest  thou 
this  ?  I  think  of  my  troubles  rather  than  of 
sport,  and  sit  among  you,  caring  only  that  I 
may  see  again  my  home." 

Then  said  Euryalus :  "  And  in  very  truth, 
stranger,  thou  hast  not  the  look  of  a  wrestler 
or  boxer.  Rather  would  one  judge  thee  to  be 
some  trader,  who  sails  over  the  sea  for  gain." 

"  Nay,"  answered  Ulysses,  "  this  is  ill  said. 
So  true  is  it  that  the  gods  give  not  all  gifts  to 
all  men,  beauty  to  one,  and  sweet  speech  to 
another.  Fair  of  form  art  thou ;  no  god  could 
better  thee;  but  thou  speakest  idle  words.  I 
am  not  unskilled  in  these  thinsfs,  but  stood 

O     ' 

among  the  first  in  the  old  days ;  but  since  have 
I  suffered  much  in  battle  and  shipwreck.  Yet 
will  I  make  trial  of  my  strength,  for  thy  words 
have  angered  me." 

Whereupon,  clad  in  his  mantle  as  he  was,  he 
took  a  quoit,  heavier  far  than  such  as  the 
Phaeacians  were  wont  to  throw,  and  sent  it  with 


a  whirl.  It  hurtled  through  the  air,  so  that 
the  brave  Phaeacians  crouched  to  the  ground 
in  fear,  and  it  fell  far  beyond  all  the  rest. 

Then  Athene,  for  she  had  taken  upon  herself 
the  guise  of  a  Phaeacian  man,  marked  the  place 
where  it  fell,  and  spake,  saying :  "  Stranger, 
verily,  even  a  blind  man  might  discern  this 
token  of  thy  strength,  for  it  is  not  lost  among 
the  others,  but  lies  far  beyond  them.  Be  of 
good  courage,  therefore,  in  this  contest ;  at 
least,  none  of  the  Phaeacians  shall  surpass 

Then  was  Ulysses  glad,  seeing  that  he  had 
a  friend  among  the  people,  and  he  said  :  "Now 
match  this  throw,  young  men,  if  ye  can.  Soon 
will  I  cast  another  after  it,  as  far,  or  further 
yet.  Nay,  if  any  man  is  so  minded,  let  him  rise 
up  and  contend  with  me,  for  I  will  match  myself 
in  wrestling  or  boxing,  or  even  in  the  race,  with 
any  man  in  Phaeacia,  save  Laodamas  only,  for 
he  is  my  friend.  I  can  shoot  with  the  bow, 
and  only  Philoctetes  could  surpass  me  ;  and  I 
can  cast  a  spear  as  far  as  other  men  can  shoot 
an  arrow.  But  as  for  the  race,  it  may  be  that 


some  one  might  outrun  me,  for  I  have  suffered 
much  on  the  sea." 

But  they  were  all  silent,  till  the  King  stood 
up  and  said :  "  Thou  hast  spoken  well.  But 
we  men  of  Phaeacia  are  not  mighty  to  wrestle 
or  to  box ;  only  we  are  swift  of  foot  and  skilful 
to  sail  upon  the  sea.  And  we  love  feasts,  and 
dances,  and  the  harp,  and  gay  clothing,  and  the 
bath.  In  these  things  no  man  may  surpass  us." 

Then  the  King  bade  Demodocus  the  minstrel 
sing  again.  And  when  he  had  done  so,  the 
King's  two  sons,  Alius  and  Laodamas,  danced 
together ;  and  afterwards  they  played  with  the 
ball,  throwing  it  into  the  air,  cloud  high,  and 
catching  it  right  skilfully. 

And  afterwards  the  King  said :  "  Let  us  each 
give  this  stranger  a  mantle  and  a  tunic  and  a 
talent  of  gold,  and  let  Euryalus  make  his  peace 
with  words  and  with  a  gift." 

And  they  all  (now  there  were  twelve  princes, 
and  Alcinolis  the  thirteenth)  said  that  it  should 
be  so ;  and  Euryalus  also  gave  Ulysses  a 
sword  with  a  hilt  of  silver  and  a  scabbard  of 


When  he  gave  it,  he  said :  "  Hail  to  thee, 
father ;  if  there  hath  been  aught  of  offence  in 
my  words,  may  the  winds  carry  it  away !  And 
now  may  the  gods  grant  to  thee  to  see  again 
thy  wife  and  thy  friends  and  thy  native 
country ! ' 

And  Ulysses  made  answer  to  him :  "  Hail  to 
thee  also,  my  friend !  The  gods  grant  thee  to 
be  happy,  and  never  to  miss  this  sword  that 
thou  hast  given  me ! ' 

Then  all  the  princes  brought  their  gifts. 
And  Alcinolis  said  to  the  Queen :  "  Lady, 
bring  hither  a  coffer,  the  best  that  thou  hast, 
and  put  therein  a  robe  and  a  tunic.  And  I 
will  give  our  guest  a  fair  golden  chalice  of  my 
own  that  he  may  remember  me  all  the  days  of 
his  life,  when  he  poureth  out  libations  to  the 

Then  the  Queen  brought  from  her  chamber 
a  fair  coffer,  and  put  therein  the  gifts  which 
the  princes  had  given ;  also  with  her  own 
hands  she  put  therein  a  robe  and  a  tunic. 
And  she  said :  — 

"  Look  now  to  the  lid,  and  tie  a  knot,  that 


no  man  rob  thee  by  the  way,  when  thou  sleep- 
est  in  the  ship." 

So  Ulysses  fixed  well  the  lid,  and  tied  it 
with  a  cunning  knot  which  Circe  had  taught 

o  o 

him.  After  that  he  went  to  the  bath.  As  he 
came  from  the  bath  Nausicaa  met  him  by  the 
entering  in  of  the  hall,  and  marvelled  at  him, 
so  fair  was  he  to  look  upon.  And  she  spake, 
saying :  "  Stranger,  farewell.  But  when  thou 
comest  to  thine  own  country,  think  upon  me 
once  and  again,  for  indeed  thou  owest  to  me 
the  price  of  thy  life." 

Ulysses  made  answer  to  her,  "  Nausicaa, 
may  Zeus  and  Hera  grant  me  safe  return  to 
my  home,  so  will  I  do  honour  to  thee  as  to  a 
goddess,  forever;  for  indeed  I  owe  thee  my 

Then  he  went  into  the  hall,  and  sat  down  by 
the  side  of  the  King,  and  the  squire  came  lead- 
ing the  blind  minstrel  by  the  hand.  Now 
Ulysses  had  cut  off  a  rich  portion  from  the 
chine  of  a  boar  that  had  been  set  before  him, 
and  he  said  to  the  squire :  "  Take  this  and  give 
it  to  Demodocus.  Verily,  the  minstrel  is  held 


in  honour  by  men,  for  the  Muse  teacheth  him 
and  loveth  him." 

So  the  squire  bare  the  dish,  and  set  it  on 
the  knees  of  the  minstrel,  rejoicing  his  heart. 

When  they  all  had  had  enough  of  food  and 
drink,  then  Ulysses  spake  to  the  minstrel,  say- 
ing :  "  Demodocus,  I  know  not  whether  the 
Muse  hath  taught  thee,  or,  it  may  be,  Apollo, 
but  of  a  truth  thou  singest  all  the  toil  and 
trouble  of  the  Greeks,  that  they  endured  before 
the  great  city  of  Troy,  as  if  thou  hadst  thyself 
been  there.  Come,  now,  sing  to  us  of  the 
Horse  of  Wood  which  Epeius  made  by  the 
counsel  of  Athene',  and  how  Ulysses  contrived 
that  it  should  be  taken  up  into  the  citadel  of 
Troy,  when  he  had  filled  it  with  the  bravest  of 
the  chiefs.  Sing  me  this  aright,  and  I  will 
bear  witness  for  thee  that  thou  art  indeed  a 
minstrel  whom  the  gods  have  taught." 

Then,  by  the  inspiration  of  the  god,  did  the 
minstrel  sing  this  song.  He  told  how  one  part 
of  the  Greeks  set  fire  to  their  camp,  and  em- 
barked upon  their  ships,  and  sailed  away ;  and 
how  the  other  part  —  to  wit,  Ulysses  and  his 


comrades  —  sat  hidden  in  the  Horse  which  the 
men  of  Troy  had  dragged  with  their  own  hands 
into  their  place  of  assembly.  All  about  sat  the 
people,  and  three  counsels  were  given.  The 
first  was  to  cleave  the  wood,  and  the  second  to 
drag  it  to  the  brow  of  the  hill  and  cast  it  down 
thence,  and  the  third  to  leave  it  as  an  offering 
to  the  gods ;  and  the  third  counsel  prevailed, 
for  it  was  the  doom  of  the  city  that  it  should 
perish  through  the  Horse. 

Also  the  minstrel  san^  how  the  chiefs  came 


forth  from  the  Horse,  and  went  through  the 
city,  wasting  it ;  and  how  Ulysses  went  with 
King  Menelalis  to  the  house  of  Dei'phobus, 
making  a  perilous  venture,  but  prevailing  by 
help  of  Athene. 

Thus  did  the  minstrel  sing,  and  the  heart  of 
Ulysses  was  melted  within  him  as  he  listened, 
and  the  tears  ran  down  his  cheeks.  As  a  woman 
throws  herself  upon  the  body  of  her  dear  hus- 
band, who  hath  fallen  fighting  for  his  country, 
and  seeing  him  labouring  for  breath,  for  he  is 
near  to  his  end,  waileth  aloud,  and  the  foemen, 
coming  up  behind,  smite  her  on  her  back  and 


shoulders  with  their  spears,  and  lead  her  away 
into  captivity,  and  her  cheeks  are  wasted  with 
tears,  even  so  fell  the  tears  from  the  eyes  of 

None  of  the  company,  save  King  Alcinous 
only,  marked  how  it  fared  with  him.  Then 
the  King  spake,  saying:  "  Hearken,  ye  princes 
of  the  Phaeacians,  and  let  Demodocus  cease 
from  his  singing,  for  ever  since  he  set  his  hand 
to  the  harp,  this  stranger  hath  not  ceased  to 
•  weep.  Let,  therefore,  the  minstrel  cease,  and 
let  us  make  merry  and  rejoice  as  it  is  fitting  to 
do.  Are  we  not  met  together  that  we  may 
give  gifts  to  this  stranger,  and  send  him  to  his 
home  ?  Verily,  the  stranger  and  the  suppliant 
are  as  a  brother  to  any  one  that  is  not  alto- 
gether a  fool.  And  hide  not  thou,  stranger, 
from  us  aught  that  I  shall  ask  thee.  Tell  us 
by  what  name  they  call  thee  at  home,  for  no 
man,  be  he  noble  or  of  mean  estate,  lacketh  a 
name;  this  his  parents  give  him  at  the  first 
hour  of  his  birth.  Tell  us  also  of  thy  land  and 
thy  city,  that  our  ships  may  shape  their  course 
to  take  thee  thither.  For  these  are  not  as  the 


ships  of  other  men,  that  have  steersmen  and 
rudders.  They  have  an  understanding  of  their 
own,  and  know  all  the  cities  of  men,  and  they 
pass  over  the  deep,  covered  with  cloud,  and 
have  no  fear  of  wreck.  But  my  father  was 
wont  to  say  that  Poseidon  bore  a  grudge 
against  us  because  we  carry  all  men  safely  to 
their  homes ;  and  that  one  day  he  would  smite 
a  ship  of  ours  as  it  came  home  from  such  an 
errand,  changing  it  to  a  rock  that  should  over- 

o      o 

shadow  our  city.  Let  the  god  do  so  or  forbear 
as  he  will !  But  thou,  stranger,  tell  us  of  thy- 
self,—  whither  thou  hast  \vandered,  and  what 
cities  thou  hast  seen,  be  they  cities  of  the  un- 
righteous, or  cities  of  them  that  are  hospitable 
to  strangers  and  fear  the  gods.  Tell  us,  too, 

o  .        o 

why  thou  didst  weep  at  hearing  of  the  tale  of 
Troy.  Hadst  thou,  perchance,  kinsman,  or 
kinsman  by  marriage,  or  friend  —  for  a  wise 

j  O 

friend  is  ever  as  a  brother  —  among  those  that 
perished  at  Troy  ? ' 





THEN  Ulysses  answered  the  King,  saying: 
"  What  shall  I  tell  thee  first,  and  what  last,  for 
many  sorrows  have  the  gods  laid  upon  me  ? 
First,  I  will  tell  my  name,  that  ye  may  know  it, 
and  that  there  may  be  friendship  between  us, 
even  when  I  shall  be  far  away.  I  am  ULYSSES, 
SON  OF  LAERTES.  In  Ithaca  I  dwell.  Many 
islands  lie  about  it,  but  Ithaca  is  furthest  to  the 
west,  and  the  others  face  the  sun-rising.  Very 
ruo^ed  is  this  island  of  Ithaca,  but  it  is  the 


mother  of  brave  men ;  verily,  there  is  nothing 
dearer  to  a  man  than  his  own  country.  Calypso, 
the  fair  goddess,  would  have  had  me  abide 
with  her,  to  be  her  husband;  so  also  would 


Circe  of  the  many  wiles;  but  they  did  not  pre- 
vail, because  there  is  nothing  that  a  man  loves 


more  than  his  country  and  his  parents.      But 


now  I  will  tell  thee  of  all  the  troubles  that  the 
gods  laid  upon  me  as  I  journeyed  from  Troy. 

"  The  wind  that  bare  me  from  Troy  brought 
me  to  Ismarus,  which  is  a  city  of  the  Cicones. 
This  I  sacked,  slaying  the  people  that  dwelt 
therein.  Much  spoil  did  we  take  out  of  the 
city,  dividing  it  among  the  people,  so  that  each 
man  had  his  share.  And  when  we  had  done 
this,  I  commanded  my  men  that  they  should 
depart  with  all  speed ;  but  they,  in  their  folly, 
would  not  hear  me.  For  there  was  much  wine 
to  drink,  and  sheep  and  kine  to  slay ;  therefore 
they  sat  on  the  shore  and  feasted.  Meanwhile 
the  people  of  the  city  fetched  others,  their  kins- 
men that  dwelt  in  the  mountains,  and  were 
more  in  number  and  more  valiant  than  they, 
and  skilful  in  all  manner  of  fighting.  In  the 
early  morning  they  assembled  themselves  to- 
gether, thick  as  the  flowers  and  the  leaves  that 
grow  in  the  springtime,  and  set  the  battle  in 
array.  Then  we  fought  with  them ;  while  the 
day  waxed  we  prevailed  over  them,  and  beat 
them  back,  though  they  were  more  in  number 
than  we ;  but  when  the  sun  was  descending  in 


the  heavens,  then  the  Cicones  overcame  us, 
and  drave  us  to  our  ships.  Six  from  each  ship 
perished,  but  the  remnant  of  us  escaped  from 

"  Then  we  sailed,  stricken  with  grief  for  our 
dear  comrades,  yet  rejoicing  that  we  had 
escaped  from  destruction.  Yet,  before  we  set 
sail,  we  called  each  man  that  had  fallen  in  the 
battle  by  his  name  three  times.  When  we  had 
sailed  a  little  space,  Zeus  sent  the  north  wind 
against  us  with  a  mighty  storm,  covering  with 
clouds  both  land  and  sea,  and  the  ships  were 
driven  before  it.  So  we  lowered  the  sails,  and 
rowed  the  ships  to  the  land  with  all  our  might. 
For  two  days  we  endured  much  distress  and 
sorrow,  but  on  the  third,  when  the  morning 
light  appeared,  we  hoisted  the  sails  and  rested. 
Then  had  I  come  to  my  own  country,  but  the 
north  wind  and  the  sea  drave  me  from  my 
course,  so  that  I  was  carried  past  Cythera. 
For  nine  days  did  the  wind  carry  us  before  it. 

"  And  on  the  tenth  day  we  came  to  the  land 
where  the  lotus  grows  —  a  wondrous  fruit,  of 
which  whosoever  eats  cares  not  to  see  country 

THE   CYCLOPS.  103 

or  wife   or  children   asrain.     Now   the    Lotus- 


eaters,  for  so  they  called  the  people  of  the  land, 
were  a  kindly  folk,  and  gave  of  the  fruit  to 
some  of  the  sailors,  not  meaning  them  any 
harm,  but  thinking  it  to  be  the  best  that  they 
had  to  give.  These,  when  they  had  eaten,  said 
that  they  would  not  sail  any  more  over  the  sea; 
which,  when  I  heard,  I  bade  their  comrades 
bind  them  and  carry  them,  sadly  complaining, 
to  the  ships. 

"  Then,  the  wind  having  abated,  we  took  to 
our  oars,  and  rowed  for  many  days  till  we  came 
to  the  country  where  the'  Cyclopes  dwell. 
Now  a  mile  or  so  from  the  shore  there  was  an 
island,  very  fair  and  fertile,  but  no  man  dwells 
there  or  tills  the  soil,  and  in  the  island  a  har- 
bour where  a  ship  may  be  safe  from  all  winds, 
and  at  the  head  of  the  harbour  a  stream  falling 


from  a  rock,  and  whispering  alders  all  about  it. 
Into  this  the  ships  passed  safely,  and  were 
hauled  up  on  the  beach,  and  the  crews  slept  by 
them,  waiting  for  the  morning. 

"  When  the  dawn  appeared,  then  we  wan- 
dered through  the  island ;  and  the  Nymphs  of 


the  land  started  the  wild  goats  that  my  com- 
pany might  have  food  to  eat.  Thereupon  we 
took  our  bows  and  our  spears  from  the  ships, 
and  shot  at  the  goats ;  and  the  gods  gave  us 
plenty  of  prey.  Twelve  ships  I  had  in  my 
company,  and  each  ship  had  nine  goats  for 
their  share,  and  my  own  portion  was  ten. 

"  Then  all  the  day  we  sat  and  feasted,  drink- 
ing the  sweet  wine  which  we  had  taken  from 
the  city  of  the  Cicones,  and  eating  the  flesh  of 
the  goats ;  and  as  we  sat  we  looked  across  to 
the  land  of  the  Cyclops,  seeing  the  smoke  and 
hearing  the  voices  of  the  men  and  of  the  sheep 
and  of  the  goats.  And  when  the  sun  set  and 
darkness  came  over  the  land,  we  lay  down 
upon  the  seashore  and  slept. 

"  The  next  day  I  gathered  my  men  together, 
and  said,  '  Abide  ye  here,  dear  friends ;  I  with 
my  own  ship  and  my  own  company  will  go 
and  make  trial  of  the  folk  that  dwell  in  yonder 
island,  whether  they  are  just  or  unjust/ 

"  So  I  climbed  into  my  ship,  and  bade  my 
company  follow  me :  so  we  came  to  the  land  of 
the  Cyclops.  Close  to  the  shore  was  a  cave, 


with  laurels  round  about  the  mouth.  This  was 
the  dwelling  of  the  Cyclops.  Alone  he  dwelt, 
a  creature  without  law.  Nor  was  he  like  to 
mortal  men,  but  rather  to  some  wooded  peak 
of  the  hills  that  stands  out  apart  from  all  the 

"  Then  I  bade  the  rest  of  my  comrades 
abide  by  the  ship,  and  keep  it,  but  I  took 
twelve  men,  the  bravest  that  there  were  in  the 
crew,  and  went  forth.  I  had  with  me  a  goat- 
skin full  of  the  wine,  dark  red,  and  sweet,  which 
the  priest  of  Apollo  at  Ismarus  had  given 
me.  Because  we  kept  him  and  his  wife  and 
child  from  harm  when  we  sacked  the  city, 
reverencing  the  eod,  therefore  did  he  give  it 

o  o  o 

me.  Three  things  did  he  give  me,  —  seven 
talents  of  gold,  and  a  mixing-bowl  of  silver, 
and  of  wine  twelve  jars.  So  precious  was  it 
that  none  in  his  house  knew  of  it  saving  him- 


self  and  his  wife  and  one  dame  that  kept  the 
house.  When  they  drank  of  it  they  mixed 
twenty  measures  of  water  with  one  of  wine, 
and  the  smell  that  went  up  from  it  was  won- 
drous sweet.  No  man  could  easily  refrain 


from  drinking  it.  With  this  wine  I  filled  a 
great  skin  and  bore  it  with  me ;  also  I  bare 
corn  in  a  wallet,  for  my  heart  within  me  boded 
that  I  should  need  it. 

"  So  we  entered  the  cave,  and  judged  that  it 
was  the  dwelling  of  some  rich  and  skilful  shep- 
herd. For  within  there  were  pens  for  the 
young  of  the  sheep  and  of  the  goats,  divided 
all  according  to  their  ao;e,  and  there  were  bas- 

o  o 

kets  full  of  cheeses,  and  full  milkpails  ranged 
along  the  wall.  But  the  Cyclops  himself  was 
away  in  the  pastures.  Then  my  companions 
besought  me  that  I  would  depart,  taking  with 
me,  if  I  would,  a  store  of  cheeses  and  sundry 
of  the  lambs  and  of  the  kids.  But  I  would 
not,  for  I  wished  to  see,  after  my  wont,  what 
manner  of  host  this  strange  shepherd  might 
be,  and,  if  it  might  be,  to  take  a  gift  from  his 
hand,  such  as  is  the  due  of  strangers.  Verily, 
his  coming  was  not  to  be  a  joy  to  my  company. 
"  It  was  evening  when  the  Cyclops  came 
home,  a  mighty  giant,  very  tall  of  stature,  and 
when  we  saw  him  we  fled  into  the  secret 
place  of  the  cave  in  great  fear.  On  his  shoul- 


der  he  bore  a  vast  bundle  of  pine  logs  for  his 
fire,  and  threw  them  down  outside  the  cave 
with  a  great  crash,  and  drove  the  flocks  within, 
and  closed  the  entrance  with  a  huge  rock, 
which  twenty  wagons  and  more  could  not 
bear.  Then  he  milked  the  ewes  and  all  the 
she-goats,  and  half  of  the  milk  he  curdled  for 
cheese,  and  half  he  set  ready  for  himself,  when 
he  should  sup.  Next  he  kindled  a  fire  with 
the  pine  logs,  and  the  flame  lighted  up  all  the 
cave,  showing  to  him  both  me  and  my  comrades. 

"  '  Who  are  ye  ? '  cried  Polyphemus,  for  that 
was  the  giant's  name.  '  Are  ye  traders,  or, 
haply,  pirates  ? ' 

"  I  shuddered  at  the  dreadful  voice  and 
shape,  but  bare  me  bravely,  and  answered : 
4  We  are  no  pirates,  mighty  sir,  but  Greeks 
sailing  back  from  Troy,  and  subjects  of  the 
great  King  Agamemnon,  whose  fame  is  spread 
from  one  end  of  heaven  to  the  other.  And  we 
are  come  to  beg  hospitality  of  thee  in  the 
name  of  Zeus,  who  rewards  or  punishes  hosts 
and  guests,  according  as  they  be  faithful  the 
one  to  the  other,  or  no.' 


" '  Nay,'  said  the  giant ;  '  it  is  but  idle  talk  to 
tell  me  of  Zeus  and  the  other  gods.  We 
Cyclopes  take  no  account  of  gods,  holding 
ourselves  to  be  much  better  and  stronger  than 
they.  But  come,  tell  me  where  have  you  left 
your  ship  ? ' 

"  But    I    saw   his    thought   when    he    asked 


about  the  ship,  how  he  was  minded  to  break  it, 
and  take  from  us  all  hope  of  flight.  Therefore 
I  answered  him  craftily :  — 

"  '  Ship  have  we  none,  for  that  which  was 
ours  King  Poseidon  brake,  driving  it  on  a 
jutting  rock  on  this  coast,  and  we  whom  thou 
seest  are  all  that  are  escaped  from  the  waves.' 

"  Polyphemus  answered  nothing,  but  with- 
out more  ado  caught  up  two  of  the  men,  as  a 
man  might  catch  up  the  whelps  of  a  dog,  and 
dashed  them  on  the  ground,  and  tare  them 
limb  from  limb,  and  devoured  them,  with  huge 
draughts  of  milk  between,  leaving  not  a  mor- 
sel, not  even  the  very  bones.  But  we  that 
were  left,  when  we  saw  the  dreadful  deed, 
could  only  weep  and  pray  to  Zeus  for  help. 
And  when  the  giant  had  filled  his  maw  with 


THE  CYCLOPS.  1 09 

human  flesh  and  with  the  milk  of  the  flocks, 
he  lay  down  among  his  sheep  and  slept. 

"  Then  I  questioned  much  in  my  heart 
whether  I  should  slay  the  monster  as  he  slept, 
for  I  doubted  not  that  my  good  sword  would 
pierce  to  the  giant's  heart,  mighty  as  he  was. 
But  my  second  thought  kept  me  back,  for  I 
remembered  that,  should  I  slay  him,  I  and  my 
comrades  would  yet  perish  miserably.  For 
who  should  move  away  the  great  rock  that  lay 
against  the  door  of  the  cave  ?  So  we  waited 
till  the  morning,  with  grief  in  our  hearts. 
And  the  monster  woke,  and  milked  his  flocks, 
and  afterwards,  seizing  two  men,  devoured 
them  for  his  meal.  Then  he  went  to  the 
pastures,  but  put  the  great  rock  on  the  mouth 
of  the  cave,  just  as  a  man  puts  down  the  lid 
upon  his  quiver. 

"  All  that  day  I  was  thinking  what  I  might 
best  do  to  save  myself  and  my  companions, 
and  the  end  of  my  thinking  was  this  :  there 
was  a  mighty  pole  in  the  cave,  green  wood  of 
an  olive  tree,  big  as  a  ship's  mast,  which  Poly- 
phemus purposed  to  use,  when  the  smoke 


should  have  dried  it,  as  a  walking-staff.  Of 
this  I  cut  off  a  fathom's  length,  and  my  com- 
rades sharpened  it  and  hardened  it  in  the  fire, 
and  then  hid  it  away.  At  evening  the  giant 
came  back,  and  drove  his  sheep  into  the  cave, 
nor  left  the  rams  outside,  as  he  had  been  wront  to 
do  before,  but  shut  them  in.  And  having  duly 
done  his  shepherd's  work,  he  took,  as  before,  two 
of  my  comrades,  and  devoured  them.  And  when 
he  had  finished  his  supper,  I  came  forward, 
holding  the  wine-skin  in  my  hand,  and  said  :  — 

" '  Drink,  Cyclops,  now  that  thou  hast  feasted. 
Drink,  and  see  what  precious  things  we  had  in 
our  ship.  But  no  one  hereafter  will  come  to 
thee  with  such  like,  if  thou  dealest  with  stran- 
gers as  cruelly  as  thou  hast  dealt  with  us.' 

"  Then  the  Cyclops  drank,  and  was  mightily 
pleased,  and  said  :  '  Give  me  again  to  drink, 
and  tell  me  thy  name,  stranger,  and  I  will  give 
thee  a  saft  such  as  a  host  should  oive.  In  good 

C_7  t_y  £J 

truth  this  is  a  rare  liquor.  We,  too,  have  vines, 
but  they  bear  not  wine  like  this,  which,  indeed, 
must  be  such  as  the  o;ods  drink  in  heaven.' 


"  Then   I  gave  him  the  cup   again,  and  he 










drank.  Thrice  I  gave  it  to  him,  and  thrice  he 
drank,  not  knowing  what  it  was,  and  how  it 
would  work  within  his  brain. 

"  Then  I  spake  to  him :  '  Thou  didst  ask  my 
name,  Cyclops.  My  name  is  No  Man.  And 
now  that  thou  knowest  my  name,  thou  shouldest 
give  me  thy  gift.' 

"  And  he  said  :  «  My  gift  shall  be  that  I  will 
eat  thee  last  of  all  thy  company.' 

"  And  as  he  spake,  he  fell  back  in  a  drunken 
sleep.  Then  I  bade  my  comrades  be  of  good 
courage,  for  the  time  was  come  when  they 
should  be  delivered.  And  they  thrust  the 
stake  of  olive  wood  into  the  fire  till  it  was 
ready,  green  as  it  was,  to  burst  into  flame, 
and  they  thrust  it  into  the  monster's  eye  ;  for 
he  had  but  one  eye,  and  that  in  the  midst  of 
his  forehead,  with  the  eyebrow  below  it.  And 
I,  standing  above,  leant  with  all  my  force  upon 
the  stake,  and  turned  it  about,  as  a  man  bores 
the  timber  of  a  ship  with  a  drill.  And  the 
burning  wood  hissed  in  the  eye,  just  as  the 
red-hot  iron  hisses  in  the  water  when  a  man 
seeks  .to  temper  steel  for  a  sword. 


"  Then  the  giant  leapt  up,  and  tore  away  the 
stake,  and  cried  aloud,  so  that  all  the  Cyclopes 
who  dwelt  on  the  mountain-side  heard  him  and 
came  about  his  cave,  asking  him  :  '  What  aileth 
thee,  Polyphemus,  that  thou  makest  this  uproar 
in  the  peaceful  night,  driving  away  sleep  ?  Is 
any  one  robbing  thee  of  thy  sheep,  or  seeking 
to  slay  thee  by  craft  or  force  ? ' 

"  And  the  giant  answered,  '  No  Man  slays 
me  by  craft; 


"  '  Nay,  but/  they  said,  '  if  no  man  does  thee 
wrong,  we  cannot  help  thee.  The  sickness 
which  great  Zeus  may  send,  who  can  avoid  ? 
Pray  to  our  father,  Poseidon,  for  help.' 

"So  they  spake,  and  I  laughed  in  my  heart 
when  I  saw  how  I  had  beguiled  them  by  the 
name  that  I  had  given. 

"  But  the  Cyclops  rolled  away  the  great 
stone  from  the  door  of  the  cave,  and  sat  in  the 
midst,  stretching  out  his  hands,  to  feel  whether 
perchance  the  men  within  the  cave  would  seek 
to  LTO  out  amonsr  the  sheep. 

O  O  -l 

"  Lon^  did  I  think  how  I  and  my  comrades 

O  -I 

should  best  escape.     At  last  I  lighted  upon  a 


device  that  seemed  better  than  all  the  rest,  and 
much  I  thanked  Zeus  for  that  this  once  the 
giant  had  driven  the  rams  with  the  other  sheep 
into  the  cave.  For,  these  being  great  and 
strong,  I  fastened  my  comrades  under  the 
bellies  of  the  beasts,  tying  them  with  osier 
twigs,  of  which  the  giant  made  his  bed.  One 
ram  I  took,  and  fastened  a  man  beneath  it, 
and  two  others  I  set,  one  on  either  side.  So  I 
did  with  the  six,  for  but  six  were  left  out  of  the 
twelve  who  had  ventured  with  me  from  the 
ship.  And  there  was  one  mighty  ram,  far 
larger  than  all  the  others,  and  to  this  I  clung, 
grasping  the  fleece  tight  with  both  my  hands. 
So  we  all  waited  for  the  morning.  And  when 
the  morning  came,  the  rams  rushed  forth  to 
the  pasture;  but  the  giant  sat  in  the  door  and 
felt  the  back  of  each  as  it  went  by,  nor  thought 
to  try  what  might  be  underneath.  Last  of  all 
went  the  great  ram.  And  the  Cyclops  knew 
him  as  he  passed,  and  said :  — 

"  '  How  is  this,  thou,  who  art  the  leader  of 
the  flock  ?      Thou   art   not  wont   thus   to   la^ 


behind.       Thou  hast  always  been  the  first  to 


run  to  the  pastures  and  streams  in  the  morn- 
ing, and  the  first  to  come  back  to  the  fold 
when  evening  fell ;  and  now  thou  art  last  of 
all.  Perhaps  thou  art  troubled  about  thy  mas- 
ter's eye,  which  some  wretch  —  No  Man,  they 
call  him — has  destroyed,  having  first  mastered 
me  with  wine.  He  has  not  escaped,  I  ween. 
I  would  that  thou  couldest  speak,  and  tell  me 
where  he  is  lurking.  Of  a  truth,  I  would  dash 
out  his  brains  upon  the  ground,  and  avenge  me 
of  this  No  Man.' 

"  So  speaking,  he  let  the  ram  pass  out  of  the 
cave.  But  when  we  were  now  out  of  reach  of 
the  giant,  I  loosed  my  hold  of  the  ram,  and 
then  unbound  my  comrades.  And  we  has- 
tened to  our  ship,  not  forgetting  to  drive  the 
sheep  before  us,  and  often  looking  back  till  we 
came  to  the  seashore.  Right  glad  were  those 
that  had  abode  by  the  ship  to  see  us.  Nor  did 
they  lament  for  those  that  had  died,  though 
we  were  fain  to  do  so,  for  I  forbade,  fearing 
lest  the  noise  of  their  weeping  should  betray 
us  to  the  giant,  where  we  were.  Then  we  all 
climbed  into  the  ship,  and  sitting  well  in  order 


on  the  benches  smote  the  sea  with  our  oars, 
laying  to  right  lustily,  that  we  might  the  sooner 
get  away  from  the  accursed  land.  And  when 
we  had  rowed  a  hundred  yards  or  so,  so  that 
a  man's  voice  could  yet  be  heard  by  one  who 
stood  upon  the  shore,  I  stood  up  in  the  ship 
and  shouted :  — 

"'He  was  no  coward,  O  Cyclops,  whose 
comrades  thou  didst  so  foully  slay  in  thy  den. 
Justly  art  thou  punished,  monster,  that  devour- 
est  thy  guests  in  thy  dwelling.  May  the  gods 
make  thee  suffer  yet  worse  things  than  these ! ' 

"  Then  the  Cyclops  in  his  wrath  brake  off 
the  top  of  a  great  hill,  a  mighty  rock,  and 


hurled  it  where  he  had  heard  the  voice.  Right 
in  front  of  the  ship's  bow  it  fell,  and  a  great 
wave  rose  as  it  sank,  and  washed  the  ship 
back  to  the  shore.  But  I  seized  a  long  pole 
with  both  hands,  and  pushed  the  ship  from 
the  land,  and  bade  my  comrades  ply  their 
oars,  nodding  with  my  head,  for  I  would  not 
speak,  lest  the  Cyclops  should  know  where 
we  were.  Then  they  rowed  with  all  their 
might  and  main. 


"  And  when  we  had  gotten  twice  as  far  as 


before,  I  made  as  if  I  would  speak  again ;  but 
my  comrades  sought  to  hinder  me,  saying: 
'  Nay,  my  lord,  anger  not  the  giant  any  more. 
Surely  we  thought  before  we  were  lost,  when 
he  threw  the  great  rock,  and  washed  our  ship 
back  to  the  shore.  And  if  he  hear  thee  now, 
he  may  crush  our  ship  and  us,  for  the  man 
throws  a  mighty  bolt,  and  throws  it  far.' 

"  But  I  would  not  be  persuaded,  but  stood 
up  and  said :  '  Hear,  Cyclops  !  If  any  man  ask 
who  blinded  thee,  say  that  it  was  the  warrior 
Ulysses,  son  of  Laertes,  dwelling  in  Ithaca.' 

"  And  the  Cyclops  answered  with  a  groan : 
'  Of  a  truth,  the  old  oracles  are  fulfilled ;  for 
long  ago  there  came  to  this  land  one  Telemus, 
a  prophet,  and  dwelt  among  us  even  to  old 
age.  This  man  foretold  to  me  that  one 
Ulysses  would  rob  me  of  my  sight.  But  I 
looked  for  a  great  man  and  a  strong,  who 
should  subdue  me  by  force,  and  now  a  weak- 
ling has  done  the  deed,  having  cheated  me 
with  wine.  But  come  thou  hither,  Ulysses, 
and  I  will  be  a  host  indeed  to  thee.  Or,  at 


least,  may  Poseidon  give  thee  such  a  voyage 
to  thy  home  as  I  would  wish  thee  to  have. 
For  know  that  Poseidon  is  my  sire.  May  be 
that  he  may  heal  me  of  my  grievous  wound.' 

"  And  I  said,  '  Would  to  God  I  could  send 
thee  down  to  the  abode  of  the  dead,  where 
thou  wouldest  be  past  all  healing,  even  from 
Poseidon's  self.' 

"  Then  the  Cyclops  lifted  up  his  hands  to 
Poseidon  and  prayed :  '  Hear  me,  Poseidon,  if 
I  am  indeed  thy  son  and  thou  my  father. 
May  this  Ulysses  never  reach  his  home !  or, 
if  the  Fates  have  ordered  that  he  should  reach 
it,  may  he  come  alone,  all  his  comrades  lost, 
and  come  to  find  sore  trouble  in  his  house ! ' 

"  And  as  he  ended,  he  hurled  another  mighty 
rock,  which  almost  lighted  on  the  rudder's  end, 
yet  missed  it  as  by  a  hair's  breadth.  And  the 
wave  that  it  raised  was  so  great  that  it  bare 
us  to  the  other  shore. 

"  So  we  came  to  the  island  of  the  wild  goats, 
where  we  found  our  comrades,  who,  indeed, 
had  waited  long  for  us  in  sore  fear  lest  we  had 
perished.  Then  I  divided  amongst  my  com- 


pany  all  the  sheep  which  we  had  taken  from 
the  Cyclops.  And  all,  with  one  consent,  gave 
me  for  my  share  the  great  ram  which  had 
carried  me  out  of  the  cave,  and  I  sacrificed  it 
to  Zeus.  And  all  that  day  we  feasted  right 
merrily  on  the  flesh  of  sheep  and  on  sweet 
wine,  and  when  the  night  was  come,  we  lay 
down  upon  the  shore  and  slept. 




"  THE  next  morning  we  set  sail,  and  came, 
after  a  while,  to  the  island  where  dwelleth 
/Eolus.  A  floating  island  it  is,  and  it  hath 
about  it  an  unbroken  wall  of  bronze,  and  the 
cliff  runs  up  sheer  from  the  sea.  Twelve  chil- 
dren hath  ^Eolus,  six  sons  and  six  daughters, 
and  they  dwell  with  him  and  feast  with  him  and 
their  mother  day  by  day.  For  a  whole  month 
did  the  King  entertain  me  in  right  friendly 
fashion,  and  I  told  him  in  order  the  whole 
story  of  the  things  that  had  been  done  at  Troy. 

"  Afterwards  I  told  him  of  my  journey,  and 
asked  help  of  him.  This  he  denied  not,  but 
gave  me  the  skin  of  an  ox  nine  years  old,  in 
which  he  had  bound  all  the  winds  that  were 
contrary  to  me,  for  Zeus  hath  made  him 
keeper  of  the  winds,  that  he  may  rouse  them 


or  put  them  to  rest  as  he  will.  This  wallet  of 
ox-hide  he  bound  fast  to  the  deck  of  the  ship 
with  a  thong  of  silver,  that  not  a  wind  might 
escape  from  it.  But  he  let  a  gentle  west  wind 
blow,  that  it  might  carry  me  and  my  comrades 
to  our  home.  For  nine  days  it  blew,  and  now 
we  were  near  to  Ithaca,  our  country,  so  that 
we  saw  the  men  that  tended  the  beacon-lights, 
for  it  was  now  near  to  the  dawn  on  the  tenth 

"  But  now,  by  an  ill  chance,  I  fell  asleep, 
being  wholly  wearied  out,  for  I  had  held  the 
helm  for  nine  days,  nor  trusted  it  to  any  of  my 
comrades.  And  while  I  slept  my  comrades, 
who  had  cast  eyes  of  envy  on  the  great  ox- 
hide, said  one  to  another :  — 

" '  Strange  it  is   how  men   love  and  honour 


this  Ulysses  whithersoever  he  goes.  And  now 
he  comes  back  from  Troy  with  much  spoil,  but 
we  with  empty  hands.  Let  us  see  what  it  is 
that  ^Eolus  hath  sfiven  him,  for  doubtless  in 


this  ox-hide  is  much  silver  and  £old. 


"  So  they  loosed  the  great  bag  of  ox-hide, 
and  lo !  all  the  winds  rushed  out,  and  carried 


us  far  away  from  our  country.  But  I,  waking 
with  the  tumult,  doubted  much  whether  I 
should  not  throw  myself  into  the  sea  and  so 
die.  But  I  endured,  thinking  it  better  to  live. 
Only  I  veiled  my  face  and  so  lay  still  while  the 
ships  drave  before  the  winds,  till  we  came 
again  to  the  island  of  yEolus.  Then  we 
landed,  and  fetched  water,  and  ate  our  meal  by 
the  side  of  our  ships.  And  when  our  meal 
was  ended,  I  took  a  herald  and  one  of  my  com- 
pany, and  went  to  the  palace  of  the  King,  and 
found  him  feasting  with  his  wife  and  children, 


and  I  sat  down  on  the  threshold.  Much  did 
they  wonder  to  see  me,  saying,  '  What  evil 
power  has  hindered  thee,  that  thou  didst  not 
reach  thy  country  and  home  ? ' 

"  Then  I  answered  :  '  Blame  not  me,  but  the 
evil  counsels  of  my  comrades,  and  sleep,  which 
mastered  me  to  my  hurt.  But  do  ye  help  me 


"  But  he  said,  '  Begone !  we  may  not  help 
him  wrhom  the  gods  hate  ;  and  hated  of  them 
thou  surely  art.' 

"  So  v^Eolus  sent  me  away.     Then  again  we 


launched  our  ships  and  set  forth,  toiling  wear- 
ily at  the  oars,  and  sad  at  heart. 

"  Six  days  we  rowed,  nor  rested  at  night ; 
and  on  the  seventh  we  came  to  Lamos,  which 
was  a  city  of  the  Lasstrygons,  in  whose  land 
the  night  is  as  the  day,  so  that  a  man  might 
earn  double  wage,  if  only  he  wanted  not  sleep 
—  shepherd  by  day  and  herdsman  by  night. 
There  was  a  fair  haven  with  cliffs  about  it,  and 
a  narrow  mouth  with  great  rocks  on  either  side. 
And  within  are  no  waves,  but  always  calm. 

"  Now  I  made  fast  my  ship  to  the  rocks  that 
were  without,  but  the  others  entered  the  haven. 
Then  I  sent  two  men,  and  a  herald  with  them, 
and  these  came  upon  a  smooth  road  by  which 
wagons  brought  down  wood  from  the  moun- 
tain to  the  city.  Here  they  met  a  maiden,  the 
stalwart  daughter  of  Antiphates,  King  of  the 
land,  and  asked  of  her  who  was  lord  of  that 
country.  Whereupon  she  showed  them  her 
father's  lofty  palace.  And  they,  entering  this, 
saw  the  maiden's  mother,  big  as  a  mountain, 
horrible  to  behold,  who  straightway  called  to 
Antiphates,  her  husband.  The  messengers, 

AEOLUS',    THE  L&STRYGONS  i    CIRCE.  123 

indeed,  fled  to  the  ships  ;  but  he  made  a  great 
shout,  and  the  Laestrygons  came  flocking  about 
him,  giants,  not  men.  And  these  broke  off 
great  stones  from  the  cliffs,  each  stone  as  much 
as  a  man  could  carry,  and  cast  them  at  the 
ships,  so  that  they  were  broken.  And  the 
men  they  speared,  as  if  they  were  fishes,  and 
devoured  them.  So  it  happened  to  all  the 
ships  in  the  haven.  I  only  escaped,  for  I  cut 
the  hawser  with  my  sword,  and  bade  my  men 
ply  their  oars,  which  indeed  they  did  right  will- 

"  After  awhile  we  came  to  the  island  of 
/Easa,  where  Circe  dwelt,  who  is  the  daughter 
of  the  Sun.  Two  days  and  nights  we  lay  upon 
the  shore  in  great  trouble  and  sorrow.  On  the 
third  I  took  my  spear  and  sword  and  climbed 
a  hill  that  there  was,  for  I  wished  to  see  to 
what  manner  of  land  we  had  come.  And 
having  climbed  it,  I  saw  the  smoke  rising  from 
the  palace  of  Circe,  where  it  stood  in  the  midst 
of  a  wood.  Then  I  thought  awhile  :  should  I 
go  straightway  to  the  palace  that  I  saw,  or  first 
return  to  my  comrades  on  the  shore.  And  it 


seemed  the  better  counsel  to  go  to  the  ship 
and  bid  my  comrades  make  their  midday  meal, 
and  afterwards  send  them  to  search  out  the 
place.  But  as  I  went,  some  god  took  pity  on 
me,  and  sent  a  great  stag,  with  mighty  antlers, 
across  my  path.  The  stag  was  going  down  to 
the  river  to  drink,  for  indeed  the  sun  was  now 
hot ;  and  casting  my  spear  at  it  I  pierced  it 
through.  Then  I  fastened  together  the  feet 

<D  O 

with   screen  withes    and  a  fathom's    length    of 

o  o 

rope,  and  slinging  the  beast  round  my  neck,  so 
carried  it  to  the  ship,  leaning  on  my  spear  ; 
for  indeed  it  was  heavy  to  bear,  nor  was  it 
possible  for  me  to  carry  it  on  my  shoulder  with 
one  hand.  And  when  I  was  come  to  the  ship, 
I  cast  down  my  burden.  Now  the  men  were 
sitting  with  their  faces  muffled,  so  sad  were 


they.  But  when  I  bade  them  be  of  good 
cheer,  they  looked  up  and  marvelled  at  the 
great  stag.  And  all  that  day  we  feasted  on 
deer's  flesh  and  sweet  wine,  and  at  night  lay 
down  to  sleep  on  the  shore.  But  when  morn- 
ing was  come,  I  called  my  comrades  together, 
and  spake :  '  I  know  not,  friends,  where  we 


are.  Only  I  know,  having  seen  smoke  yester- 
day from  the  hill,  that  there  is  a  dwelling  in 
this  island. 

"  It  troubled  the  men  much  to  hear  this,  for 
they  thought  of  the  Cyclops  and  of  the  Laes- 
trygons  ;  and  they  wailed  aloud,  but  there  was 
no  counsel  in  them.  Wherefore  I  divided 
them  into  two  companies.  I  set  Eurylochus 
over  the  one  and  I  myself  took  command  of 
the  other,  and  I  shook  lots  in  a  helmet  who 
should  go  and  search  out  the  island,  and  the 
lot  of  Eurylochus  leapt  out.  So  he  went,  and 
comrades  twenty  and  two  with  him.  And  in 
an  open  space  in  the  wood  they  found  the 
palace  of  Circe.  All  about  were  wolves  and 
lions  ;  yet  these  harmed  not  the  men,  but  stood 
up  on  their  hind  legs,  fawning  upon  them,  as 
dogs  fawn  upon  their  master  when  he  comes 
from  his  meal,  because  he  brings  the  fragments 
with  him  that  they  love.  And  the  men  were 
afraid.  And  they  stood  in  the  porch  and  heard 
the  voice  of  Circe  as  she  sang  with  a  lovely 
voice  and  plied  the  loom.  Then  said  Polites, 
who  was  dearest  of  all  my  comrades  to  me,  in 


whom  also  I  most  trusted  :  '  Some  one  within 
plies  a  great  loom,  and  sings  with  a  loud  voice. 
Some  goddess  is  she,  or  woman.  Let  us  make 
haste  and  call.' 

"  So  they  called  to  her,  and  she  came  out 
and  beckoned  to  them  that  they  should  follow. 
So  they  went,  in  their  folly.  And  she  bade 
them  sit,  and  mixed  for  them  a  mess,  red  wine, 
and  in  it  barley-meal  and  cheese  and  honey, 
and  mighty  drugs  withal,  of  which,  if  a  man 
drank,  he  forgot  all  that  he  loved.  And  when 
they  had  drunk  she  smote  them  with  her  wand. 
And  lo  !  they  had  of  a  sudden  the  heads  and 
the  voices  and  the  bristles  of  swine,  but  the 
heart  of  a  man  was  in  them  still.  And  Circe 
shut  them  in  sties,  and  gave  them  mast  and 
acorns  and  cornel  to  eat. 

"  But  Eurylochus  fled  back  to  the  ship, 
bringing  tidings  of  what  had  befallen  his  com- 
rades. For  a  time  he  could  not  speak  a  word, 
so  full  was  his  heart  of  grief,  and  his  eyes  of 
tears.  But,  at  last,  when  we  had  asked  him 
many  questions,  he  told  us  this  tale,  saying : 
'We  went  through  the  wood,  as  thou  badest 


us ;  and  in  the  midst  of  the  glades  we  found 
a  house,  very  fair,  builded  of  polished  stone. 
And  one  within  wove  at  a  great  loom,  singing 
with  a  clear  voice,  but  whether  she  was  a  god- 
dess or  a  woman  we  knew  not.  Then  my  com- 
rades called  to  her,  and  she  came  out,  and 
opened  the  doors  and  bade  them  come  in.  So 
they  went  in,  but  I  alone  stayed  without,  for  I 
feared  lest  there  might  be  some  treachery.  I 
saw  not  any  of  them  again,  though  I  tarried 

"  Thereupon  I  cast  about  my  shoulder  my 
silver-studded  sword,  and  took  my  bow  also, 
and  bade  him  lead  me  by  the  way  by  which  he 
had  gone.  But  he  caught  me  by  both  my 
hands,  and  besought  me,  saying :  '  Take  me 
not  thither  against  my  will ;  for  I  am  per- 
suaded that  thou  thyself  wilt  not  return  again, 
nor  bring  any  of  thy  comrades.  -Let  us  rather 
that  remain  flee,  and  escape  death.'  Then  I 
said,  '  Stay  here  by  the  ship,  eating  and  drink- 
ing, if  it  be  thy  will,  but  I  must  go,  for  neces- 
sity constrains  me.' 

"  And  when  I  had  come  to  the  house,  there 


met  we  Hermes  of  the  golden  wand,  in  the 
shape  of  a  fair  youth,  who  said  to  me  :  — 

'"  Art  thou  come  to  rescue  thy  comrades  that 
are  now  swine  in  Circe's  house  ?  Nay,  but 
thou  shalt  never  go  back  thyself.  Yet,  stay ; 
I  will  give  thee  such  a  drug  as  shall  give  thee 
power  to  resist  all  her  charms.  For  when  she 
shall  have  mixed  thee  a  mess,  and  smitten  thee 
with  her  wand,  then  do  thou  rush  upon  her 
with  thy  sword,  making  as  if  thou  wouldest  slay 
her.  And  when  she  shall  pray  for  peace,  do 
thou  make  her  swear  by  the  great  oath  that 
binds  the  gods  that  she  will  not  harm  thee.' 

"  Then  Hermes  showed  me  a  certain  herb, 
whose  root  was  black,  but  the  flower  white  as 
milk.  '  Moly,'  the  gods  call  it,  and  very  hard 
it  is  for  mortal  man  to  find ;  but  to  the  gods 
all  things  are  possible. 

"  Thereupon  Hermes  departed  to  Olympus, 
but  I  went  on  to  the  palace  of  the  goddess, 
much  troubled  in  heart.  When  I  came  thither 
I  stood  in  the  porch  and  called,  and  Circe 
came,  and  opened  the  doors,  and  bade  me 
come  in. 


"  Then  she  set  me  on  a  great  chair,  skilfully 
carven,  with  a  footstool  for  my  feet.  Afterward 
she  gave  me  drink  in  a  cup  of  gold,  but  she 
had  mixed  in  it  a  deadly  charm.  This  I  drank, 
but  was  not  bewitched,  for  the  herb  saved  me. 
Then  she  smote  me  with  her  wand,  saying : 
'  Go  now  to  the  sty  and  lie  there  with  thy 
fellows.'  Thereupon  I  drew  my  sword,  and 
rushed  upon  her,  as  though  I  would  have 
slain  her.  Then  she  caught  me  by  the 
knees,  and  cried  aloud :  '  Who  art  thou  ? 
What  is  thy  race  ?  I  marvel  that  thou 
couldest  drink  of  this  drink  that  I  have 
charmed,  and  yet  take  no  hurt.  I  thought 
that  there  was  no  mortal  man  that  could  so 
do.  Thou  must  have  a  soul  against  which 
there  is  no  enchantment.  Verily,  thou  must 
be  that  Ulysses  who  was  to  come  to  this  island 
as  he  returned  from  Troy,  for  so  Hermes  told 
me.  But  come,  let  us  be  friends.'  Then  I 
said  to  her :  '  Nay,  goddess,  but  how  can  we 
two  be  friends,  when  thou  hast  turned  my  com- 
panions into  swine.  I  fear  thee  that  thou  hast 
some  deceit  in  thy  heart,  and  thou  wilt  take 


me  unawares,  and  do  me  a  great  mischief.  But 
swear  a  mighty  oath,  even  the  oath  by  which  the 
gods  are  bound,  that  thou  wilt  not  harm  me.' 

"  Then  Circe  sware  the  mighty  oath,  even 
the  oath  by  which  the  gods  are  bound. 

"  After  this  her  handmaids,  that  were  fair 
women  born  of  the  springs  and  streams  and 
woods,  prepared  a  feast.  One  set  coverlets  of 
purple  on  the  chairs,  and  another  brought  up 
tables  of  silver  to  the  chair,  and  set  on  the 
tables  baskets  of  gold.  A  third  mixed  sweet 
wine  in  a  bowl  of  silver,  and  set  thereby  cups 
of  gold  ;  and  the  fourth  filled  a  great  caldron 
with  water,  and  put  fire  under  it.  And  when 
it  boiled,  she  mixed  it  with  water  in  the  bath, 
duly  tempering  it,  and  the  bath  took  away  the 
weariness  from  my  limbs.  And  when  I  had 
bathed,  a  handmaid  bare  water  in  an  ewer  of 
gold,  and  poured  it  over  a  basin  of  gold,  that  I 
might  wash  my  hands.  Then  the  housekeeper 
brought  me  wheaten  bread,  and  set  many 
dainties  on  the  table ;  and  Circe  bade  me 
eat ;  but  I  sat  silent  and  sorrowful,  having 
other  thoughts  in  my  mind. 











"  And  when  the  goddess  perceived  that  I 
was  silent  and  ate  not,  she  said :  '  Why  dost 
thou  sit,  Ulysses,  as  though  thou  wert  dumb  ? 
Fearest  thou  any  craft  of  mine  ?  Nay,  but  that 
may  not  be,  for  have  I  not  sworn  the  great  oath 
that  binds  the  gods  ? ' 

"  Then  I  made  answer,  '  Nay,  but  who 
could  think  of  meat  and  drink  when  such 
things  had  befallen  his  companions  ? ' 

"  Then  Circe  led  the  way,  holding  her  wand 
in  her  hand,  and  opened  the  doors  of  the  sties, 
and  drove  out  the  swine  that  had  been  men. 
Then  she  rubbed  on  each  another  mighty  drug, 
and  the  bristles  fell  from  their  bodies  and  they 
became  men,  only  younger  and  fairer  than 
before.  And  when  they  saw  me,  they  clung  to 
me  and  wept  for  joy,  and  Circe  herself  was 
moved  with  pity. 

"  Then  said  she  to  me :  '  Go,  Ulysses,  to  thy 
ship,  and  put  away  all  the  goods  and  tackling 
in  the  caves  that  are  on  the  shore,  but  come 
again  hither  thyself,  and  bring  thy  comrades 
with  thee.' 

"  Then  I  went.      Right  glad  were  they  who 


had  stayed  to  see  me,  glad  as  are  the  calves 
who  have  been  penned  in  the  fold-yard  when 
their  mothers  come  back  in  the  evening.  And 
when  I  told  them  what  had  been,  and  would 
have  them  follow  me,  they  were  all  willing, 
save  only  Eurylochus,  who  said :  — 

" '  O  ye  fools,  whither  are  we  going  ?  To 
the  dwelling  of  Circe,  who  will  change  us  all 
into  swine,  or  wolves,  or  lions,  and  keep  us  in 
prison,  even  as  the  Cyclops  did !  For  was  it 
not  this  same  foolhardy  Ulysses  that  lost  our 
comrades  there  ? ' 

"  Then  I  was  very  wroth  and  would  have 
slain  Eurylochus,  though  he  was  near  of  kin  to 
me.  But  my  comrades  hindered  me,  saying: 
'  Let  him  abide  here  and  keep  the  ship,  if  he 
will.  But  we  will  go  with  thee  to  the  dwelling 
of  Circe.' 

"  Then  I  forebore  to  slay  him.  Nor  did 
Eurylochus  stay  behind,  but  followed  with  the 
rest.  So  we  went  to  the  dwelling  of  Circe, 
who  feasted  us  royally,  so  that  we  remained 
with  her  for  a  whole  year,  well  content. 

"  But  when  the  year  was  out  my  companions 


said  to  me,  "  It  were  well  to  remember  thy 
country,  if  it  is  indeed  the  will  of  the  gods  that 
thou  shouldest  return  thither.' 

"  Then  I  besought  Circe  that  she  would  send 


me  on  my  way  homewards,  as  indeed  she  had 
promised  to  do.  And  she  answered,  saying :  — 

" '  I  would  not  have  you  abide  in  my  house 
unwillingly.  Yet  must  thou  first  go  another 
journey,  even  to  the  dwellings  of  the  dead, 
there  to  speak  with  the  seer  Teiresias.' 

"  But  I  was  sore  troubled  to  hear  such 
things,  and  wept  aloud,  saying,  '  Who  shall 
guide  us  in  this  journey?  —  for  never  yet  did 
ship  make  such  a  voyage  as  this.' 

"  Then  Circe  made  answer :  *  Son  of  Laer- 
tes, trouble  not  thyself  because  thou  hast  no 
guide,  only  set  up  the  mast  in  thy  ship,  and 
spread  out  the  sails,  and  sit  thee  down  with  thy 
companions,  and  the  north  wind  shall  carry 
thee  to  the  place  whereto  thou  art  bound. 
When  thou  shalt  have  sailed  across  the  stream 
of  ocean,  thou  shalt  come  to  a  waste  shore, 
where  are  many  tall  poplar  trees  and  willows. 
Beach  there  thy  ship  on  the  shore  of  ocean, 


and  go  thyself  to  the  dwelling  of  Hades. 
There  is  a  certain  rock,  and  near  to  it  meet 
two  streams,  to  wit,  Phlegethon,  which  is  the 
river  of  fire,  and  Cocytus,  which  is  the  river 
of  wailing.  Dig  there  a  trench ;  it  shall  be  a 
cubit  long  and  a  cubit  broad ;  pour  out  thereby 
a  drink  offering  to  the  dead  :  first  of  mead, 


and  then  of  sweet  wine,  and  thirdly  of  water ; 
and  sprinkle  white  barley  thereon.  And  as 
thou  doest  these  things  entreat  the  dead,  and 
promise  that  when  thou  shalt  come  again  to 
Ithaca,  thou  wilt  offer  a  barren  heifer,  even 
the  best  thou  hast,  and  that  thou  wilt  sacrifice 
to  Teiresias  alone  a  black  ram,  without  blem- 
ish, the  goodliest  in  the  flock.  And  after  thou 
hast  made  thy  prayers  to  the  dead,  offer  up  a 
black  ram  and  "a  black  ewe.  See  that  thou 
bend  their  heads  towards  Erebus,  but  turn 
thyself  to  the  shore  of  ocean.  Then  will  come 
many  spirits  of  the  dead,  but  suffer  them  not 
to  drink  of  the  blood  till  thou  shalt  have 
spoken  to  Teiresias.  Speedily  will  the  seer 
come  to  thee,  and  will  tell  thee  how  thou 
mayest  return  to  thy  home.' 

&OLUS;    THE  L&STRYGONS ;    CIRCE.  135 

"  The  next  morning  I  roused  my  compan- 
ions, saying,  '  Sleep  no  more  ;  we  will  go  on 
our  way,  for  Circe  hath  shown  to  me  the  whole 

"  So  I  spake,  and  they  consented  to  my 
words.  Yet  did  not  I  take  all  my  company 
safe  from  the  dwelling  of  the  goddess.  There 
was  a  certain  Elpenor,  who  was  the  youngest 
of  them  all,  and  was  neither  valiant  nor  of  an 
understanding  mind.  He  was  sleeping  apart 
from  his  fellows,  on  the  housetop,  for  being 
heavy  with  wine,  he  had  craved  for  the  cool- 
ness of  the  air.  He,  then,  hearing  our  voice, 
and  the  sound  of  the  men's  feet,  as  they  moved 
hither  and  thither,  leapt  up  of  a  sudden,  and 
thought  not  to  come  down  by  the  ladder  by 
which  he  had  gone  up,  but  fell  down  from  the 
roof,  so  that  his  neck  was  broken,  and  he  went 
down  to  the  dwellings  of  the  dead. 

"  But  as  my  men  were  on  their  way,  I  spake 
to  them,  saying :  '  Ye  think  that  ye  are  going 
to  your  native  country ;  not  so,  for  Circe  hath 
showed  me  another  journey  that  we  must 
take,  even  to  the  dwelling  of  Hades,  that  I 


may  speak  with  the  spirit  of  Teiresias  the 

"  So  I  spake,  and  their  spirit  was  broken 
within  them,  and  they  sat  down  where  they 
were,  and  mourned,  and  tare  their  hair.  But 
their  weeping  profited  nothing. 

"  Meanwhile  Circe  had  gone,  and  made  fast 
a  ram  and  a  black  ewe  to  the  ship,  passing  on 
as  we  went,  for  none  may  mark  the  goings  of 
the  immortal  gods. 






"  AFTER  this  we  made  ready  the  ship  for 
sailing,  and  put  the  black  sheep  on  board,  and 
so  departed ;  and  Circe  sent  a  wind  from 
behind  that  rilled  the  sails ;  and  all  the  day 
through  our  ship  passed  quickly  over  the  sea. 

"And  when  the  sun  had  set  we  came  to  the 
utmost  border  of  the  ocean,  where  the  Cimme- 
rians dwell,  being  compassed  about  with  mist 
and  cloud.  Never  doth  the  Sun  behold  them, 
either  when  he  climbs  into  the  heaven,  or 
when  he  descends  therefrom ;  but  darkness 
surrounds  them.  Then  I  bade  two  of  my 
comrades  make  ready  the  sheep  for  sacrifice ; 
and  I  myself  dug  a  pit  of  a  cubit  every  way, 
and  poured  in  it  a  drink-offering  of  honey  and 
milk,  and  sweet  wine,  and  water,  and  sprinkled 
barley  upon  the  drink-offering.  Afterwards 
I  took  the  sheep  and  slew  them,  that  their 


blood  ran  into  the  trench.  And  the  sons  oi: 
the  dead  were  gathered  to  the  place,  —  maidens, 
and  old  men  who  had  borne  the  sorrows  oi 
many  years,  and  warriors  that  had  been  slain 
in  battle,  having  their  arms  covered  with  blood. 
All  these  gathered  about  the  pit  with  a  terrible 
cry;  and  I  was  sore  afraid.  Then  I  bade  my 
comrades  flay  the  carcasses  of  the  sheep,  and 
burn  them  with  fire,  and  pray  to  the  gods  of 
the  dead ;  but  I  myself  sat  down  by  the  pit's, 
side,  and  would  not  suffer  the  souls  of  the  dead 
to  come  near  unto  the  blood  until  I  had  in- 
quired of  Teiresias. 

"  First  of  all  came  the  soul  of  my  comrade 
Elpenor.  Much  did  I  wonder  to  see  him,  and 
I  asked,  '  How  comest  thou  hither,  Elpenor,  to 
the  land  of  darkness  ?  and  how  have  thy  feet 
outstripped  my  ship?'  Then  said  Elpenor: 
'  I  fell  from  the  roof  of  the  palace  of  Circe,  not 
bethinking  me  of  the  ladder,  and  so  brake  my 
neck.  But  now,  I  pray  thee,  if  thou  lovest 
wife  and  father  and  son,  forget  me  not,  when 
thou  returnest  to  the  island  of  Circe,  neither 
leave  me  without  lamentation  or  burial.  Burn 


me  with  fire  and  my  arms  with  me ;  and  make 
a  mound  for  me  by  the  shore  of  the  sea,  that 
men  may  hear  of  me  and  of  my  fate  in  after 
time.  And  set  up  my  oar  upon  my  tomb, 
even  the  oar  which  I  was  wont  to  ply  among 
my  comrades.' 

"Then  I  said  to  him,  'All  this  shall  be  done 
as  thou  desirest.' 

"  And  we  sat  on  either  side  of  the  trench  as 
we  talked,  and  I  held  my  sword  over  the  blood., 

"  After  him  came  to  me  the  soul  of  my  mother, 
whom  I  had  left  alive  when  I  sailed  to  Troy. 
Sorely  I  wept  to  see  her,  yet  suffered  her  not 
to  come  near  and  drink  of  the  blood  till  I  had 
inquired  of  Teiresias.  Then  came  Teiresias, 
holding  a  golden  sceptre  in  his  hand,  and 
spake,  saying :  '  Why  hast  thou  left  the  light 
of  day,  and  come  hither  to  this  land  of  the 
dead,  wherein  is  no  delight  ?  But  come,  de- 
part from  the  pit,  and  take  away  thy  sword, 
that  I  may  come  near  and  tell  thee  true.' 

u  So  I  thrust  my  sword  into  the  scabbard ; 
and  Teiresias  drank  of  the  blood ;  and  when 
he  had  drunk,  he  spake :  '  Thou  seekest  to 


hear  of  thy  going  back  to  thy  home.  Know, 
therefore,  that  it  shall  be  with  peril  and  toil. 
For  Poseidon  will  not  easily  lay  aside  his 
wrath  against  thee,  because  thou  didst  take 
from  his  dear  son,  the  Cyclops,  the  sight  of 
his  eye.  Yet  for  all  this  ye  may  yet  come  safe 
to  your  home,  if  only  thou  canst  restrain  thy- 
self and  thy  comrades  when  ye  come  to  the 
island  of  the  Three  Capes,  and  find  there  the 
oxen  and  the  sheep  of  the  Sun.  If  ye  let  them 
be  and  harm  them  not,  then  may  ye  yet  return 
to  Ithaca,  though  it  be  after  grievous  toil. 
But  if  not,  then  shall  ye  perish.  And  if  thou 
escape  thyself,  after  long  time  shalt  thou 
return,  having  lost  all  thy  comrades,  and  the 
ship  of  strangers  shall  carry  thee ;  and  thou 
shalt  find  trouble  in  thy  house,  even  men  of 
violence  that  will  devour  thy  substance  while 
they  seek  thy  wife  in  marriage.  And  when 
thou  shalt  have  avenged  thyself  on  these, 
whether  it  be  by  craft,  or  openly  with  the 
sword,  then  take  thine  oar  and  travel  till  thou 
come  into  the  land  of  men  that  know  not  the 
sea,  and  eat  not  their  meat  mingled  with  salt, 


and  have  never  looked  on  ships  nor  on  oars, 
which  are  as  the  wings  of  ships.  And  this 
shall  be  a  clear  token  to  thee,  when  another 
traveller,  meeting  thee  in  the  way,  shalt  say 
that  thou  bearest  a  winnowing  fan  upon  thy 
shoulders :  then  fix  thine  oar  in  the  ground 
and  do  sacrifice  to  Poseidon,  even  a  sheep, 
and  a  bull,  and  a  boar.  And  afterwards  re- 
turn to  thy  home,  and  offer  sacrifice  of  a  hun- 
dred beasts  to  all  the  gods.  And  death  shall 
come  to  thee  far  from  the  sea,  very  gentle, 
and  thou  shalt  die  in  thy  old  age,  with  thy 
people  dwelling  in  peace  about  thee.' 

"  To  him  I  made  answer :  '  So  be  it,  Teire- 
sias.  All  these  things  the  gods  have  ordered 
after  their  own  will.  But  tell  me  this.  Here 
I  see  the  soul  of  my  mother  that  is  dead ;  and 
she  sits  near  the  blood,  but  regards  me  not, 
nor  speaks  to  me.  How  can  she  know  me, 
that  I  am  indeed  her  son  ? ' 

"  Then  said  Teiresias  :  *  Whomsoever  of  the 
dead  thou  shalt  suffer  to  drink  of  the  blood, 
he  will  speak  to  thee ;  but  whomsoever  thou 
sufferest  not,  he  will  depart  in  silence/ 


"  So  I  abode  in  my  place ;  and  the  soul  of 
my  mother  came  near  and  drank  of  the  blood. 
And  when  she  had  drunk,  she  knew  her  son, 
and  said :  '  My  son,  why  hast  thou  come  into 
the  land  of  darkness,  being  yet  alive  ?  Hast 
thou  not  yet  returned  to  thy  home  ? ' 

"  To  her  I  made  answer:  '  I  came  hither  to 
inquire  of  Teiresias  of  Thebes,  and  my  home 
have  I  not  seen.  Truly  trouble  hath  followed 
me  from  the  day  that  I  first  went  with  King 
Agamemnon  to  the  land  of  Troy.  But  tell 
me,  how  didst  thou  die  ?  Did  a  wasting  dis- 
ease slay  thee,  or  did  Artemis  smite  thee  with 
sudden  stroke  of  her  arrow  ?  And  my  father 
and  my  son,  have  they  enjoyment  of  that  which 
is  mine,  or  have  others  taken  it  from  them  ? 
And  my  wife,  is  she  true  to  me,  or  hath  she 
wedded  some  prince  among  the  Greeks  ? ' 

"  Then  said  my  mother :  '  Thy  wife  is  true, 
and  sits  weeping  for  thee  day  and  night.  And 
thy  son  hath  enjoyment  of  thy  possessions, 
and  hath  his  due  place  at  the  feasts  of  the 
people.  But  thy  father  cometh  no  longer  to 
the  city,  but  abideth  in  the  country.  Nor 


hath  he  any  couch  for  his  bed,  but  in  winter- 
tide  he  sleeps,  even  as  sleep  the  slaves,  in  the 
ashes  near  unto  the  fire,  and  when  the  sum- 
mer comes,  in  the  corner  of  the  vineyard  upon 
leaves.  Greatly  doth  he  sorrow,  waiting  for 
thy  return,  and  the  burden  of  old  age  lies 
heavy  upon  him.  But  as  for  me,  no  wasting 
disease  slew  me,  nor  did  Artemis  smite  me 
with  her  arrows ;  but  I  died  of  longing  for  thee, 
so  sorely  did  I  miss  thy  wisdom  and  thy  love.' 
"  Then  I  was  fain  to  lay  hold  upon  the  soul 
of  my  mother.  Thrice  I  sprang  forward,  eager 
to  embrace  her,  and  thrice  she  passed  from  out 
my  hands,  even  as  passeth  a  shadow.  And 
when  I  said,  '  How  is  this,  my  mother  ?  art 
thou  then  but  a  phantom,  that  the  Queen  of 
the  dead  hath  sent  me  ? '  my  mother  answered 
me :  *  Thus  it  is  with  the  dead,  my  son.  They 
have  no  more  any  flesh  and  bones ;  for  these 
the  might  of  the  fire  devours ;  but  their  souls 
are  even  as  dreams,  flying  hither  and  thither. 
But  do  thou  return  so  soon  as  may  be  to  the 

light,  and  tell  all  that  thou  hast  seen  and  heard 

to  thy  wife.' 


"  After  I  had  ended  my  talk  with  my  mother, 
there  came  to  me,  by  the  sending  of  Queen 
Persephone,  the  souls  of  the  famous  women 
that  had  been  of  old.  And  I  suffered  them 
to  come  near,  one  by  one,  and  drink  of  the 
blood ;  and  each,  when  she  had  drunk,  told 
me  her  name  and  her  lineage.  Thus  I  saw 


Alcmena,  that  bare  Hercules  to  Zeus,  and 
Chloris,  that  was  mother  of  Nestor,  the  wisest 
of  mortal  men,  and  Leda,  whose  sons  were 
Castor,  the  tamer  of  horses,  and  Pollux,  the 
mighty  boxer,  and  Iphimedia,  wife  of  Aloeus, 
who  bare  Otus  and  Ephialtes,  tallest  of  mortal 
men,  and  fairest  also,  after  noble  Orion.  Tall- 
est they  were ;  for,  being  but  nine  years  old, 
they  had  fifty-and-four  feet  of  height,  and  of 
breadth  fifteen.  These  were  minded  to  make 
war  upon  the  gods,  purposing  to  set  Ossa  on 
Olympus,  and  Pelion,  with  all  its  woods,  upon 
Ossa.  So  they  purposed  ;  and  verily  they  had 
done  so,  had  they  come  to  their  full  growth ; 
but  the  son  of  Zeus,  whom  Latona  bare  to  him, 
slew  them  with  his  arrows  before  the  down  had 
grown  upon  their  cheeks.  Ariadne  also  did  I 


see,  daughter  of  King  Minos,  whom  Theseus 
carried  away  from  the  land  of  Crete,  and 
would  have  wedded  her,  but  Artemis  smote 
with  her  arrows ;  and  Eriphyle,  that  sold  the 
life  of  her  husband  for  gold.  These  I  saw, 
and  many  others  also,  wives  and  daughters  of 

"  And  when  these  had  departed,  for  Queen 
Persephone  bade  them  go  even  as  she  had  sent 
them,  there  came  the  soul  of  Agamemnon,  son 
of  Atreus.  Sorely  grieving  it  came,  and  about 
it  were  the  souls  of  all  that  had  perished  to- 
gether with  him  by  the  evil  craft  of  /Egisthus. 
And  when  his  spirit  had  drunk  of  the  blood,  it 
knew  me,  and  stretched  out  its  hands  to  me, 
seeking  to  lay  hold  of  me,  but  could  not,  for  it 
was  a  shadow  only,  and  had  no  substance  in  it. 
And  when  I  saw  it,  I  had  pity  on  the  King, 
and  spake  :  '  Tell  me,  King  Agamemnon,  that 
was  greatest  of  all  the  kings  of  the  earth,  what 

o  o 

doom  of  death  hath  come  upon  thee  ?  Did 
Poseidon  raise  a  mighty  storm  against  thee, 
and  break  thy  ships  ?  or  did  men  slay  thee  on 
the  land,  when  thou  wast  seeking  to  drive 


away  their  cattle  and  sheep  or  to  take  their 
city  by  force  ? ' 

"  Then  Agamemnon  made  answer :  '  Neither 
did  Poseidon  break  my  ships,  nor  did  men 
slay  me  upon  the  land,  but  ^Egisthus  con- 
trived death  against  me  ;  he  and  my  accursed 
wife  together  took  counsel  against  me.  He 

o  o 

called  me  to  a  feast,  and  after  the  feast  he  slew 
me  as  a  man  smiteth  an  ox  at  the  manger. 


Thus  did  I  die  in  lamentable  fashion,  I  and 
my  comrades  about  me  ;  for  they  were  slain 
without  mercy,  as  swine  are  slain  in  some  rich 
man's  house  for  a  marriage,  or  a  common  feast, 
or  a  banquet.  Verily,  I  have  seen  the  deaths  of 
many  men,  of  whom  some  were  slain  alone,  and 
some  in  the  press  of  the  battle  ;  but  never  saw 
I  slaughter  so  piteous  as  this,  when  about  the 
mixing  bowls  of  wine,  and  the  tables  laden  with 
meat,  we  lay  dying  in  the  hall,  and  the  pave- 
ment ran  with  blood.  And  as  I  lay,  I  heard 
the  very  piteous  voice  of  Cassandra,  the  daugh- 
ter of  Priam,  whom  Clytemnestra,  my  wife, 
slew  for  my  sake.  Then  I  laid  my  hands 
upon  my  sword,  even  as  I  was  dying,  and 


would  have  raised  it  for  a  stroke.  And  she,  my 
evil  wife,  stood  apart ;  neither  would  she  close 
my  eyes  or  my  mouth.  Surely  there  is  nothing 
on  the  earth  more  terrible  or  shameless  than  a 
woman.  For  think  what  a  deed  this  woman 
did,  —  contriving  death  against  her  own  hus- 

o  o 

band  !     And  I  had  thought  that  I  should  come 


a  welcome  guest  to  my  children  and  my  house- 
hold ;  and  lo  !  the  greeting  that  I  had  !  Verily, 
this  woman  hath  wrought  that  which  shall  be  a 


shame  for  all  women  hereafter,  even  for  them 
that  shall  do  righteously.' 

"  Then  I  made  answer  to  him  :  '  Verily,  Zeus 
hath  wrought  great  evil  to  this  house  by 
means  of  the  race  of  women.  Many  they  were 
that  were  slain  in  war  for  Helen's  sake,  and 
Clytemnestra  also  contrived  death  for  thee.' 

"Then  King  Agamemnon  spake  again: 
'  Mind  that  thou  be  not  gentle  with  any 
woman  whatsoever,  nor  tell  to  any  all  thy 
counsel,  but  rather  show  a  part  and  hide  a 
part.  Nevertheless,  Ulysses,  thy  doom  shall 
not  come  to  thee  from  thy  wife,  for  Penelope, 
the  daughter  of  Icarus,  is  good  and  wise.  We 


left  her,  I  mind  me,  a  newly  married  wife  in 
thy  house,  when  we  sailed  for  Troy ;  and  she 
had  thy  young  son  upon  her  breast.  Now,  I 
take  it,  he  hath  come  to  man's  estate.  Happy 
is  he,  for  his  dear  father  will  see  him  when  he 
cometh  to  his  home,  and  they  two  shall  clasp 
each  other  in  their  arms  as  father  and  son 
should  do.  But  as  for  me,  my  wife  suffered 
me  not  to  satisfy  my  eyes  with  looking  on  my 
son,  but  slew  me  first.  And  hearken  thou 
a^ain  to  this  tiling  that  I  tell  thee.  When 

o  o 

thou  comest  back  to  thy  native  land,  come  not 
openly,  but  in  secret,  for  men  may  not  trust  in 
women  any  more.  Remember  thou  this,  and 
tell  me  also,  didst  thou  hear  perchance  of  my 
son  Orestes,  that  he  lived,  when  thou  wast  in 
Pylos,  maybe,  or  in  Sparta,  with  my  brother 
Menelalis  ?  For  surely  he  is  yet  alive.' 

"  To  this  I  answered,  '  Ask  me  not  concern- 
ing him,  for  I  know  not  whether  he  be  alive 
or  dead ;  and  it  is  ill  to  speak  things  that 
profit  not.' 

"  So  we  two  spake  together ;  and  afterwards 
there  came  other  souls,  as  of  Achilles,  and  of 


Patroclus,  and  of  Antilochus,  that  was  eldest 
son  of  King  Nestor,  and  of  Ajax,  that  was  the 
strongest  of  all  the  Greeks  after  the  son  of 

"  And  first  Achilles  spake  to  me  in  a  piteous 
voice :  '  What  marvellous  deed  is  that  thou 
hast  done,  son  of  Laertes  ?  How  didst  thou 
dare  to  come  down  to  the  land  wherein  dwell 
the  spirits  of  the  dead  ? ' 

"To  him  I  made  answer:  'I  came  hither, 
Achilles,  to  inquire  of  Teiresias  the  seer,  if 
he  would  show  me  some  counsel  by  which  I 
might  return  to  Ithaca.  For  I  have  not  yet 
attained  to  the  land  of  Greece,  nor  to  my 
native  land,  but  wrander  about  in  trouble  with- 
out end.  So  evil  is  my  doom ;  but  there  never 
hath  been  man  that  was  happier  than  thou, 
no,  nor  shall  be  hereafter ;  for  while  thou  wast 
yet  alive,  we  Greeks  honoured  thee,  as  men 
honour  a  god ;  and  now  that  thou  art  dead, 
thou  art  the  king  of  all  the  folk  that  dwell 

"  But  Achilles  answered  me  forthwith : 
1  Speak  to  me,  Ulysses,  no  comfortable  words 


about  death.  Verily,  I  would  desire  to  serve 
for  hire  some  man  of  little  substance,  that  had 
but  scant  provision  for  his  house,  so  that  I 
might  be  alive  upon  the  earth,  rather  than  be 
king  over  all  the  dead.  But  come,  tell  me 
tidings  of  my  son,  if  thou  hast  any.  Did  he  go 
to  the  war  to  be  the  first  among  the  princes  ? 
Tell  me,  also,  of  the  old  man  Peleus,  my 
father.  Doth  he  yet  hold  his  place  of  honour 
among  the  Myrmidons  ?  or  do  they  make  him 
of  little  account  because  old  a^e  hath  come 


upon  him,  taking  from  him  the  swiftness  of 
his  feet  and  the  strength  of  his  hands  ?  Verily, 
if  I  could  come  to  help  him  under  the  light 
of  the  sun,  being  such  as  I  was  in  the  old 
days,  when  I  slew  heroes  without  number 
before  the  walls  of  Troy,  verily,  I  say,  I  would 
hinder  them  who  do  him  violence,  and  keep 
him  from  the  honour  that  is  his.' 

"I  made  answer:  'Of  Peleus  I  have  heard 
nothing;  but  of  thy  son  Neoptolemus  I  will 
tell  thee  all  the  truth  as  thou  wouldest  have 
me  do.  I  brought  him  myself  from  the  island 
of  Scyros  to  Troy,  to  the  host  of  the  Greeks. 


And  when  he  came  among  us,  he  was  behind 
no  man  in  counsel.  And  in  battle  he  never 
abode  in  the  crowd,  but  was  ever  foremost, 
and  slew  many  in  the  host  of  the  Trojans.  I 
could  not  tell  their  names,  so  many  they  were  ; 
but  the  chiefest  of  all  was  Eurypylus,  the 
Mysian,  that  was  son  to  King  Telephus,  and 
was  the  fairest  of  men  that  ever  I  beheld,  save 
only  Memnon,  the  son  of  the  Morning.  And 
when  we  entered  into  the  Horse  of  Wood,  that 
Epelis  wrought  for  the  Greeks,  that  we  might 
take  the  city  of  Troy,  then  all  the  other 
princes  of  the  Greeks  wept  sore,  and  trembled 
for  fear;  but  he  alone  grew  not  pale  at  all, 
nor  wiped  a  tear  from  his  cheek,  but  was  ever 
longing  to  go  forth  from  the  Horse,  and  had 
his  hand  upon  the  hilt  of  his  sword,  purposing 
evil  against  the  men  of  Troy.  And  when  we 
sacked  the  fair  city  of  King  Priam,  then  he 
had  a  goodly  portion  of  the  spoil,  and  sailed 
home  therewith  in  his  ship ;  nor  was  he 
wounded  at  all  with  spear  or  sword,  as  oft- 
times  chanceth  to  men  in  the  press  of  the  bat- 
tle.' So  I  spake,  and  the  soul  of  Achilles  de- 


parted  with  great  strides  through  the  meadow 
of  asphodel,  very  glad  because  his  son  had 
won  for  himself  much  renown  in  war. 

"  The  souls  of  other  heroes  also  spake  to 
me,  and  told  their  grief;  but  Ajax,  the  son  of 
Telamon,  stood  apart,  and  kept  silence.  For 
he  was  wroth  because  I  had  prevailed  over 
him  when  we  two  had  contended  together  for 
the  arms  of  Achilles.  And  I  said :  '  Art  thou, 
great  Ajax,  still  angry  by  reason  of  these 
accursed  arms  ?  Surely  the  gods  made  them 
a  trouble  to  the  Greeks,  seeing  that  they 
caused  thee,  who  wast  a  very  tower  of  strength 
to  the  host,  to  perish.  Truly  the  Greeks 
mourned  for  thee,  even  as  they  mourned  for 
Achilles,  the  son  of  Peleus.  Yet  blame  not 
me,  therefore,  I  pray  thee,  but  Zeus,  who  bare 
a  grudge  against  the  Greeks ;  and  come  hither 
and  speak  with  me.' 

"  But  Ajax  spake  not  a  word,  but  departed. 

"  After  this  I  saw  King  Minos  sitting  on  a 
throne  holding  a  sceptre  of  gold  in  his  hand. 
Thus  he  sat  and  judged  the  dead. 

"  Also1  I  saw  the    giant    Orion    driving    the 


beasts  together,  as  a  hunter  drives  them,  in  a 
meadow  of  asphodel,  and  he  held  in  his  hand 
a  great  club  wrought  wholly  of  bronze. 

"  And  I  saw  Tityos,  the  mighty  son  of 
Earth.  On  the  ground  he  lay,  and  covered 
seven  furlongs.  Two  vultures  sat  by  him  and 
tare  his  liver ;  nor  could  he  keep  them  from 
him  with  his  hands. 

"  Tantalus  also  I  saw,  that  was  in  very 
grievous  plight ;  for  he  stood  in  a  pool,  and 
the  water  came  near  unto  his  chin  ;  but  when 
he  would  drink  thereof,  being  sore  athirst,  he 
could  not.  For  so  often  as  he  stooped  forward 
to  drink,  so  often  the  water  was  swallowed  up 
by  the  earth,  and  the  ground  was  seen  about 
his  feet.  Trees  also  of  fair  fruitage  hung  over 
his  head,  pears  and  pomegranates,  and  apples 
very  fair  to  behold,  and  sweet  figs  and  olives  ; 
but  so  often  as  he  reached  his  hand  to  lay  hold 
of  them,  so  often  the  wind  bore  them  away 
even  to  the  clouds. 

"  And  Sisyphus  I  saw,  and  he  also  was  in 
sore  distress.  For  with  both  his  hands  he 
grasped  a  great  stone,  seeking  to  push  it  up 


the  side  of  a  hill.  With  much  toil  of  knees 
and  arms  he  pushed  it,  but  so  soon  as  it  came 
near  to  the  top,  then  it  brake  from  him  and 
leapt  down  very  swiftly  to  the  bottom  of  the 


"  Last  of  all,  I  saw  the  shadow  of  Hercules, 
his  shadow  only,  for  the  hero  himself  sat  and 
feasted  with  the  gods  above,  having  Hebe  to 
wife,  the  daughter  of  Zeus.  And  all  about 
him  there  was  a  great  crying  of  the  souls,  as 
is  the  crying  of  birds  ;  and  he,  with  a  coun- 
tenance dark  as  night,  stood  with  his  bow 
in  his  hand  and  an  arrow  ever  on  the  string, 
looking  with  a  dreadful  purpose  in  his  eyes 
like  one  about  to  shoot ;  and  about  his  breast 
was  a  buckler  of  gold,  and  marvellous  things 
wrought  thereupon,  bears,  and  wild  boars,  and 
lions  with  glaring  eyes,  battles  also,  and  terri- 
ble slaughters  of  men.  And  the  shade  of 
Hercules  spake  to  me,  saying :  '  Tell  me,  hast 
thou  also  such  an  evil  lot  on  earth  as  Zeus 
gave  to  me.  For  he  put  me  under  the  domin- 
ion of  a  churl  that  ever  set  me  hard  labours  to 
perform.  Yea,  and  he  sent  me  hither  to  fetch 


hence  the  dog  of  hell,  thinking  that  he  could 
give  me  no  harder  task  than  this.  But  I 
brought  him  up  from  hell  to  the  light  of  day, 
for  Hermes  and  Athene  helped  me  on  my 

"  So  spake  the  shade  of  Hercules  and  de- 
parted. Then  I  waited  awhile,  if  haply  I 
might  see  the  souls  of  other  heroes  that  had 
lived  in  old  time  ;  but  as  I  stood,  lo !  there 
came  about  me  thousands  and  thousands  of 
the  dead  with  a  terrible  cry,  and  I  was  sore 
afraid.  For  I  feared  lest  the  great  Queen 
Persephone  should  send  against  me  the  terri- 
ble head  of  the  Gorgon.  Therefore  I  departed 
from  his  place,  and  bade  my  comrades  embark 
upon  the  ships  and  loose  the  ropes.  And  we 
embarked  and  sat  upon  the  benches  ;  and  the 
great  stream  of  Ocean  bare  us  onward,  rowing 
at  the  first,  and  afterwards  hoisting  the  sails. 



THE    SIRENS  ;     SCYLLA  ;     THE    OXEN    OF    THE    SUN. 


"It  was  now  evening  when  we  came  back  to 
the  island  of  Circe.  Therefore  we  beached  the 
ship,  and  lay  down  by  the  sea,  and  slept  till 
the  morning.  And  when  it  was  morning  we 
arose,  and  went  to  the  palace  of  Circe,  and 
fetched  thence  the  body  of  our  comrade  Elpe- 
nor.  We  raised  the  funeral  pile  where  the 
farthest  headland  runs  out  into  the  sea,  and 
burned  the  dead  man  and  his  arms ;  then  we 
raised  a  mound  over  his  bones,  and  put  a  pillar 
on  the  top  of  the  mound,  and  on  the  top  of  the 
pillar  his  oar. 

"  But  Circe  knew  of  our  coming,  and  of  what 
we  had  done,  and  she  came  and  stood  in  our 
midst,  her  handmaids  coming  with  her,  and 
bearing  flesh  and  bread  and  wine  in  plenty. 
Then  she  spake,  saying :  '  Overbold  are  ye,  who 


THE  SIRENS-,    SCYLLA.  157 

have  gone  down  twice  into  the  house  of  death 
which  most  men  see  but  once.  Come  now,  eat 
and  drink  this  day ;  to-morrow  shall  ye  sail 
again  over  the  sea,  and  I  will  tell  you  the  way, 
and  declare  all  that  shall  happen,  that  ye  may 
suffer  no  hindrance  as  ye  go.' 

"  So  all  that  day  we  eat  and  feasted.  And 
when  the  darkness  came  over  the  land,  my 
comrades  lay  them  down  by  the  ship  and  slept. 
But  Circe  took  me  by  the  hand,  and  led  me 
apart  from  my  company,  and  inquired  of  what 
I  had  seen  and  done.  And  when  I  had  told 
her  all  my  tale,  she  spake,  saying,  *  Hearken 
now  to  what  I  shall  tell  thee.  First  of  all  thou 
shalt  come  to  the  Sirens,  who  bewitch  all  men 
with  their  singing.  For  whoso  cometh  nigh 
to  them  not  knowing,  and  listeneth  to  their 
song,  he  seeth  not  wife  or  children  any  more  ; 
for  the  Sirens  enchant  him,  and  draw  him  to 
where  they  sit,  with  a  great  heap  of  dead  men's 
bones  about  them.  Speed  thy  ship  past  them, 
and  first  fill  the  ears  of  thy  comrades  with  wax, 
lest  any  should  hear  the  song ;  but  if  thou  art 
minded  thyself  to  hear  the  song,  let  them  bind 


thee  fast  to  the  mast.  So  shalt  thou  hear  the 
song,  and  take  no  harm.  And  if  thou  shalt 
entreat  thy  comrades  to  loose  thee,  they  must 
bind  the  bonds  all  the  faster. 

" '  When  thou  shalt  have  passed  the  island 
of  the  Sirens,  then  thou  must  choose  for  thy- 
self which  path  thou  shalt  take.  On  the  one 
side  are  the  rocks  that  men  call  the  Wan- 
dering Rocks.  By  these  not  even  winged 
creatures  can  pass  unharmed.  Of  the  very 
doves  that  carry  ambrosia  to  Father  Zeus  the 
rocks  take  every  one,  and  the  father  sendeth 
another  to  fill  his  place.  No  ship  can  pass 
them  by  unhurt ;  all  round  them  do  the  waves 
toss  timbers  of  broken  ships  and  bodies  of 
men  that  are  drowned.  One  ship  only  hath 
ever  passed  them  by,  even  the  ship  Argo,  and 
even  her  \vould  the  waves  have  dashed  upon 
the  rocks,  but  that  Hera,  for  love  of  Jason, 
caused  her  to  pass  by. 

" '  These  there  are  on  the  one  side,  and  on 
the  other  are  two  rocks.  The  first  rock  reach- 
eth  with  a  sharp  peak  to  the  heavens,  and 
about  the  peak  is  a  dark  cloud  that  passeth 

THE  SIRENS',    SCYLLA.  159 

not  away  from  it,  no,  not  in  summer  time  or 
harvest.  This  rock  no  man  could  climb,  even 
though  he  had  twenty  hands  and  feet,  for  it 
is  steep  and  smooth.  In  the  midst  of  this  cliff 
i.s  a  cave  wherein  dwelleth  Scylla,  the  dreadful 
monster  of  the  sea.  Her  voice  is  but  as  the 
voice  of  a  wrhelp  newly  born,  and  her  twelve 
feet  are  small  and  ill-grown,  but  she  hath  six 
necks,  exceeding  long,  and  on  each  a  head 
dreadful  to  behold,  and  in  each  head  three 
rows  of  teeth,  thick  set  and  full  of  death.  She 
is  hidden  up  to  her  middle  in  the  cave,  but  she 
putteth  her  heads  out  of  it,  fishing  for  dol- 
phins, or  sea-dogs,  or  other  creatures  of  the 
sea,  for  indeed  there  are  countless  flocks  of 
them.  No  ship  can  pass  her  by  unharmed, 
for  with  each  head  she  carrieth  off  a  man, 
snatching  them  from  the  ship's  deck.  Hard 
by,  even  a  bow-shot  off,  is  the  other  rock, 
lower  by  far,  and  with  a  great  fig  tree  growing 
on  the  top.  Beneath  it  Charybdis  thrice  a  day 
sucketh  in  the  water,  and  thrice  a  day  spouteth 
it  forth.  If  thou  chance  to  be  there  when  she 
sucks  it  in,  not  even  Poseidon's  help  could  save 


thee.  See,  therefore,  that  thou  guide  thy  ship 
near  to  Scylla  rather  than  to  the  other,  for  it 
is  better  for  thee  to  lose  six  men  out  of  thy 
ship,  than  all  thy  company  together.' 

"So  Circe  spake,  and  I  said:  'Tell  me, 
goddess,  can  I  by  any  means  escape  from 
Charybdis  on  the  one  hand,  and,  on  the  other, 
avenge  me  on  this  monster,  when  she  would 
take  my  comrades  for  a  prey  ?  ' 

"  But  the  goddess  said :  '  Overbold  thou  art, 
and  thinkest  ever  of  deeds  of  battle.  Verily, 
thou  wouldest  do  battle  with  the  gods  them- 
selves ;  and  surely  Scylla  is  not  of  mortal  race, 
and  against  her  there  is  no  help.  Thou  wilt 
do  better  to  flee.  For  if  thou  tarry  to  put  on 
thy  armour,  then  will  she  dart  forth  again,  and 
take  as  many  as  before.  Drive  on  thy  ship, 
therefore,  with  what  speed  may  be,  and  call 
upon  the  mother  that  bare  this  Scylla  to  be  a 
bane  to  man,  if  haply  she  may  keep  her  daugh- 
ter from  darting  forth  a  second  time. 


"  *  After  this,  thou  wilt  come  to  the  island  of 
the  Three  Capes,  where  are  the  herds  and  the 
flocks  of  the  Sun.  Seven  herds  of  kine  there 


are  and  seven  flocks  of  sheep,  and  fifty  in  each. 
These  neither  are  born,  nor  die,  and  they  have 
two  goddesses  to  herd  them.  If  ye  do  these 
no  hurt,  then  shall  ye  return,  all  of  you,  to 
Ithaca,  but  if  ye  harm  them,  then  shall  thy 
ship  be  broken,  and  all  thy  company  shall 
perish,  and  thou  shalt  return  alone  and  after 
long  delay.' 

"  Having  so  spoken  the  goddess  departed. 
Then  I  roused  my  men  and  they  launched  the 
ship,  and  smote  the  water  with  their  oars,  and 
the  goddess  sending  a  favourable  wind,  we 
hoisted  the  sails,  and  rested. 

"  But,  as  we  went,  I  spake  to  my  companions, 
saying :  '  Friends,  it  is  not  well  that  one  or  two 
only  should  know  the  things  that  Circe  prophe- 
sied to  me.  Therefore  I  will  declare  them  to 
you,  that  we  may  know  beforehand  the  things 
that  shall  come  to  pass,  and  so  either  die  or 

"  And  first  I  told  them  of  the  Sirens ;  and 
while  I  spake  we  came  to  the  Sirens'  Island. 
Then  did  the  breeze  cease,  and  there  was  a 
windless  calm.  So  my  comrades  took  down 


the  sails  and  put  out  the  oars,  and  I  cleft  a 
great  round  of  wax  with  my  sword,  and,  melt- 
ing it  in  the  sun,  I  anointed  therewith  the 
ears  of  my  men ;  afterwards  they  bound  me  by 
hands  and  feet,  as  I  stood  upright  by  the  mast. 
And  when  we  were  so  near  the  shore  as  that 
the  shout  of  a  man  could  be  heard  therefrom, 
the  Sirens  perceived  the  ship,  and  began  their 
song.  And  their  song  was  this:  — 

" l  Hither,  Ulysses,  great  Achaian  name, 

Turn  thy  swift  keel,  and  listen  to  our  lay  ; 

Since  never  pilgrim  near  these  regions  came, 

In  black  ship  on  the  azure  fields  astray, 

But  heard  our  sweet  voice  ere  he  sailed  away, 

And  in  his  joy  passed  on  with  ampler  mind. 

We  know  what  labours  were  in  ancient  day 

Wrought  in  wide  Troia,  as  the  gods  assigned ; 

We  know  from  land  to  land  all  toils  of  all  mankind? 

"  Then  I  prayed  that  they  would  loose  me, 
nodding  my  head  with  a  frown,  for  their  ears 
were  stopped ;  but  they  plied  their  oars,  and 
Eurylochus  and  Perimedes  put  new  bonds 
upon  me.  And  when  we  had  passed  by  the 
island,  then  they  took  the  wax  from  their  ears, 
and  loosed  my  bonds. 


"  After  this  they  saw  a  smoke  and  surf,  and 
heard  a  mighty  roar,  and  their  oars  dropped 
out  of  their  hands  for  fear;  but  I  bade  them 
be  of  good  heart,  for  that  by  my  counsel  they 
had  escaped  other  dangers  in  past  time.  And 
the  rowers  I  bade  row  as  hard  as  they  might. 
But  to  the  helmsman  I  said :  '  Steer  the  ship 
outside  the  smoke  and  the  surf,  and  steer  close 
to  the  cliffs,  lest  the  ship  shoot  off  unawares 
and  destroy  us.'  But  of  Scylla  I  said  nothing, 
fearing  lest  they  should  lose  heart,  and  cease 
rowing  altogether.  Then  I  armed  myself,  and 
stood  in  the  prow  waiting  till  Scylla  should 

"  So  we  sailed  up  the  strait ;  and  there  was 
sore  trouble  in  my  heart,  for  on  the  one  side 
was  Scylla,  and  on  the  other  Charybdis,  suck- 
ing down  the  water  after  a  terrible  sort.  Now 
would  she  vomit  it  forth,  seething  the  while  as 
a  great  caldron  seethes  upon  the  fire,  and  the 
spray  fell  on  the  very  tops  of  the  cliffs  on  either 
side.  And  then  again  she  gulped  the  water 
down,  so  that  we  could  see  to  her  very  depths, 
even  the  white  sand  that  was  at  the  bottom  of 


the  sea.  Towards  her  we  looked,  fearing  de- 
struction, and  while  we  looked,  Scylla  caught 
out  of  my  ship  six  of  my  companions,  the 
strongest  and  bravest  of  them  all.  When  I 
looked  to  my  ships  to  find  my  crew,  then  I  saw 
their  feet  and  hands,  and  I  heard  them  call  me 
by  the  name,  speaking  to  me  for  the  last  time. 
Even  as  a  fisher,  standing  on  some  headland, 
lets  down  his  long  line  with  a  bait,  that  he 
may  ensnare  the  fishes  of  the  sea,  and  each,  as 
he  catches  it,  he  flings  writhing  ashore,  so  did 
Scylla  bear  the  men  writhing  up  the  cliff  to 
her  cave.  There  did  she  devour  them ;  and 
they  cried  to  me  terribly  the  while.  Verily,  of 
all  the  things  that  I  have  seen  upon  the  sea, 
this  was  the  most  piteous  of  all. 

"  After  this  we  came  to  the  island  of  the 
Three  Capes ;  and  from  my  ship  I  heard  the 
lowing  of  the  kine  and  the  bleating  of  the 
sheep.  Thereupon  I  called  to  mind  the  saying 
of  Teiresias  the  seer,  how  he  charged  me  to 
shun  the  island  of  the  Sun.  So  I  spake  to  my 
comrades,  saying :  *  Hear  now  the  counsels  of 
Teiresias  the  seer  and  Circe.  Straitly  did 


they  charge  me  to  sail  by  the  island  of  the 
Sun ;  for  they  said  that  there  the  most  dread- 
ful evil  would  overtake  us.  Do  ye  then  row 
the  ship  past.' 

"  So  I  spake ;  but  Eurylochus  made  answer 
in  wrath :  '  Surely,  Ulysses,  thou  knowest  not 
weariness,  and  art  made  of  iron,  thus  forbid- 
ding thy  comrades,  weary  though  they  be  with 
toil  and  watching,  to  land  upon  this  island, 
where  we  might  well  refresh  ourselves.  Rash, 
also,  art  thou  in  that  thou  commandest  us  to 
sail  all  night;  at  night  deadly  winds  spring  up, 
and  how  shall  we  escape,  if  some  sudden  storm 
from  the  west  or  the  south  smite  our  ship,  and 
break  it  in  pieces  ?  Rather  let  us  stay,  and 
take  our  meal  and  sleep  by  the  ship's  side,  and 
to-morrow  will  we  sail  a^ain  across  the  sea.' 


"  Thus  he  spake,  and  all  consented  to  his 
speech.  Then  I  knew  that  the  gods  were 
minded  to  work  us  mischief,  and  I  made 
answer:  'Ye  constrain  me,  being  many  against 
one.  But  swear  ye  all  an  oath,  that  if  ye  find 
here  either  herd  or  flock,  ye  will  not  be  tempted 
by  lawless  appetite  to  slay  either  bullock  or 


sheep,  but  will  rest  content  with  the  food  that 
Circe  gave  us.' 

"  Then  they  all  made  oath  that  they  would 
so  do ;  and  wrhen  they  had  sworn,  they  moored 
the  ship  within  a  creek,  where  there  was  a 
spring  of  fresh  water;  and  so  we  took  our 
meal.  But  when  we  had  enough  of  meat  and 
drink,  we  remembered  our  comrades  whom 
Scylla  had  snatched  from  the  ship  and  de- 
voured, and  we  mourned  for  them  till  slumber 
fell  upon  us. 

"  The  next  morning  I  spake  to  my  company, 
saying :  '  Friends,  we  have  yet  food,  both  bread 
and  wine.  Stay,  therefore,  your  hands  from  the 
flocks  and  herds,  lest  some  mischief  take  us, 
for  they  are  the  flocks  and  herds  of  the  Sun,  a 
mighty  god  whose  eye  none  may  escape.' 

"  With  these  words  I  persuaded  them.  For 
a  month  the  south  wind  blew  without  ceasing; 
there  was  no  other  wind,  unless  it  were  haply 
the  east.  So  long,  indeed,  as  the  bread  and 
wine  failed  not  the  men,  they  harmed  not  the 
herds,  fearing  to  die.  And  afterwards,  when 
our  stores  were  consumed,  they  wandered 

THE  SIRENS-,    SCYLLA.  1 67 

about  the  island,  and  searched  for  food,  snar- 
ing fishes  and  birds  with  hooks,  for  hunger 

o  o 

pressed  them  sorely.  But  I  roamed  ever  by 
myself,  praying  to  the  gods  that  they  would 
send  us  deliverance.  So  it  chanced  one  day 
that  slumber  overcame  me,  —  for  this  answer 
only  did  the  gods  give  me,  —  and  I  slept  far 
away  from  my  companions. 

"  Meanwhile  Eurylochus  spake  then  to  the 
others,  using  fatal  craft :  '  Friends,  listen  to 
one  who  suffers  the  like  affliction  with  you. 
Always  is  death  a  thing  to  be  avoided ;  but  of 
all  deaths  the  most  to  be  feared  is  the  death  by 
hunger.  Come,  therefore,  let  us  sacrifice  to 
the  gods  in  heaven  the  best  of  the  oxen  of  the 
Sun.  And  we  will  vow  to  build  to  the  Sun, 
when  we  shall  reach  the  land  of  Ithaca,  a  great 
temple  which  we  will  adorn  with  gifts  many 
and  precious.  But  if,  indeed,  he  be  minded  to 
sink  our  ship,  being  wroth  for  his  oxen's  sake, 
verily,  I  would  rather  die,  meeting  the  waves 
with  open  mouth,  than  waste  slowly  to  death 
upon  this  island.' 

"  To    this    they    all    gave    consent.       Then 


Eurylochus  drave  the  fattest  of  the  kine,  —  for 
they  ever  grazed  near  the  ship,  —  and  the  men 
sacrificed  it  to  the  gods.  But  when  they  had 
done  according  to  custom,  sprinkling  green 
leaves,  for  barley  they  had  none,  and  pouring 
out  libations  of  water  instead  of  wine,  and 
making  prayers  to  the  gods,  and  had  burnt  the 
thigh-bones  with  the  fat,  and  had  tasted  the 
inner  parts,  then  sleep  forsook  my  eyes,  and  I 
went  my  way  to  the  shore.  But  ere  I  reached 
the  place  of  the  ship,  the  savour  of  the  flesh 
greeted  me.  And  when  I  perceived  it,  I  cried 
aloud,  '  O  Zeus,  this  is  a  deadly  sleep  where- 
with ye  lulled  me  to  rest,  for  my  comrades  in 
their  folly  have  grievously  offended  the  Sun.' 

"  And  even  while  I  spake  one  of  the  nymphs 
that  herded  the  kine  flew  to  the  Sun  with  tid- 
ings of  that  which  had  been  done.  Then 
spake  the  Sun  among  the  other  gods  :  '  Avenge 
me  now  on  the  guilty  comrades  of  Ulysses ;  for 
they  have  slain  the  herds  which  I  delight  to 
see  both  when  I  mount  the  heavens  and  when 
I  descend  therefrom.  Verily,  if  they  pay  not 
the  due  penalty  for  their  wrong-doing,  I  will  go 

THE  SIREN'S;    SCYLLA.  169 

down  and  give  my  light  to  the  regions  of  the 

"  Then  Zeus  made  answer :  '  Shine,  thou 
Sun,  as  aforetime,  on  the  earth.  Verily,  my 
bolt  can  easily  reach  the  bark  of  these  sinners, 
and  break  it  in  the  middle  of  the  sea.' 

"  All  these  things  I  heard  afterwards  from 
the  nymph  Calypso,  and  she  had  heard  them 
from  Hermes,  the  messenger. 

"  With  angry  words  did  I  rebuke  my  com- 
rades, but  found  no  remedy  for  their  wrong- 
doing, seeing  that  the  kine  were  dead.  Then 

cV  O 

followed  awful  signs  from  heaven ;  for  the  skins 
of  the  kine  crept,  and  the  flesh  bellowed  upon 
the  spits,  as  if  it  had  the  voice  of  living  creat- 
ures. For  six  days  my  friends  feasted  on  the 
cattle  of  the  Sun  ;  but  when  the  seventh  day 
came,  we  launched  our  ship  upon  the  sea,  and 
set  sail. 

"  When  we  were  now  out  of  sight  of  the 
island  of  the  Three  Capes,  and  no  other  land 
appeared,  Zeus  hung  a  dark  cloud  over  us,  and 
suddenly  the  west  wind  came  fiercely  down 
upon  the  ship,  and  snapped  the  shrouds  on 


either  side.  Thereupon  the  mast  fell  back- 
ward and  brake  the  skull  of  a  pilot,  so  that  he 
plunged,  as  a  diver  plunges,  into  the  sea. 
Meantime  Zeus  hurled  his  thunderbolt  into 
the  ship,  filling  it  with  sulphur  from  end  to 
end.  Then  my  comrades  fell  from  the  ship; 
I  saw  them  carried  about  it  like  to  sea-gulls  ; 
so  did  the  srods  baulk  them  of  their  return. 


But  I  still  abode  on  the  ship,  till  the  sides  were 
parted  from  the  keel ;  then  I  bound  myself  with 
a  leathern  thonsr  to  the  mast  and  the  keel  —  for 


these  were  fastened  together.  On  these  I  sat, 
being  driven  by  the  \vind.  All  night  long  was 
I  driven ;  and  with  the  morning  I  came  a^ain 

O  o 

to  Scylla  and  to  Charybdis.  It  was  the  time 
when  she  sucked  in  the  waves  ;  but  I,  borne 
upward  by  a  wave,  took  fast  hold  of  the  branches 
of  the  wild  fig  tree  that  grew  upon  the  rock. 
To  this  I  clung  for  a  long  time,  but  knew  not 
how  to  climb  higher  up.  So  I  watched  till  she 
should  vomit  forth  again  the  keel  and  the  mast, 
for  these  she  had  swallowed  up.  And  when  I 
saw  them  again,  then  I  plunged  down  from  the 
rock,  and  caught  hold  of  them,  and  seated 


myself  on  them  ;  I  rowed  hard  with  the  palms 
of  my  hands  ;  and  the  father  of  the  gods  suf- 
fered not  Scylla  to  espy  me,  else  had  I  surely 
perished.  For  nine  days  I  floated,  and  on  the 
tenth  the  gods  carried  me  to  the  island  of 

"  But  how  I  fared  there  ye  know  already,  for 
I  have  already  told  the  tale  to  thee  and  to  thy 
wife.  But  yesterday  I  told  it ;  but  to  say  again 
that  which  has  been  once  spoken  is  another 
thing,  and  I  like  it  not." 




WHEN  Ulysses  had  ended  his  tale  there  was 
silence  for  a  space  throughout  the  hall.  And 
after  awhile  King  Alcinolis  spake,  saying: 
"  Ulysses,  now  thou  art  come  to  my  house, 
thou  shalt  no  longer  be  baulked  of  thy  return. 
And  on  you,  chiefs  of  the  Phaeacians,  that 
drink  wine  continually  and  listen  to  the  sing- 
ing of  the  minstrel  within  my  hall,  I  lay 
this  command.  Garments,  and  gold,  skilfully 
wrought,  and  such  gifts  besides  as  the  princes 
have  given  him,  are  already  stored  for  this 
stranger  in  a  chest.  Let  us  now,  also,  give 
him  each  a  great  tripod  and  a  caldron.  We 
will  give  them  to  him,  and  afterwards  wre  will 
gather  the  price  of  them  from  among  the 
people ;  for  such  a  burden  should  not  be  laid 
upon  one  man." 

This  saying  pleased   the   princes,   and   they 

ITHACA.  1/3 

went  each  man  to  his  house ;  and  the  next 
day  they  brought  the  gifts  \  and  the  King 
himself  bestowed  them  under  the  benches,  that 
the  rowers  might  not  be  hindered  in  their 

When  these  things  were  finished,  the 
princes  betook  them  to  the  palace  of  the 
King;  and  he  sacrificed  an  ox  to  Zeus,  and 
they  feasted,  and  the  minstrel  sang.  But  still 
Ulysses  would  ever  look  to  the  sun,  as  if  he 
would  have  hastened  his  going  down ;  for 
indeed  he  was  very  desirous  to  return ;  as  a 
man  desireth  his  supper,  when  he  hath  been 
driving  the  plough  all  day  through  a  fallow 
field  with  a  yoke  of  oxen  before  him,  and  is 
right  glad  when  the  sun  sinketh  in  the  west, 
so  Ulysses  was  glad  at  the  passing  of  the 
daylight.  And  he  spake,  saying  :  — 

"  Pour  out,  now7,  the  drink-offering,  my  lord, 
the  King,  and  send  me  on  my  way.  Now  do 
I  bid  you  farewell,  for  ye  have  given  me  all 
that  my  heart  desired,  to  wit,  noble  gifts  and 
escort  to  my  home.  May  the  gods  give  me 
with  them  good  luck,  and  grant,  also,  that  I 


may  find  my  wife  and  my  friends  in  my  home 
unharmed !  And  may  ye  abide  here  in  joy 
with  your  wives  and  children,  and  may  ye  have 
all  manner  of  good  things  and  may  no  evil 
come  near  you." 

Then  spake  the  King  to  his  squire :  "  Mix, 
now,  the  bowl,  Pontonous,  and  serve  out  the 
wine,  that  we  may  pray  to  Zeus,  and  send 
the  stranger  on  his  way." 

So  Pontonous  mixed  the  wine,  and  served 
it  out ;  and  they  all  made  libation,  and  prayed. 

Then  Ulysses  rose  in  his  place,  and  placed 
the  cup  in  the  hand  of  Arete,  the  Queen,  and 
spake :  "  Fare  thee  well,  O  Queen,  till  old  age 
and  death,  which  no  man  may  escape,  shall 
come  upon  thee !  I  go  to  my  home ;  and  do 
thou  rejoice  in  thy  children  and  in  thy  people, 
and  in  thy  husband,  the  King." 

When  he  had  so  said,  he  stepped  over  the 
threshold.  And  Alcinolis  sent  with  him  a 
squire  to  guide  him  to  the  ship,  and  Arete 
sent  maidens,  bearing  one  a  fresh  robe  and  a 
tunic,  and  another  carrying  the  coffer,  and  yet 
another  with  bread  and  wine.  When  they 

ITHACA.  175 

came  to  the  ship,  the  rowers  took  the  things, 
and  laid  them  in  the  hold.  Also  they  spread  for 
Ulysses  a  rug  and  a  linen  sheet  in  the  hinder 
part  of  the  ship,  that  his  sleep  might  be  sound. 

When  these  things  were  ended  Ulysses 
climbed  on  board,  and  lay  down ;  and  the  men 
sat  upon  the  benches,  and  unbound  the  hawser. 
And  it  came  to  pass  that  so  soon  as  they 
touched  the  water  with  the  oars,  a  deep  sleep 
fell  upon  him.  As  four  horses  carry  a  chariot 
quickly  over  the  plain,  so  quick  did  the  ship 
pass  over  the  waves.  Not  even  a  hawk,  that 
is  the  swiftest  of  all  flying  things,  could  have 
kept  pace  with  it. 

And  when  the  star  that  is  the  herald  of  the 
morning  came  up  in  the  heaven,  then  did  the 
ship  approach  the  island.  There  is  a  certain 
harbour  in  Ithaca,  the  harbour  of  Phorcys,  the 
sea-god,  where  two  great  cliffs  on  either  side 
break  the  force  of  the  waves ;  a  ship  that  can 
win  her  way  into  it  can  ride  safely  without 
moorings.  And  at  the  head  of  this  harbour 
there  is  an  olive  tree,  and  a  cave  hard  by  that 
is  sacred  to  the  nymphs.  Two  gates  hath  the 


cave,  one  looking  towards  the  north,  by  which 
men  may  enter,  and  one  towards  the  south, 
which  pertaineth  only  to  the  gods.  To  this 
place  the  Phaeacians  guided  the  ship,  for  they 
knew  it  well.  Half  the  length  of  the  keel  did 


they  run  her  ashore,  so  quickly  did  they  row 
her.  Then  they  lifted  Ulysses  out  of  the  stern 
as  he  lay  in  the  sheet  and  the  rug  which  the 
Queen  had  given  him.  And  still  he  slept. 
They  took  out  also  the  gifts  which  the  princes 
of  the  Phaeacians  had  given  him,  and  laid  them 
in  a  heap  by  the  trunk  of  the  olive  tree,  a  little 
way  from  the  road,  lest  some  passer-by  should 
come  and  spoil  them  while  Ulysses  slept. 
After  this  they  departed  homeward. 

But  Poseidon  still  remembered  his  anger, 
and  said  to  Zeus,  "  Now  shall  I  be  held  in  dis- 
honour among  the  gods,  for  mortal  men,  even 
these  Phaeacians,  who  are  of  my  own  kindred, 
pay  me  no  regard.  I  said  that  this  Ulysses 
should  return  in  great  affliction  to  his  home  ; 
and  now  they  have  carried  him  safely  across 
the  sea,  with  such  a  store  of  gifts  as  he  never 
would  have  won  out  of  Troy,  even  had  he 


















ITHACA.  177 

come  back  unharmed  with  all  his  share  of  the 

To  him  Zeus  made  answer:  "What  is  that 
thou  sayest,  lord  of  the  sea?  How  can  the 
gods  dishonour  thee,  who  art  the  eldest  among 
them  ?  And  if  men  withhold  from  thee  the 
worship  that  is  due,  thou  canst  punish  them 
after  thy  pleasure.  Do,  therefore,  as  thou 
wilt.  ' 

Then  said  Poseidon :  "  I  had  done  so  long 
since,  but  that  I  feared  thy  wrath.  But  now  I 
will  smite  this  ship  of  the  Phasacians  as  she 
cometh  back  from  carrying  this  man  to  his 
home.  So  shall  they  learn  not  to  give  hence- 
forth safe  carriage  to  men ;  and  their  city  will 
I  overshadow  with  a  great  mountain." 

And  Zeus  made  answer  to  him,  u  Do  as 
thou  wilt." 

Then  Poseidon  came  down  to  the  land  of 
the  Phaeacians,  and  there  he  tarried  till  the 
ship  came  near,  speeding  swiftly  on  her  way. 
Thereupon  he  struck  her,  changing  her  into  a 
stone,  and  rooting  her  to  the  bottom  of  the 


But  the  Phaeacians  said  one  to  another: 
"  Who  is  this  that  hath  hindered  our  ship,  as 
she  journeyed  homeward  ?  Even  now  she  was 
plain  to  see." 

But  King  Alcinoiis  spake,  saying :  "  Now 
are  the  oracles  fulfilled  which  my  father  was 
wont  to  speak.  For  he  said  that  Poseidon  was 
wroth  with  us  because  we  carried  men  safely 
across  the  sea,  and  that  one  day  the  god  would 
smite  one  of  our  ships,  and  change  it  into  a 
stone,  and  that  he  would  overshadow  also  our 
city  with  a  great  mountain.  Now,  therefore, 
let  us  cease  from  conveying  men  to  their 
homes,  and  let  us  do  sacrifice  to  Poseidon, 
slaying  twelve  bulls,  that  he  overshadow  not 
our  city  with  a  great  mountain." 

So  the  King  spake,  and  the  princes  did  as  he 
commanded  them. 

Meanwhile  Ulysses  awoke  in  the  land  of 
Ithaca,  and  he  knew  not  the  place,  for  Athene 
had  spread  a  great  mist  about  it,  doing  it,  as 
will  be  seen,  with  a  good  purpose,  that  he 
might  safely  accomplish  that  which  it  was  in 
his  heart  to  do.  Then  Ulysses  started  up,  and 

ITHACA.  1/9 

made  lament,  saying:  "Woe  is  me!  To  what 
land  am  I  come  ?  Are  the  men  barbarous  and 
unjust,  or  are  they  hospitable  and  righteous  ? 
Whither  shall  I  carry  these  riches  of  mine? 
And  whither  shall  I  go  myself?  Surely  the 
Phaeacians  have  dealt  unfairly  with  me,  for 
they  promised  that  they  would  carry  me  back 
to  my  own  country,  but  now  they  have  taken 
me  to  a  strange  land.  May  Zeus,  who  is  the 
defender  of  the  suppliant,  punish  them  there- 
for !  But  let  me  first  see  to  my  goods,  and 
reckon  them  up,  lest  haply  the  men  should 
have  taken  somewhat  of  them." 

Thereupon  he  numbered  the  tripods,  and 
the  caldrons,  and  the  raiment,  and  the  gold, 
and  found  that  nothing  Was  wanting  to  the  tale 

o  o 

of  the  things.  But  not  the  less  did  he  bewail 
him  for  his  country. 

But  as  he  walked,  lamenting,  by  the  shore, 
Athene  met  him,  having  the  semblance  of  a 
young  shepherd,  fair  to  look  upon,  such  as  are 
the  sons  of  kings.  Ulysses  was  glad  when  he 
saw  her,  though  he  knew  her  not,  and  said : 
"  Friend,  thou  art  the  first  man  that  I  have 


seen  in  this  land.  Now,  therefore,  I  pray  thee 
to  save  my  substance,  and  myself  also.  But 
first,  tell  me  true  —  what  land  is  this  to  which 
I  am  come,  and  what  is  the  people  ?  Is  it  an 
island,  or  a  portion  of  the  mainland  ? ' 

And  the  false  shepherd  said :  "  Thou  art 
loolish,  or,  may  be,  hast  come  from  very  far,  not 
to  know  this  country.  Many  men  know  it, 
both  in  the  east  and  in  the  west.  Rocky  it  is, 
not  fit  for  horses,  nor  is  it  very  broad ;  but  it 
is  fertile  land,  and  good  for  wine ;  nor  does  it 
want  for  rain,  and  a  good  pasture  it  is  for  oxen 
and  goats ;  and  men  call  it  Ithaca.  Even  in 
Troy,  which  is  very  far,  they  say,  from  this  land 
of  Greece,  men  have  heard  of  Ithaca." 

This  Ulysses  was  right  glad  to  hear.  Yet 
he  was  not  minded  to  say  who  he  was,  but 
rather  to  feign  a  tale. 

So  he  said :  "  Yes,  of  a  truth,  I  heard  of  this 
Ithaca  in  Crete,  from  which  I  am  newly  come, 
with  all  this  wealth,  leaving  also  as  much 
behind  for  my  children.  For  I  slew  Orsilo- 
chus,  son  of  Idomeneus,  the  King,  because  he 
would  have  taken  from  me  my  spoil.  Where- 

ITHACA.  l8l 

fore  I  slew  him,  lying  in  wait  for  him  by  the 
way.  Then  made  I  covenant  with  certain 
Phoenicians  that  they  should  take  me  to  Pylos 
or  to  Elis ;  which  thing,  indeed,  they  were 
minded  to  do,  only  the  wind  drave  them  hither, 
and  while  I  slept  they  put  me  upon  the  shore, 
and  my  possessions  with  me,  and  departed  to 

This  pleased  Athene  much,  and  she  changed 
her  shape,  becoming  like  to  a  woman,  tall  and 
fair,  and  said  to  Ulysses  :  — 

"  Right  cunning  would  he  be  who  could 
cheat  thee.  Even  now  in  thy  native  country 
ceasest  thou  not  from  cunning  words  and 
deceits !  But  let  these  things  be ;  for  thou,  I 
trow,  art  the  wisest  of  mortal  men,  and  I  excel 
among  the  gods  in  counsel.  For  I  am  Athene, 
daughter  of  Zeus,  who  am  ever  wont  to  stand 
by  thee  and  help  thee.  And  now  we  will  hide 
these  possessions  of  thine ;  and  thou  must  be 
silent,  nor  tell  to  any  one  who  thou  art,  and 
endure  many  things,  so  that  thou  mayest  come 
to  thine  own  ao;ain.' 


To    her    Ulysses    made    answer  :     "  Hardly 


may  a  mortal  man  discern  thee,  O  goddess, 
however  wise  he  may  be,  for  thou  takest  many 
shapes.  While  I  was  making  war  against 
Troy  with  the  other  Greeks,  thou  wast  ever 
kindly  to  me.  But  from  the  time  that  we  took 
the  city  of  Priam,  and  set  sail  for  our  homes, 
I  saw  thee  not,  until  thou  didst  meet  me  in 
the  land  of  the  Phaeacians,  comforting  me,  and 
guiding  me  thyself  into  the  city.  And  now  I 
beseech,  by  thy  Father  Zeus,  to  tell  me  truly : 
is  this  Ithaca  that  I  see,  for  it  seems  to  me 
that  I  have  come  to  some  other  country,  and 
that  thou  dost  mock  me.  Tell  me,  therefore, 
wrh ether  in  very  deed  I  am  come  to  mine  own 

Then  Athene  answered  him  :  "  Never  will  I 
leave  thee,  for  indeed  thou  art  wise  and  pru- 
dent above  all  others.  For  any  other  man,  so 
coming  back  after  many  wanderings,  would 
have  hastened  to  see  his  wife  and  his  children  ; 

but  thou  wiliest  to  make  trial  first  of  thy  wife. 


But  as  for  this,  that  thou  didst  not  ever  see 
me  in  thy  wanderings,  know  that  I  was  not 
minded  to  be  at  enmity  with  Poseidon,  my 

ITHACA.  183 

father's  brother ;  for  he  was  angry  with  thee 
because  thou  didst  blind  the  Cyclops,  his  son. 
But  come  now,  I  will  show  thee  this  land  of 
Ithaca,  that  thou  mayest  be  assured  in  thy 
heart.  Lo !  here  is  the  harbour  of  Phorcys  ; 
here  at  the  harbour's  head  is  the  olive  tree  ; 
here  also  is  the  pleasant  cave  that  is  sacred  to 
the  nymphs,  and  there,  behold,  is  the  wooded 
hill  of  Neriton." 

Then  the  goddess  scattered  the  mist,  so 
that  he  saw  the  land.  Then,  indeed,  he  knew 
it  for  Ithaca,  and  he  kneeled  down  and  kissed 
the  ground,  and  prayed  to  the  nymphs,  saying: 
"  Never  did  I  think  to  see  you  again  ;  but 
now  I  greet  you  lovingly.  Many  gifts  also 
will  I  give  you,  if  Athene  be  minded,  of  her 
grace,  to  bring  me  to  my  own  again." 

Then  said  Athene  :  "  Take  heart,  and  be 
not  troubled.  But  first  let  us  put  away  thy 
goods  safely  in  the  secret  place  of  the  cave." 

Then  Ulysses  brought  up  the  brass,  and  the 
gold,  and  the  raiment  that  the  Phaeacians  had 
given  him,  and  they  two  stored  it  in  the  cave, 
and  Athene  laid  a  great  stone  upon  the  mouth. 


And  Athene  said :  "  Think,  man  of  many 
devices,  how  thou  wilt  lay  hands  on  these  men, 
suitors  of  thy  wife,  who  for  three  years  have 
sat  in  thy  house  devouring  thy  substance.  And 
she  hath  answered  them  craftily,  making  many 
promises,  but  still  waiting  for  thy  coming." 

Then  Ulysses  said  :  "  Truly  I  had  perished, 
even  as  Agamemnon  perished,  but  for  thee. 
But  do  thou  help  me,  as  of  old  in  Troy,  for 
with  thee  at  my  side  I  would  fight  with  three 
hundred  men." 

Then  said  Athene  :  "  Lo  !   I  will  cause  that 


no  man  shall  know  thee,  for  I  will  wither  the 
fair  flesh  on  thy  limbs,  and  take  the  bright  hair 
from  thy  head,  and  make  thine  eyes  dull.  And 
the  suitors  shall  take  no  account  of  thee,  neither 
shall  thy  wife  nor  thy  son  know  thee.  But  go 
to  the  swineherd  Eumasus,  where  he  dwells  by 
the  fountain  of  Arethusa,  for  he  is  faithful  to 
thee  and  to  thy  house.  And  I  will  hasten  to 
Sparta,  to  the  house  of  Menelaiis,  to  fetch 
Telemachus,  for  he  went  thither,  seeking  news 
of  thee." 

But    Ulysses    said    to   the    goddess :   "  Why 

ITHACA.  185 

didst  thou  not  tell  him,  seeing  that  thou  knewest 
all  ?  Was  it  that  he  too  might  wander  over  the 
seas  in  great  affliction,  and  that  others  mean- 
while might  consume  his  goods  ?  ' 

o  o 

Then  Athene  made  reply :  "  Trouble  not 
thyself  concerning  him.  I  guided  him  myself 
that  he  might  earn  a  good  report,  as  a  son 
searching  for  his  father.  Now  he  sitteth  in 
peace  in  the  hall  of  Menelaiis.  And  though 
there  are  some  that  lie  in  wait  for  him  to  slay 
him,  yet  shall  they  not  have  their  will.  Rather 
shall  they  perish  themselves  and  others  with 
them  that  have  devoured  thy  goods." 

Then  she  touched  him  with  her  rod.  She 
caused  his  skin  to  wither,  and  wasted  the  hair 
upon  his  head,  and  made  his  skin  as  the  skin 
of  an  old  man,  and  dimmed  his  eyes.  His 
garments  she  changed  so  that  they  became 
torn  and  filthy  and  defiled  with  smoke.  Over 
all  she  cast  the  skin  of  a  great  sta^  from  which 

o  o 

the  hair  was  worn.  A  staff  also  she  gave  him, 
and  a  tattered  wallet,  and  a  rope  wherewith  to 
fasten  it. 




ATHENE  departed  to  Lacedasma  that  she 
might  fetch  Telemachus,  and  Ulysses  went  to 
the  house  of  Eumaeus,  the  swineherd.  A  great 


courtyard  there  was,  and  twelve  sties  for  the 
sows,  and  four  watch-dogs,  fierce  as  wild  beasts, 
for  such  did  the  swineherd  breed.  In  each  sty 
were  penned  fifty  swine  ;  but  the  hogs  were 
fewer  in  number,  for  the  suitors  ever  devoured 
them  at  their  feasts.  There  wrere  but  three 
hundred  and  threescore  in  all.  The  swineherd 
himself  was  shaping  sandals,  and  of  his  men 
three  were  with  the  swine  in  the  fields,  and 
one  was  driving  a  fat  beast  to  the  city,  to  be 
meat  for  the  suitors.  But  when  Ulysses  came 
near,  the  dogs  ran  upon  him,  and  he  dropped 
his  staff  and  sat  down,  and  yet  would  have  suf- 
fered harm,  even  on  his  own  threshold ;  but 
the  swineherd  ran  forth  and  drave  away  writh 










stones,  and  spake  unto  his  lord,  though,  in- 
deed, he  knew  him  not,  saying :  — 

"  Old  man,  the  dogs  came  near  to  kill  thee. 
That  would,  indeed,  have  been  a  shame  and  a 
grief  to  me ;  and,  verily,  I  have  other  griefs  in 
plenty.  Here  I  sit  and  sorrow  for  my  lord, 
and  rear  the  fat  swine  for  others  to  devour, 
while  he,  perchance,  wanders  hungry  over  the 
deep,  or  in  the  land  of  strangers,  if,  indeed,  Ire 
lives.  But  come  now,  old  man,  to  my  house, 
and  tell  me  who  thou  art,  and  wrhat  sorrows 
thou  hast  thyself  endured." 

Then  the  swineherd  led  him  to  his  dwelling, 
and  set  him  down  on  a  seat  of  brushwood,  with 
the  hide  of  a  wild  goat  spread  on  it.  The  hide 
was  both  large  and  soft,  and  he  was  wont  him- 
self to  sleep  on  it. 

Greatly  did  Ulysses  rejoice  at  this  welcome, 
and  he  said,  "  Now  may  Zeus  and  the  other 
gods  grant  thee  thy  heart's  desire,  with  such 
kindness  hast  thou  received  me  ! ' 

The  swineherd  made  answer :  "  It  were  a 
wicked  tiling  in  me  to  slight  a  stranger,  for  the 

o  o  o 

stranger  and  the  beggar  are  from   Zeus.      But 


from  us  that  are  thralls  and  in  fear  of  our 
master,  even  a  little  gift  is  precious.  And 
the  gods  have  stayed  the  return  of  my  mas- 
ter. Surely  had  he  come  back  he  would  have 
given  me  a  house,  and  a  portion  of  land,  and  a 
fair  wife  withal  ;  for  such  things  do  lords  give 
to  servants  that  serve  them  well,  in  whose  hand 
their  substance  increaseth,  as  verily,  it  hath  in- 
creased in  mine.  Well  would  my  lord  have 
rewarded  me,  had  he  tarried  at  home.  But  he 
hath  perished  as  I  would  that  all  the  race  of 
Helen  might  perish,  so  many  valiant  sons  of 
the  Greeks  hath  she  brought  to  death.  For 
he,  too,  went  to  Troy,  that  Agamemnon  and 
Menelalis,  his  brother,  might  work  their  ven- 
geance on  the  Trojans." 

Then  he  went  away  to  the  sties,  and  brought 
from  thence  two  young  pigs,  and  singed  them, 
and  cut  them  into  pieces,  and  broiled  them 
upon  spits.  And  when  he  had  cooked 
them,  he  set  them  before  the  beggar  man. 
He  also  mixed  wine  in  a  bowl  of  ivy-wood,  and 
sat  down  over  against  his  oriest,  and  bade  him 

o  o 

eat,  saying :  "  Eat  now  such  food  as  I  can  give 


thee ;  as  for  the  fat  hogs,  them  the  suitors 
devour.  Truly  these  men  have  no  pity,  nor 
fear  of  the  gods.  They  must  have  heard  that 
my  lord  is  dead,  so  wickedly  do  they  behave 
themselves,  fearing  no  recompense  for  their 
evil  deeds.  They  do  not  woo  as  other  suitors 
woo,  nor  do  they  go  back  to  their  own  houses, 
but  they  sit  at  ease,  and  devour  our  wealth 
without  stint.  Verily,  every  day  and  night, 
they  kill,  not  one  victim  or  two,  but  many,  and 
the  wine  they  waste  right  wantonly.  Once  my 
lord  had  possessions  beyond  all  counting ; 
none  in  Ithaca  nor  on  the  mainland  had  so 
much.  Hear  now  the  sum  of  them :  On  the 
mainland  twenty  herds  of  kine,  and  flocks  of 
sheep  as  many,  and  droves  of  swine  as  many, 
and  as  many  herds  of  goats.  Also  here  at  this 
island's  end  he  had  eleven  flocks  of  goats. 
Day  by  day  do  they  take  one  of  the  goats  for 
the  suitors,  and  I  take  for  them  the  best  of  the 

So  he  spake,  and  Ulysses  ate  flesh  and 
drank  wine  the  while ;  but  not  a  word  did  he 
speak,  for  he  was  planning  the  suitors'  death. 


But  at  the  last  he  spake  :  "  My  friend,  who  was 
this,  thy  lord,  of  whom  thou  speakest  ?  Thou 
sayest  that  he  perished,  seeking  to  get  ven- 
geance for  King  Menelalis.  Tell  me  now,  for 
it  may  be  that  I  have  seen  him,  for  I  have 
wandered  far." 

But  Eumaeus  said :  "  Nay,  old  man,  thus  do 
all  wayfarers  talk,  yet  we  hear  no  truth  from 
them.  Not  a  vagabond  fellow  comes  to  this 
island  but  our  Queen  must  see  him,  and  ask 
him  many  things,  weeping  the  while.  And 
thou,  I  doubt  not,  for  a  cloak  or  a  tunic,  would 
tell  a  wondrous  tale.  But  Ulysses,  I  know,  is 
dead,  and  either  the  fowls  of  the  air  devour 
him,  or  the  fishes  of  the  sea." 

But  the  false  beggar  said :  "  Hearken  now,  I 
tell  thee,  and  that  not  lightly,  but  confirming 
my  words  with  an  oath,  that  Ulysses  will  re- 
turn. And  so  soon  as  this  shall  come  to  pass 
thou  shalt  let  me  have  the  reward  of  good 
tidings.  A  mantle  and  a  tunic  shalt  thou  give 
me.  But  before  it  shall  happen,  !  will  take 
nothing,  though  my  need  be  sore ;  I  hate  that 
man  who  speaks  guileful  words  under  con- 


strain!  of  poverty,  even  as  I  hate  the  gates  of 
death.  Now  Zeus  be  my  witness,  and  this 
hospitable  hearth  of  Ulysses  to  which  I  am 
come,  that  all  these  things  shall  come  to  pass 
even  as  I  have  said.  This  year  shall  Ulysses 
return ;  yea,  while  the  moon  waneth  he  shall 
come,  and  take  vengeance  on  all  who  dishonour 
his  name." 

But  Eumseus  made  answer:  "  It  is  not  I,  old 
man,  that  shall  ever  pay  the  reward  of  good 
tidings.  Truly,  Ulysses  will  never  more  come 
back  to  his  home.  But  let  us  turn  our  thought 
to  other  things.  Bring  thou  not  these  to  my 
remembrance  any  more ;  for,  indeed,  my  heart 
is  filled  with  sorrow,  if  any  man  put  me  in 
mind  of  my  lord.  As  for  thine  oath,  let  it  be. 
Earnestly  do  I  pray  that  Ulysses  may  indeed 
return ;  for  this  is  my  desire,  and  the  desire  of 
his  wife,  and  of  the  old  man  Laertes,  and  of 
Telemachus.  And  now  I  am  troubled  concern- 
ing Telemachus  also.  I  thought  that  he  would 
be  no  worse  a  man  than  his  father;  but  some  one, 
whether  it  were  god  or  man  I  know  not,  reft 
him  of  his  wits,  and  he  went  to  Pylos,  seeking 


news  of  his  father.  And  now  the  suitors  lie 
in  wait  for  him,  desiring  that  the  race  of 
Ulysses  may  perish  utterly  out  of  the  land. 
Yet  of  him  also  I  will  say  no  more,  whether 
he  die  or  escape  by  help  of  Zeus.  Come  now, 
old  man,  and  tell  me  who  art  thou,  and 
whence  ?  On  what  ship  did  thou  come,  for  that 
by  ship  thou  earnest  to  Ithaca  I  do  not  doubt." 

Then  Ulysses  answered :  "  Had  we  food  and 
wine  to  last  us  for  a  year,  and  could  sit  quietly 
here  and  talk,  while  others  go  to  their  work, 
so  long  I  should  be  in  telling  thee  fully  all  my 
troubles  that  I  have  endured  upon  the  earth. 
But  my  tale  is  this :  — 

"  I  am  a  Cretan,  the  son  of  one  Castor,  by  a 
slave  woman.  Now  my  father,  while  he  lived, 
did  by  me  as  by  his  other  sons.  But  when  he 
died  they  divided  his  goods,  and  gave  me  but 
a  small  portion,  and  took  my  dwelling  from 
me.  Yet  I  won  a  rich  wife  for  myself,  for  I 
was  brave  and  of  good  repute.  No  man  would 
sooner  go  to  battle  or  to  ambush  than  I,  and 
I  loved  ships  and  spears  and  arrows,  which, 
methinks,  some  men  hate.  Nine  times  did  I 


lead  my  followers  in  ships  against  strangers, 
and  the  tenth  time  I  went  with  Kin^  Idome- 


neus  to  Troy.  And  when  the  city  of  Priam 
had  perished,  I  went  back  to  my  native  coun- 
try, and  there  for  the  space  of  one  month  I 
tarried  with  my  wife,  and  afterwards  I  sailed 
with  nine  ships  to  Egypt.  On  the  fifth  day 
—  for  the  gods  gave  us  a  prosperous  voyage  — 
we  came  to  the  river  of  Egypt.  There  did  my 
comrades  work  much  wrong  to  the  people  of 
the  land,  spoiling  their  fields,  and  leading  into 
captivity  their  wives  and  children  ;  nor  would 
they  hearken  to  me  when  I  would  have  stayed 
them.  Then  the  Egyptians  gathered  an  army, 
and  came  upon  them,  and  slew  some  and  took 
others.  And  I,  throwing  down  helmet  and 
spear  and  shield,  hasted  to  the  King  of  the 
land,  where  he  sat  in  his  chariot,  and  prayed 
that  he  would  have  mercy  on  me,  which  thing 
he  did.  And  with  him  I  dwrelt  for  seven  years, 
gathering  much  wealth.  But  in  the  eighth 
year  there  came  a  trader  of  Phoenicia,  who 
beguiled  me,  that  I  went  with  him  to  his 
country.  And  there  I  tarried  for  a  year ;  and 


afterwards  he  carried  me  in  his  ship  to  Libya, 
meaning  to  sell  me  as  a  slave,  but  Zeus  brake 
the  ship,  so  that  I  only  was  left  alive.  Nine 
days  did  I  float,  keeping  hold  of  the  mast,  and 
on  the  tenth  a  wave  cast  me  on  the  land  of 
Thresprotia,  where  King  Pheidon  kindly  en- 
treated me,  giving  me  food  and  raiment. 
There  did  I  hear  tell  of  Ulysses  ;  yea,  and  saw 
the  riches  which  he  had  gathered  together, 
which  King  Pheidon  was  keeping  till  he  him- 
self should  come  back  from  Dodona,  from  the 
oracle  of  Zeus.  Thence  I  sailed  in  a  ship  for 
Dulichium,  purposing  to  go  to  King  Acastus, 
but  the  sailors  were  minded  to  sell  me  for  a 
slave.  Therefore  they  left  me  bound  in  the 
ship,  but  themselves  took  their  supper  on  the 
shore.  But  in  the  meanwhile  I  brake  my 
bonds,  the  gods  helping  me,  and  leaping  into 
the  sea,  swam  to  the  land,  and  hid  myself  in  a 
wood  that  was  near." 

Then  said  the  swineherd :  "  Stranger,  thou 
hast  stirred  my  heart  with  the  tale  of  all  that 
thou  hast  suffered.  But  in  this  thing,  I  fear, 
thou  speakest  not  aright,  saying  that  Ulysses 


will  return.  Well  I  know  that  he  was  hated  of 
the  gods,  in  that  they  neither  smote  him  when 
he  was  warring  against  the  men  of  Troy,  nor 
afterwards  among  his  friends,  when  the  war 
was  ended.  Then  would  the  host  have  builded 
for  him  a  great  barrow;  and  he  would  have 
won  great  renown  for  himself  and  for  his  chil- 
dren. But  now  he  hath  perished  ingloriously 
by  the  storms  of  the  sea.  As  for  me,  I  dwell 
apart  with  the  swine,  and  go  not  into  the  city, 
save  when  Penelope  bids  me  come,  because 
there  have  been  brought,  no  man  knows 
whence,  some  tidings  of  my  master.  Then 
all  the  people  sit  about  the  bringer  of  news, 
and  question  him,  both  those  who  desire  their 
lord's  return,  and  those  who  delight  in  devour- 
ing his  substance  without  recompense.  But  I 
care  not  to  ask  questions,  since  the  time  when 
a  certain  yEtolian  cheated  me  with  his  story. 
He  too  had  slain  a  man,  and  had  wandered 
over  many  lands,  and  when  he  came  to  my 
house,  I  dealt  kindly  with  him.  This  fellow 
said  that  he  had  seen  my  lord  with  Idomeneus, 
King  of  Crete,  and  that  he  was  mending  his 


ships  which  the  storm  had  broken.  Also  he 
said  that  he  would  come  home  when  it  was 
summer,  or,  haply,  harvest  time,  and  would 
bring  much  wealth  with  him.  But  thou,  old 
man,  seek  not  to  gain  my  favour  with  lies,  nor 
to  comfort  me  with  idle  words.  Such  things 


will  not  incline  me  to  thee,  but  only  the  fear 
of  Zeus,  and  pity  for  thee." 

But  Ulysses  answered,  "  Verily,  thou  art 
slow7  of  heart  to  believe.  Even  with  an  oath 
have  I  not  persuaded  thee.  But  come,  let  us 
make  an  agreement  together,  and  the  gods 
shall  be  our  witnesses.  If  thy  lord  shall  re- 
turn, then  shalt  thou  give  me  a  mantle  and  a 
tunic,  and  send  me  on  my  way,  whither  I  desire 
to  go.  But  if  he  come  not  back  according  to 
my  word,  then  let  thy  men  throw  me  down 
from  a  great  rock,  that  others  may  fear  to 

Then  the  swineherd  said :  "  Much  credit, 
truly,  should  I  gain  among  men,  if,  having 
entertained  thee  in  my  house,  I  should  turn 
and  slay  thee ;  and  with  a  good  heart,  here- 
after, should  I  pray  to  Zeus.  But  it  is  time 


for  supper,   and   I   would   that  my  men  were 
returned  that  we  might  make  ready  a  meal." 

While  he  spake,  the  swine  and  the  swine- 
herds drew  near;  and  Eumaeus  called  to  his 
fellows,  saying:  "  Bring  the  best  of  the  swine, 
for  I  would  entertain  a  guest  who  comes  from 
far.  Verily,  we  endure  much  toil  for  these 
beasts,  while  others  devour  them,  and  make  no 

So  they  brought  a  hog  of  five  years  old ;  and 
the  swineherd  kindled  a  fire,  and  when  he  had 
cast  bristles  from  the  hog  into  the  fire,  to  do 
honour  to  the  gods,  he  slew  the  beast,  and  made 
ready  the  flesh.  Seven  portions  he  made  ;  one 
he  set  apart  for  the  nymphs  and  for  Hermes, 
and  of  the  rest  he  gave  one  to  each.  But 
Ulysses  had  the  chief  portion,  even  the  chine. 

Then  was  Ulysses  glad,  and  spake,  saying, 
"  Eumaeus,  mayest  thou  be  as  dear  to  Zeus, 
even  as  thou  hast  dealt  kindly  with  me." 

And  Eumaeus  answered :  "  Eat,  stranger, 
and  make  merry  with  what  thou  hast.  The 
gods  give  some  things,  and  some  things  they 


Now  the  night  was  cold,  and  it  rained  with- 
out ceasing,  for  the  west  wind,  that  ever 
bringeth  rain,  was  blowing ;  and  Ulysses  was 
minded  to  try  the  swineherd,  whether  he 
would  give  him  his  own  mantle,  or  bid  another 
do  so.  Therefore,  when  they  were  about  to 
sleep,  he  said  :  — 

"  Listen  to  me ;  for  wine,  that  ever  driveth 
the  wits  out  of  a  man,  bids  me  speak.  O  that 
I  was  young,  and  my  strength  unbroken,  as  in 
the  days  when  we  fought  before  the  city  of  Troy. 

"  Once  upon  a  time  we  laid  an  ambush  near 
to  the  city  of  Troy.  And  Menelaiis  and 
Ulysses  and  I  were  the  leaders  of  it.  In  the 
reeds  we  sat,  and  the  night  was  cold,  and 
the  snow  lay  upon  our  shields.  Now  all  the 
others  had  cloaks,  but  I  had  left  mine  behind 
at  the  ships.  So,  when  the  night  was  three 
parts  spent,  I  spake  to  Ulysses,  '  Here  am  I 
without  a  cloak ;  soon,  methinks,  shall  I  perish 
with  the  cold.'  Soon  did  he  bethink  him  of  a 
remedy,  for  he  was  ever  ready  with  counsel. 
Therefore  he  said :  '  Hush,  lest  some  one  hear 
thee ; '  and  to  the  others,  '  I  have  been  warned 


in  a  dream.  We  are  very  far  from  the  ships, 
and  in  peril.  Wherefore,  let  some  one  run  to 
the  ships,  to  King  Agamemnon,  that  he  send 
more  men  to  help.'  Then  Thoas,  son  of 
Andraemon,  rose  up  and  ran,  casting  off  his 
cloak ;  and  this  I  took,  and  slept  warmly 
therein.  Were  I  this  night  such  as  then  I 
was,  I  should  not  lack  such  kindness  even  now." 

Then  said  Eumaeus :  "  This  is  well  spoken, 
old  man.  Thou  shalt  have  a  cloak  to  cover 
thee.  But  in  the  morning  thou  must  put  on 
thy  own  rags  again.  Yet,  perchance,  when 
the  son  of  Ulysses  shall  come,  he  will  give 
thee  new  garments." 

Thereupon  he  arose,  and  set  a  bed  for 
Ulysses,  making  it  with  sheepskins  and  goat- 
skins, near  to  the  fire ;  and  when  Ulysses  lay 
down,  he  cast  a  thick  cloak  over  him,  that  he 
had  in  store,  if  any  great  storm  should  arise. 
But  he  himself  slept  beside  the  boars,  to  guard 
them;  and  Ulysses  was  glad  to  see  that  he 
was  very  careful  for  his  master's  substance, 
even  though  he  was  so  long  time  away. 




Now  all  this  time  Telemachus  tarried  in 
Sparta  with  King  Menelaiis,  and  the  son  of 
Nestor  was  with  him.  To  him,  therefore, 
Athene  went.  Nestor's  son  she  found  over- 
come with  slumber,  but  Telemachus  could  not 
sleep  for  thoughts  of  his  father.  Athene  stood 
near  him,  and  spake,  saying :  — 

"  It  is  not  well,  Telemachus,  that  thou 
shouldest  tarry  longer  away  from  thy  home,  for 
there  are  some  who  spoil  and  devour  thy  sub- 
stance. Come,  therefore,  rouse  thy  host  Mene- 
laiis,  and  pray  him  that  he  send  thee  on  thy 
way,  if  haply  thou  mayest  yet  find  thy  mother 
in  her  home.  For  her  father  and  her  brethren 
are  instant  with  her  that  she  should  take  Eu- 
rymachus  for  her  husband,  seeing  that  he  hath 
far  surpassed  all  the  other  suitors  in  his  gifts. 
Take  heed,  therefore,  lest  she  take  some  treas- 


ure  from  thy  house,  for  the  heart  of  a  woman 
is  ever  set  on  increasing  the  wealth  of  him  who 


shall  take  her  to  wife,  but  of  her  children,  and 
of  him  that  was  her  husband  before,  she  taketh 
no  thought.  Go,  then,  and  put  thy  substance 
into  the  hands  of  some  woman  in  thy  house- 
hold whom  thou  judges!  to  be  most  trusty, 
until  the  gods  find  thee  a  wife.  Hearken  also 


to  another  matter.  The  bravest  of  the  suitors 
lie  in  wait  for  thee  in  the  strait  that  is  between 
Ithaca  and  Samos,  desirous  to  slay  thee  before 
thou  shalt  come  again  to  thy  home.  Keep  thy 
ship,  therefore,  far  from  the  place,  and  sail  both 
by  night  and  by  day,  and- one  of  the  gods  shall 
send  thee  a  fair  breeze.  Also,  when  thou  com- 
est  to  the  land  of  Ithaca,  send  thy  ship  and 
thy  company  to  the  city,  but  seek  thyself  the 
swineherd  Eumaeus,  for  he  hath  been  ever  true 
to  thee.  Rest  there  the  night,  and  bid  him  go 
to  the  city  on  the  day  following,  and  carry  tid- 
ings to  thy  mother  of  thy  safe  return." 

Then  Telemachus  woke  the  son  of  Nestor, 
touching  him  with  his  heel,  and  saying : 
"  Awake,  son  of  Nestor,  bring  up  thy  horses, 


and  yoke  them  to  the  chariot,  that  we  may  go 
upon  our  way." 

But  Peisistratus  made  answer :  "  We  may 
not  drive  through  the  darkness,  how  ea^er 

o  o 

soever  we  be  to  depart.  Soon  will  it  be  dawn. 
Tarry  thou  till  Menelatis  shall  bring  his  gifts 
and  set  them  on  the  car,  and  send  thee  on  thy 
way,  for  a  guest  should  take  thought  of  the 
host  that  showeth  him  kindness." 

And  when  the  morning  was  come,  and 
Menelatis  was  risen  from  his  bed,  Telemachus 
spake  to  him,  saying,  "  Menelaus,  send  me 
now  with  all  speed  to  my  own  country,  for  I 
am  greatly  desirous  to  go  there." 

To  him  Menelaus  made  answer :  "  I  will  not 
keep  thee  long,  seeing  that  thou  desirest  to 
return ;  it  were  shame  in  a  host  to  be  over 
gracious  or  lacking  in  grace.  To  be  moderate 
is  better,  neither  speeding  him  that  would  fain 
stay  nor  keeping  him  that  would  fain  depart. 
But  stay  till  I  bring  my  gifts  and  set  them  in 
the  chariot.  Let  me  also  bid  the  women  pre- 
pare the  meal  in  my  hall,  for  it  is  both  honour 
to  me  and  a  profit  to  you  that  ye  should  eat 


well  before  ye  set  forth  on  a  far  journey.  But 
if  thou  wilt  go  further  through  the  land,  even 
to  Hellas  and  Argos,  then  let  me  go  with  thee ; 
to  many  cities  will  we  go,  and  none  will  send 
us  empty  away." 

But  Telemachus  said :  "  Not  so,  Menelaus ; 
rather  would  I  go  back  straightway  to  mine 
own  land,  for  I  left  none  to  watch  over  my 
goods.  It  were  ill  done  were  I  to  perish  seek- 
ing my  father,  or  to  lose  some  precious  posses- 
sion out  of  my  house." 

Then  Menelaus  bade  his  wife  and  the  maids 
prepare  the  meal,  and  his  squire  he  bade  kindle 
a  fire  and  roast  flesh ;  and  he  himself  went  to 
his  treasury,  and  Helen  and  Megapenthes  with 
him.  He  himself  took  therefrom  a  double  cup, 
and  bade  Megapenthes  bear  a  mixing-bowl  of 
silver ;  as  for  Helen,  she  took  from  her  coffers 
a  robe  that  she  had  wrought  with  her  own 


hands.     The  fairest  it  was  of  all,  and  shone  as 
shines  a  star,  and  it  lay  beneath  all  the  rest. 
Then   said   Menelaus  :    "  Take  this   mixing- 


bowl ;  it  is  wrought  of  silver,  but  the  lips  are 
finished  with  gold ;  Hephaestus  wrought  it 


with  his  own  hands,  and  the  King  of  the 
Sidonians  gave  it  me.  This  cup  also  I  give 

And  beautiful  Helen  came,  holding  the  robe 
in  her  hands,  and  spake,  saying:  "  Take,  dear 
child,  this  memorial  of  Helen's  handiwork; 
keep  it  against  thy  marriage  day,  for  thy 
bride  to  wear.  Meanwhile,  let  thy  mother 
have  charge  of  it.  And  now  mayest  thou 
return  with  joy  to  thy  native  country  and  thy 
home !  " 

Then  they  sat  down  to  eat  and  drink ;  and 
when  they  had  finished,  then  did  Telemachus 
and  Nestor's  son  yoke  the  horses  and  climb 
into  the  chariot. 

But  Menelaiis  came  forth  brinmnor  wine  in  a 

o      o 

cup  of  gold,  that  they  might  pour  out  an  offer- 
ing to  the  gods  before  they  departed.  And  he 
stood  before  the  horses,  and  spake,  saying :  — 

"  Farewell,  gallant  youths,  and  salute  Nestor 
for  me ;  verily,  he  was  as  a  father  to  me,  when 
we  were  waging  war  against  Troy." 

To  him  Telemachus  made  answer :  "  That 
will  we  do  ;  and  may  the  gocls  grant  that  I 


find  my  father  at  home  and  tell  him  what 
grace  I  have  found  in  thy  sight ! ' 

But  even  as  he  spake  there  flew  forth  at  his 
right  hand  an  eagle,  carrying  a  goose  in  his 
claws,  that  he  had  snatched  from  the  yard,  and 
men  and  women  followed  it  with  loud  shout- 
ing. Across  the  horses  it  flew,  still  going  to  the 
right ;  and  they  were  glad  when  they  saw  it. 

Then  said  Nestor's  son:  "  Think,  Menelaus! 
Did  Zeus  send  this  sign  to  us  or  thee? ' 

But  while  Menelaus  pondered  the  matter, 
Helen  spake,  saying:  "  Hear  me  when  I  say 
what  the  gods  have  put  in  my  heart.  Even  as 
this  eagle  came  down  from  the  hill  where  he 
was  bred,  and  snatched  away  the  goose  from 
the  house,  so  shall  Ulysses  come  back  to  his 
home  after  many  wanderings,  and  take  ven- 
geance; yea,  even  now  he  is  there,  devising  evil 
for  the  suitors." 

And  Telemachus  cried  aloud,  "  May  Zeus 
so  ordain  it ! ' 

Then  they  departed  and  sped  across  the 
plain.  That  night  they  tarried  at  Pherae  ;  but 
when  they  came  the  next  day  to  Pylos,  Telem- 


achus  said  to  Peisistratus :  "  Son  of  Nestor, 
wilt  thou  be  as  a  friend  to  me,  and  do  my  bid- 
ding ?  Leave  me  at  my  ship ;  take  me  not 
past,  lest  the  old  man,  thy  father,  keep  me  out 
of  his  kindness  against  my  will,  for,  indeed,  I 
am  desirous  to  go  home." 

And  Nestor's  son  did  so.  He  turned  his 
horses  towards  the  shore  and  the  ship.  And 
coming  there,  he  took  out  the  gifts,  and  laid 
them  in  the  hinder  part  of  the  ship.  This 
done,  he  called  Telemachus  and  said :  "  Climb 
now  into  thy  ship,  and  depart,  ere  I  can  reach 
my  home.  Well  I  know  that  my  father  will 
come  down,  and  bid  thee  return  with  him  to  his 
house ;  nor,  indeed,  if  he  find  thee  here,  will  he 
go  back  without  thee,  so  wilful  is  he  of  heart." 

And  Telemachus  bade  his  companions  climb 
on  to  the  ship  ;  and  they  did  so. 

But  while  he  was  making  ready,  and  pray- 
ing, and  making  a  burnt  offering  to  Athene, 
came  one  who  had  slain  a  man,  and  was  flee- 
ing from  Argos.  A  soothsayer  he  was,  Theo- 
clymenus  by  name,  and  he  was  of  the  lineage 
of  Melampus.  (This  Melampus  stole  the  oxen 


of  Phylaeus  that  he  might  win  the  daughter  of 
Neleus  for  his  brother.) 

This  man  stood  by  the  ship,  and  said,  "  Tell 
me  truly  who  thou  art,  and  from  what  city 
thou  comest." 

Telemachus  made  answer:  "  Stranger,  I  will 


tell  thee  all.  I  am  of  Ithaca,  and  my  father  is 
Ulysses.  I  have  gone  forth  with  my  ship,  that 
I  may  hear  tidings  of  him." 

Then  said  the  soothsayer:  "I  have  fled  from 
my  country,  because  I  slew  one  of  my  own 
kindred.  Take  me,  therefore,  on  board  thy 
ship,  for  the  avengers,  even  now,  are  following 
hard  after  me." 

To  him  Telemachus  made  reply:  "If  thou 
desirest  to  come,  I  will  not  drive  thee  away. 
Come  with  us  to  Ithaca,  and  I  will  give  thee 
of  such  things  as  I  have." 


So  they  departed ;  and  Athene  sent  a  wind 
that  blew  from  behind,  and  they  sped  on  their 

Meanwhile  Ulysses  sat  with  the  swineherd 
and  his  men,  and  supped.  And  Ulysses,  will- 
ing to  try  the  man's  temper,  said :  "  In  the 


morning  I  would  fain  go  to  the  city,  for  I 
would  not  be  burdensome  to  thee.  Let  me 
rather  go  to  the  city  if,  perchance,  some  one 
there  may  give  me  a  cup  of  water  and  a  morsel 
of  bread.  Verily,  to  the  house  of  Ulysses 
would  I  go,  if  haply  the  suitors  might  give 
me  a  meal.  Well  could  I  serve  them.  No 
man  can  light  a  fire,  or  cleave  wood,  or  carve 
flesh,  or  pour  out  wine,  better  than  I." 

"  Nay,"  said  the  swineherd,  "  thou  hadst  best 
not  go  among  the  suitors,  so  proud  and  law- 
less are  they.  They  that  serve  them  are  not 
such  as  thou.  They  are  young,  and  fair,  and 
gaily  clad,  and  their  heads  are  anointed  with  oil. 
Abide  rather  here;  thou  art  not  burdensome  to 
us ;  and  when  the  son  of  Ulysses  shall  come,  he 
will  give  thee,  may  be,  a  mantle  and  a  tunic." 

Ulysses  answered :  "  Now  may  Zeus  bless 
thee  for  thy  kindness  in  that  thou  makest  me 
cease  from  my  wanderings.  Surely,  nothing 
is  more  grievous  to  a  man  than  to  wander ;  but 
hunger  compels  him.  Tell  me  now  about  the 
mother  of  Ulysses  and  about  his  father.  Are 
they  yet  alive  ? ' 


Then  said  the  swineherd :  "  I  will  tell  thee 
all.  Laertes,  the  father  of  Ulysses,  yet  lives; 
yet  doth  he  daily  pray  to  die,  such  sorrow  hath 
he  for  his  son,  who  is  far  away  from  his  home, 
and  for  his  wife,  that  is  dead.  Verily,  it  was 
her  death  that  brought  him  to  old  age  before 

o  o 

his  time.  And  it  was  of  grief  for  her  son  that 
she  died.  Much  kindness  did  I  receive  at  her 
hands,  while  she  yet  lived  ;  but  now  I  lack  it. 
As  for  my  lady  Penelope,  a  great  trouble  hath 
fallen  upon  her  house,  even  a  plague  of  evil- 
minded  men." 

Then  said  Ulysses  to  Eumaeus :  "  Tell  me 
now  how  it  came  to  pass  that  thou  didst  wan- 
der far  from  thy  parents  when  thou  wast  yet  a 
little  child.  Did  enemies  sack  the  town  in 
which  thy  father  dwelt,  or  did  men  find  thee 
by  thyself,  tending  a  flock  or  a  herd,  and  sell 
thee  across  the  sea  ? ' 

Then  the  swineherd  told  this  tale :  — 

"  There  is  a  certain  island  called  Syria.      Not 

many  men  dwell  there ;  but  it  is  a  fertile  land, 

with  many  flocks,  and  plenty  of  corn  and  wine. 

Never  doth  famine  come  there,   nor  wasting 


disease,  but  when  the  men  grow  old  Apollo  slay- 
eth  them  with  his  painless  shafts,  and  the  women 
Artemis.  There  are  two  cities  in  the  island, 
and  my  father  reigned  over  both. 

"  Now  there  was  in  my  father's  house  a  cer- 
tain Phoenician  woman.  Tall  she  was,  and 
fair,  and  skilful  in  handiwork.  And  there 
came  to  the  island  certain  Phoenicians  in  a 
ship,  with  merchandise  of  women's  ornaments 
and  the  like.  These  men  beguiled  the  woman 
that  was  in  my  father's  house.  One  of  them 
asked  her  who  she  was  and  whence  she  came, 
and  she  said  to  him:  '  I  come  from  Sidon,  and 
my  father's  name  is  Arybas.  But  the  sea- 
robbers,  the  Taphians,  stole  me  away,  as  I 
came  home  from  the  fields,  and  carried  me 
across  the  sea,  and  sold  me  to  my  master  for 
a  goodly  price.'  Then  the  man  said :  '  Wilt 
thou  return  with  us,  and  see  again  thy  home, 
and  thy  father  and  thy  mother,  for  they  yet 
live,  and  are  reputed  to  be  wealthy  ? '  The 
woman  answered :  '  That  I  would  gladly  do, 
if  ye  will  swear  to  me  to  bring  me  back  to 
my  home.'  Then  they  sware  to  her  as  she 


desired.  Thereupon  the  woman  said:  'Hold 
now  your  peace,  and  let  none  speak  to  me, 
or  greet  me,  if  ye  chance  to  meet  me  in  the 
city  or  at  the  well,  lest  haply  some  one  tell 
the  matter  to  my  master.  Then  would  he  put 
me  in  bonds  and  would  slay  you.  But  when 
your  ship  is  fully  freighted,  then  send  a  mes- 
sage to  me  in  my  master's  house.  Then  will 
I  come  with  all  the  treasure  on  which  I  can 
lay  my  hands.  And  there  is  another  thing 
which  also  I  would  gladly  pay  for  my  passage. 
I  am  nurse  to  my  master's  son,  a  little  boy  that 
runs  abroad  with  me.  Him  will  I  bring  on 
board  your  ship,  and  ye  can  sell  him  for  a 
great  price.' 

"  For  a  whole  year  did  these  strangers  abide 
in  the  land,  gathering  much  wealth.  And  at 
the  end  of  the  year,  they  sent  a  message  to  the 
Phoenician  woman.  In  this  wise  they  sent  it. 
There  came  one  of  them  to  my  father's  house, 
having  with  him  a  chain  of  gold  strung  with 
balls  of  amber.  And  while  my  mother  and  the 
maidens  in  the  hall  were  handling  the  chain 
and  bargaining  for  it,  he  nodded  silently  to  the 


woman,  and  after  awhile  departed.  Then  the 
woman  took  me  by  the  hand,  and  led  me  forth. 
And  as  she  went  she  found  three  goblets, 
where  the  guests  of  my  father  had  been  feast- 
ing. These  she  took  up,  and  hid  in  her  bosom, 
and  I  followed  her,  knowing  nothing.  So  we 
went  down  to  the  ship,  and  it  was  now  night. 
Then  did  the  Phoenicians  take  us  on  board, 
and  set  sail,  and  Zeus  sent  a  favourable  wind. 
For  six  days  they  sailed,  and  on  the  seventh 
Artemis  slew  the  woman  with  her  shafts,  and 
she  fell  into  the  hold.  The  men  cast  her  forth 
to  be  the  prey  of  the  fishes,  but  I  was  left  in 
sadness.  Then  the  wind  carried  them  to  Ithaca. 
There  Laertes  bought  me.  So  came  I  hither." 

Then  said  Ulysses  :  "  The  gods  have  given 
thee  good  as  well  as  evil,  for  they  have  brought 
thee  to  the  house  of  a  kindly  man." 

After  this  the  two  lay  down  and  slept. 




TELEMACHUS  in  his  ship  came  safe  to  the 
island  of  Ithaca,  at  the  place  that  was  nearest 
to  the  swineherd's  house.  There  they  beached 
the  ship,  and  made  it  fast  with  anchors  at  the 
fore  part  and  hawsers  at  the  stern,  and  they 
landed,  and  made  ready  a  meal. 

When  they  had  now  had  enough  of  meat 
and  drink,  Telemachus  said  :  "  Take  now  the 
ship  to  the  city.  I  will  come  thither  in  the 
evening,  having  first  seen  my  farm  ;  and  then 
I  will  pay  you  your  wages." 

Then  said  Theoclymenus :  "  Whither  shall 
I  go,  my  son  ?  To  the  house  of  any  other  man 
in  Ithaca,  or  to  the  house  of  thy  mother  ? ' 

Telemachus  made  answer :  "  At  other  times 
I  would  bid  thee  go  to  our  own  house,  for  there 
is  no  lack  of  entertainment  in  it ;  but  now  thou 
wouldest  fare  but  ill,  for  I  shall  not  be  there, 


and  my  mother  will  see  no  one,  but  sits  apart 
in  her  chamber,  and  weaves  at  her  web.  Go, 
therefore,  to  the  house  of  Eurymachus.  He  is 
the  best  of  all  the  suitors,  and  most  honoured  of 
the  people.  But  what  his  end  and  the  end  of 
his  fellows  will  be,  I  know  not." 

Even  as  he  spake  a  bird  flew  upon  his 
right ;  a  hawk  it  was,  holding  a  dove  in  her 
talons.  The  hawk  plucked  the  dove  of  its 
feathers,  and  shed  them  down  to  the  ground 
between  Theoclymenus  and  the  ship. 

Then  the  seer  called  Telemachus  aside,  and 
said  to  him :  "  This  flying  of  the  bird  was  of 

J  O 

the  gods'  doing.  There  is  no  more  kingly 
house  than  yours  in  Ithaca ;  right  soon  shall 
ye  have  the  mastery." 

Then  Telemachus  spake  to  Peiraeus,  whom 
he  trusted  more  than  any  of  his  companions 
besides,  saying,  "  Take  this  stranger  home 
with  thee,  and  treat  him  well  till  I  come." 

Peiraeus  answered,  "  Though  thou  tarry  a 
long  while,  Telemachus,  yet  shall  he  not  lack 
good  cheer." 

After  this  the  ship  went  on  to  the  city,  and 


Telemachus  went  up  to  the  herdsman's  house. 

Now  the  herdsman  and  Ulysses  had  kindled 
a  fire,  and  were  making  ready  breakfast. 

And  Ulysses  heard  the  steps  of  a  man,  and, 
as  the  dogs  barked  not,  said  to  Eumasus, 
"  Lo !  there  comes  some  comrade  or  friend,  for 
the  dog^s  bark  not." 


And  as  he  spake,  Telemachus  stood  in  the 
doorway;  and  the  swineherd  let  fall  from  his 
hand  the  bowl  in  which  he  was  mixing  wine, 
and  ran  to  him  and  kissed  his  head  and  his 
eyes  and  his  hands.  As  a  father  kisses  his 
only  son,  coming  back  to  him  from  a  far  coun- 
try after  ten  years,  so  did  the  swineherd  kiss 
Telemachus.  And  when  Telemachus  came 
in,  the  false  beggar,  though  indeed  he  was  his 
father,  rose,  and  would  have  given  place  to 
him ;  but  Telemachus  suffered  him  not.  And 
when  they  had  eaten  and  drunk,  Telemachus 
asked  of  the  swineherd  who  this  stranger 
might  be. 

Then  the  swineherd  told  him  as  he  had 
heard,  and  afterwards  said,  "  I  hand  him  to 
thee :  he  is  thy  suppliant ;  do  as  thou  wilt." 


But  Telemachus  answered:  "  Nay,  Eumaeus. 
For  am  I  master  in  my  house  ?  Do  not  the 
suitors  devour  it  ?  And  does  not  "my  mother 
doubt  whether  she  will  abide  with  me,  remem- 
bering the  great  Ulysses,  who  was  her  hus- 
band, or  will  follow  some  one  of  those  who  are 
suitors  to  her  ?  I  will  give  this  stranger,  in- 
deed, food  and  clothing  and  a  sword,  and  will 
send  him  whithersoever  he  will,  but  I  would 
not  that  he  should  go  among  the  suitors,  so 
haughty  are  they  and  violent." 

Then  said  Ulysses :  "  But  why  dost  thou 
bear  with  these  men  ?  Do  the  people  hate 
thee,  that  thou  canst  not  avenge  thyself  on 
them?  and  hast  thou  not  kinsmen  to  help 
thee  ?  As  for  me,  I  would  rather  die  than 
see  such  shameful  things  done  in  house  of 


And  Telemachus  answered :  "  My  people 
hate  me  not ;  but  as  for  kinsmen,  I  have  none, 
for  Acrisius  had  but  one  son,  Laertes,  and 
he  again  but  one,  Ulysses,  and  Ulysses  had 
none  other  but  me.  Therefore  do  these 
men  spoil  my  substance  without  let,  and,  it 


may  be,  will  take  my  life  also.  These  things, 
however,  the  gods  will  order.  But  do  thou, 
Eumaeus,  go  to  Penelope,  and  tell  her  that 
I  am  returned ;  but  let  no  man  know  thereof, 
for  there  are  that  counsel  evil  against  me ; 
but  I  will  stay  here  meanwhile." 

So  Eumaeus  departed.  But  when  he  had 
gone,  Athene  came,  like  a  woman  tall  and  fair; 
but  Telemachus  saw  her  not,  for  it  is  not  given 
to  all  to  see  the  immortal  gods ;  but  Ulysses 
saw  her,  and  the  dogs  saw  her,  and  whimpered 
for  fear.  She  signed  to  Ulysses,  and  he  went 
forth,  and  she  said :  — 

"  Hide  not  the  matter  from  thy  son,  but  plan 
with  him  how  ye  may  slay  the  suitors,  and  lo ! 
I  am  with  you." 

Then  she  touched  him  with  her  golden 
wand.  First  she  put  about  him  a  fresh  robe 
of  linen  and  new  tunic.  Also  she  made  him 
larger  and  fairer  to  behold.  More  dark  did  he 
grow,  and  his  cheeks  were  rounded  again,  and 
the  beard  spread  out  black  upon  his  chin. 

Having  so  done,  she  passed  away.  But 
when  Ulysses  went  into  the  hut,  his  son  looked 


at  him,  greatly  marvelling.  Indeed,  he  feared 
that  it  might  be  some  god. 

"  Stranger,"  he  said,  "  surely  thou  art  not 
what  thou  wast  but  a  moment  since ;  other 
garments  hast  thou,  and  the  colour  of  thy  skin 
is  changed.  Verily,  thou  must  be  some  god 
from  heaven.  Stay  awhile,  that  we  may  offer  to 
thee  sacrifice,  so  shalt  thou  have  mercy  on  us  ! ' 

Ulysses  made  answer,  "  I  am  no  god ;  I  am 
thy  father,  for  whom  thou  hast  sought  with 
much  trouble  of  heart." 

So  saying  he  kissed  his  son,  and  let  fall  a 
tear,  but  before  he  had  kept  in  his  tears  con- 

But  Telemachus,  doubting  yet  whether  this 
could  indeed  be  his  father,  made  reply :  "  Thou 
canst  not  be  my  father;  some  god  beguileth 
me  that  I  may  have  sorrow  upon  sorrow.  No 
mortal  man  could  contrive  this  of  his  own  wit, 
making  himself  now  young,  now  old,  at  his 
pleasure.  A  moment  since  thou  wast  old,  and 
clad  in  vile  garments;  now  thou  art  as  one  of 
the  gods  in  heaven." 

But  Ulysses  answered  him,  saying :  "  Telem- 


achus,  it  is  not  fitting  for  thee  to  marvel  so 
much  at  thy  father's  coming  home.  It  is 
indeed  my  very  self  who  am  come,  having  suf- 
fered many  things  and  wandered  over  many 
lands,  now  at  last  in  the  twentieth  year.  And 
this  at  which  thou  wonderest  is  Athene's  work; 
she  it  is  that  maketh  me  now  like  to  an  old 
man  and  a  beggar  and  now  to  a  young  man 
clad  in  rich  raiment." 

So  speaking,  he  sat  him  down  again,  and 
Telemachus  threw  himself  upon  his  father's 
neck,  mourning  and  shedding  tears.  So  they 
two  lamented  together,  even  as  eagles  of  the  sea 
or  vultures  whose  young  ones  have  been  taken 
from  the  nest  before  they  are  fledged.  So  had 
they  gone  on  till  set  of  sun,  but  Telemachus 
said  to  his  father,  "  Tell  me  how  thou  earnest 
back,  my  father  ? ' 

So  Ulysses  told  him,  saying:  "The  Phasa- 
cians  brought  me  back  from  their  country 
while  I  slept.  Many  gifts  did  they  send  with 
me.  These  have  I  hidden  in  a  cave.  And  to 
this  place  have  I  come  by  the  counsel  of 
Athene,  that  we  may  plan  together  for  the 


slaying  of  the  suitors.  But  come,  tell  me  the 
number  of  the  suitors,  how  many  they  are  and 
what  manner  of  men.  Shall  we  twain  be  able 
to  make  war  upon  them  or  must  we  get  the 
help  of  others  ? ' 

Then  said  Telemachus :  "  Thou  art,  I  know, 
a  great  warrior,  my  father,  and  a  wise,  but  this 
thing  we  cannot  do ;  for  these  men  are  not  ten, 
no,  nor  twice  ten,  but  from  Dulichium  come 
fifty  and  two,  and  from  Samos  four  and  twenty, 
and  from  Zacynthus  twenty,  and  from  Ithaca 
twelve ;  and  they  have  Medon,  die  herald,  and 
a  minstrel  also,  and  attendants." 

Then  said  Ulysses :  "  Go  thou  home  in  the 
morning  and  mingle  with  the  suitors,  and  I 
will  come  as  an  old  beggar ;  and  if  they  entreat 
me  shamefully,  endure  to  see  it,  yea,  if  they 
drag  me  to  the  door.  Only,  if  thou  wilt,  speak 
to  them  prudent  words ;  but  they  will  not  heed 
thee,  for  indeed  their  doom  is  near.  Heed  this 
also :  when  I  give  thee  the  token,  take  all  the 
arms  from  the  dwelling  and  hide  them  in  thy 
chamber.  And  when  they  shall  ask  thee  why 
thou  doest  thus,  say  that  thou  takest  them  out 


of  the  smoke,  for  that  they  are  not  such  as 
Ulysses  left  behind  him  when  he  went  to  Troy, 
but  that  the  smoke  has  soiled  them.  Say, 
also,  that  haply  they  might  stir  up  strife  sitting 
at  their  cups,  and  that  it  is  not  well  that  arms 
should  be  at  hand,  for  that  the  very  steel  draws 
on  a  man  to  fight.  But  keep  two  swords  and 
two  spears  and  two  shields  —  these  shall  be 
for  thee  and  me.  Only  let  no  one  know  of  my 
coming  back  —  not  Laertes,  nor  the  swineherd, 
no,  nor  Penelope  herself." 

Meanwhile  the  ship  of  Telemachus  came  to 
the  city.  The  gifts  the  men  carried  to  the 
house  of  Clytius ;  but  a  herald  went  to  the 
palace  with  tidings  for  Penelope,  lest  she 
should  be  troubled  for  her  son.  So  these  two, 
the  herald  and  the  swineherd,  came  together, 
having  the  same  errand.  The  herald  spake  out 
among  the  handmaids,  saying  :  "  O  Queen,  thy 
son  is  returned  from  Pylos  !  '  But  the  swine- 
herd went  up  to  Penelope  by  herself,  and  told 
her  all  that  Telemachus  had  bidden  him  to 
say.  When  he  had  so  done,  he  turned  about, 
and  \vent  home  to  his  house  and  to  the  swine. 


But  the  suitors  were  troubled  in  heart ;  and 
Eurymachus  said :  "  This  is  a  bold  thing  that 
Telemachus  hath  done.  He  hath  accom- 
plished his  journey,  which  we  said  he  never 
would  accomplish.  Let  us,  therefore,  get 
rowers  together,  and  send  a  ship,  that  we  may 
bid  our  friends  come  back  with  all  the  speed 
they  may." 

But  even  while  he  spake,  Amphinomus 
turned  him  about,  and  saw  the  ship  in  the 
harbour,  and  the  men  lowering  the  sails. 
Then  he  laughed  and  said  :  "  No  need  is  there 
to  send  a  message,  for  the  men  themselves 
have  come.  Maybe  some  god  hath  told  them; 
maybe  they  saw  the  ship  of  Telemachus  go 
by,  and  could  not  overtake  it." 

Then  all  the  suitors  went  together  to  the 
place  of  assembly,  and  Antinoiis  stood  up 
and  spake  :  "  See  how  the  gods  have  delivered 
this  man !  All  day  long  our  scouts  sat  and 
watched  upon  the  headlands,  one  man  taking 
another's  place  ;  and  at  sunset  we  rested  not 
on  the  shore,  but  sailed  on  the  sea,  waiting  for 
the  morning.  Yet  some  god  hath  brought 


him  home.  Nevertheless  we  will  bring  him  to 
an  evil  end,  for  so  long  as  he  liveth  we  shall 
not  accomplish  our  end.  Let  us  make  haste 
before  he  assemble  the  people  and  tell  them 
how  we  plotted  against  him.  Then  will  they 
hate  us,  and  we  shall  be  driven  forth  from  the 
land.  Let  us  slay  him,  therefore,  either  in  the 
field  or  by  the  way ;  and  let  us  divide  his  pos- 
sessions, but  his  house  will  we  give  to  his 
mother  and  to  him  who  shall  marry  her.  But 
if  ye  would  rather  that  he  should  live,  then  let 
us  sit  here  no  more,  eating  his  substance,  but 
let  us  go  each  to  his  own  home,  and  woo  the 
Queen  from  thence  with  bridal  gifts,  till  one 
shall  persuade  her." 

Then  spake  Amphinomus,  —  not  one  of  the 
suitors  was  of  a  more  understanding  heart 
than  he,  —  "  Friends,  I  would  not  that  Telem- 
achus  should  be  slain  ;  it  is  a  fearful  thing 
to  slay  the  son  of  a  king.  First,  let  us  ask 
counsel  of  the  gods.  If  the  oracles  of  Zeus 
approve,  then  will  I  slay  him  with  mine  own 
hand ;  but  if  they  forbid,  then  I  wrould  have 
you  refrain." 


Thereupon  they  departed  from  the  place  of 
assembly,  and  went  to  the  house  of  Ulysses. 

Now  Penelope  had  heard  from  Medon,  the 
herald,  how  the  suitors  had  plotted  to  slay  her 
son ;  therefore  went  to  the  hall  with  her 
maidens  with  her,  and  stood  in  the  door,  hold- 
ing her  veil  before  her  face,  and  spake,  say- 


"  Antinoiis,  men  say  that  thou  art  the  best  in 
counsel  and  speech  of  all  the  princes  of  Ithaca. 
Not  such,  in  truth,  do  I  find  thee.  Dost  thou 
plot  against  the  life  of  my  son,  having  no  regard 
for  the  gods,  nor  any  memory  of  good  deeds  ? 
Dost  thou  not  remember  how  thy  father  fled 
to  this  house,  fearing  the  anger  of  the  people  ? 
He  had  gone  with  the  Taphians,  the  sea- 
robbers,  and  had  harried  a  people  that  was 
at  peace  with  us.  Therefore  the  people  de- 
sired to  slay  him  and  to  spoil  his  goods,  but 
Ulysses  withstood  them.  Yet  it  is  this  man's 
house  that  thou  dost  waste,  and  his  son  that 
thou  wouldest  slay." 

But  Eurymachus  made  answer :  "  Take 
courage,  wise  Penelope,  and  let  not  thy  heart 


be  troubled.  The  man  is  not,  nor  shall  be 
born,  who  shall  raise  a  hand  against  Telem- 


achus,  so  long  as  I  live  upon  the  earth. 
Right  soon  would  his  blood  gush  out  about 
my  spear ;  many  a  time  hath  Ulysses  set  me 
upon  his  knees,  and  given  me  roasted  flesh, 
and  held  the  wine-cup  to  my  lips.  Therefore 
Telemachus  is  the  dearest  of  men  to  me.  Fear 
not  death  for  him  from  the  suitors  ;  but  the 
will  of  the  gods  none  may  avoid." 

So  he  spake,  as  if  he  would  comfort  her  ;  but 
all  the  while  he  plotted  the  death  of  her  son. 

After  this  she  went  to  her  chamber,  and 
wept  for  her  lord  till  Athene  dropped  sweet 
sleep  upon  her  eyes. 

Meanwhile  the  swineherd  went  back  to  his 
home.  But  before  he  came  Athene  changed 
Ulysses  again  into  the  likeness  of  a  beggar 
man,  lest  he  should  know  him  and  tell  the 
matter  to  Penelope. 

Telemachus  spake  to  him,  saying :  "  What 
news  is  there  in  the  city  ?  Are  the  suitors 
come  back  from  their  ambush,  or  do  they  still 
watch  for  my  ship  ?  ' 


Eumasus  ansv/ered  :  "  I  did  not  think  to  go 
about  the  city  asking  questions  ;  but  what  I 
know  that  will  I  tell  thee.  Know  that  the 
messenger  from  thy  company  joined  himselt 
to  me,  and,  indeed,  was  the  first  to  tell  the 
news  to  the  Queen.  This  also  I  know,  that 
I  saw  a  ship  entering  the  harbour,  and  that 
there  were  many  men  in  her,  and  spears,  and 
shields.  These,  haply,  were  the  suitors,  but  I 
know  not  of  a  certainty." 

Then  Telemachus  looked  to  his  father,  but 
the  swineherd's  eye  he  shunned. 




WHEN  the  morning  came,  Telemachus  said 
to  the  swineherd:  "  I  go  to  the  city,  for  my 
mother  will  not  be  satisfied  till  she  see  my 
very  face.  And  do  thou  lead  this  stranger  to 
the  city,  that  he  may  there  beg  his  bread  from 
any  that  may  have  the  mind  to  give." 

Thereupon  Ulysses  spake,  saying,  "  I  too,  my 
friend,  like  not  to  be  left  here.  It  is  better  for 
a  man  to  beg  his  bread  in  the  town  than  in  the 
fields.  Go  thou,  and  I  will  follow,  so  soon  as  the 
sun  shall  wax  hot,  for  my  garments  are  exceed- 
ing poor,  and  I  fear  lest  the  cold  overcome  me." 

So  Telemachus  went  his  way,  devising  evil 
against  the  suitors  all  the  while.  And  when 
he  came  to  the  house  his  nurse  Eurycleia  saw 
him  first,  and  kissed  him.  Penelope  also  came 
down  from  her  chamber,  and  cast  her  arms 
about  him,  and  kissed  him  on  the  face,  and  on 


both  the  eyes,  and  spake,  saying:  "Thou  art 
come,  Telemachus,  light  of  mine  eyes !  I 
thought  not  ever  to  see  thee  again.  But  tell 

o  o 

me,  what  news  didst  thou  get  of  thy  father  ? ' 

Telemachus  made  answer:  "  I  cannot  now 
speak  of  these  things.  Get  thee  to  thy  cham- 
ber, and  vow  a  sacrifice  to  all  the  gods,  if  haply 
they  will  grant  us  vengeance  for  our  wrongs. 
But  I  must  go  to  the  market-place,  that  I  may 
bid  a  stranger  to  my  house,  whom  I  brought 
from  Pylos,  bidding  Peiraeus  keep  him  till  I 
should  come." 

Then  Penelope  did  as  he  had  bidden  her. 
But  Telemachus  went  to  the  place  of  assembly, 
and  Athene  put  such  grace  upon  him  that  all 
men  marvelled  to  see  him.  The  suitors  he 
shunned,  but  he  sat  down  where  Mentor  and 
other  friends  of  his  house  were  gathered 

Then  came  Peiraeus,  leading  the  stranger, 
and  he  spake,  saying,  "  Bid  the  women  go 
straightway  to  my  house,  that  they  may  fetch 
the  gifts  which  Menelaus  gave  thee." 

But  Telemachus  made  reply,  "  Not  so  ;  we 


know  not  yet  what  may  be  the  issue.  If  the 
suitors  spoil  my  goods,  then  I  would  that  thou 
rather  than  they  should  have  these  gifts.  But 
if  they  perish,  then  shalt  thou  bring  them  to 
my  house." 

Then  he  led  the  stranger  to  his  house,  and 
commanded  that  they  should  set  meat  and 
drink  before  him. 

When  they  had  ended  their  meal,  Penelope 
said  to  him,  "  Verily,  I  will  go  to  my  chamber; 
but  tell  me  first,  hadst  thou  any  tidings  of  thy 
father  ?  " 

Then  Telemachus  rehearsed  to  her  all  that 
Nestor  and  Menelaus  had  told  him.  When  he 
had  ended,  Theoclymenus,  the  seer,  spake  thus : 
"  Hear  now,  wife  of  Ulysses;  of  a  truth,  — Zeus 
be  my  witness,  and  this  hospitable  board  of 
Ulysses  and  this  hearth,  —  Ulysses  is  even  now 
in  his  own  land,  devising  death  against  the 
suitors.  This  I  know,  for  the  omens  that  I 
saw  were  very  clear." 

Then  Penelope  made  answer :  "  The  gods 
grant  that  it  be  so,  stranger  !  So  shalt  thou 
not  lack  many  noble  gifts." 


Meanwhile  the  suitors  were  disporting  them- 
selves, casting  of  weights  and  aiming  with 
spears  in  a  level  place.  And  when  it  was 
the  time  for  supper,  Medon,  the  herald,  said, 
"  Come  now,  let  us  sup  ;  meat  in  season  is  a 
good  thing." 

So  they  made  ready  a  feast. 

Now  in  the  meanwhile  Eumaeus  and  the  false 
beggar  were  coming  to  the  city.  And  when 
they  were  now  near  to  it,  by  the  fountain  which 
Ithacus  and  his  brethren  had  made,  where  was 
also  an  altar  of  the  nymphs,  Melanthius,  the 
goatherd,  met  them,  and  spake  evil  to  Eumaeus, 
rebuking  him  that  he  brought  this  beggar  to 
the  city.  And  he  came  near  and  smote  Ulysses 
with  his  foot  on  the  thigh,  but  moved  him  not 
from  the  path.  And  Ulysses  thought  awhile, 
should  he  smite  him  with  his  club  and  slay  him, 
or  dash  him  on  the  ground.  But  it  seemed  to 


him  better  to  endure. 

But  Eumaeus  lifted  up  his  hands  and  said  : 
"  Oh,  now  may  the  nymphs  of  the  fountain 
fulfil  this  hope,  that  Ulysses  may  come  back 
to  his  home,  and  tear  from  thee  this  finery  of 





.  ^^^^ 

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-   ' 











thine,  wherein  thou  comest  to  the  city,  leaving 
thy  flock  for  evil  shepherds  to  devour  !  : 

So  they  went  on  to  the  palace.  And  at  the 
door  of  the  court  there  lay  the  dog  Argus,  whom 
in  the  old  days  Ulysses  had  reared  with  his  own 
hand.  But  ere  the  dog  grew  to  his  full,  Ulysses 
had  sailed  to  Troy.  And  while  he  was  strong, 
men  used  him  in  the  chase,  hunting  wild  goats 
and  roe-deer  and  hares.  But  now  he  lay  on  a 
dunghill,  and  the  lice  swarmed  upon  him. 
Well  he  knew  his  master,  and,  for  that  he 
could  not  come  near  to  him,  wagged  his  tail 
and  drooped  his  ears. 

And  Ulysses,  when  he  saw  him,  wiped  away 
a  tear,  and  said,  "  Surely  this  is  strange, 
Eumasus,  that  such  a  dog,  being  of  so  fine  a 
breed,  should  lie  here  upon  a  dunghill." 

And  Eumaeus  made  reply:  "He  belongeth 
to  a  master  who  died  far  away.  For,  indeed, 
when  Ulysses  had  him  of  old,  he  was  the 
strongest  and  swiftest  of  dogs ;  but  now  my 
clear  lord  has  perished  far  away,  and  the  care- 
less women  tend  him  not.  For  when  the 
master  is  away  the  slaves  are  careless  of  their 


duty.  Surely  a  man,  when  he  is  made  a  slave, 
loses  half  the  virtue  of  a  man." 

And  as  he  spake  the  dog  Argus  died. 
Twenty  years  had  he  waited,  and  saw  his 
master  at  the  last. 

After  this  the  two  entered  the  hall.  And 
Telemachus,  when  he  saw  them,  took  from  the 
basket  bread  and  meat,  as  much  as  his  hands 
could  hold,  and  bade  carry  them  to  the  beggar, 
and  also  to  tell  him  that  he  mi^ht  go  round 

o          o 

among  the  suitors,  asking  alms.  So  he  went, 
stretching  out  his  hand,  as  though  he  were 
wont  to  beg ;  and  some  gave,  having  compas- 
sion upon  him  and  marvelling  at  him,  and 
some  asked  who  he  was.  But  of  all,  Antinoiis 
was  the  most  shameless.  For  when  Ulysses 
came  to  him  and  told  him  how  he  had  had 
much  riches  and  power  in  former  days,  and 
how  he  had  gone  to  Egypt,  and  had  been  sold 
a  slave  into  Cyprus,  Antinoiis  mocked  him, 
saying :  — 

"  Get  thee  from  my  table,  or  thou  shalt  find 
a  worse  Egypt  and  a  harder  Cyprus  than  be- 


Then  Ulysses  said,  "Surely  thy  soul  is  evil 
though  thy  body  is  fair ;  for  though  thou  sittest 
at  another  man's  feast,  yet  wilt  thou  give  me 

Then  Antinous  caught  up  the  footstool 
that  was  under  his  feet,  and  smote  Ulysses 
therewith.  But  he  stood  firm  as  a  rock ;  and 
in  his  heart  he  thought  on  revenge.  So  he 
went  and  sat  down  at  the  door.  And  being 
there,  he  said  :  — 

"  Hear  me,  suitors  of  the  Queen  !  There  is 
no  wrath  if  a  man  be  smitten  fighting  for  that 
which  is  his  own,  but  Antinous  has  smitten 
me  because  that  I  am  poor.  May  the  curse  of 
the  hungry  light  on  him  therefor,  ere  he  come 
to  his  marriage  day!' 

Then  spake  Antinous,  "  Sit  thou  still, 
stranger,  and  eat  thy  bread  in  silence,  lest  the 
young  men  drag  thee  from  the  house,  or  strip 
thy  flesh  from  off  thy  bcnes." 

So  he  spake  in  his  insolence ;  but  the  others 
blamed  him,  saying:  "Antinous,  thou  didst  ill 
to  smite  the  wanderer;  there  is  a  doom  on 
such  deeds,  if  there  be  any  god  in  heaven. 


Verily,  the  gods  oft  times  put  on  the  shape  of 
men,  and  go  through  cities,  spying  out 
whether  there  is  righteous  dealing  or  unright- 
eous amons:  them.' 


But  Anti-nous  heeded  not.  As  for  Telema- 
chus,  he  nursed  a  great  sorrow  in  his  heart  to 
see  his  father  so  smitten  ;  yet  he  shed  not  a 
tear,  but  sat  in  silence,  meditating  evil  against 
the  suitors. 

When  Penelope  also  heard  how  the  stranger 
had  been  smitten  in  the  hall,  she  spake  to  her 
maidens,  saying,  "  So  may  Apollo,  the  archer, 
smite  Antinous !  ' 

Then  Eurynome,  that  kept  house,  made 
answer :  "  O  that  our  prayers  might  be  ful- 
filled !  Surely  not  one  of  these  evil  men 
should  see  another  day." 

To  her  replied  Penelope :  "  Yea,  nurse,  all 
are  enemies,  but  Antinous  is  the  worst.  Verily, 
he  is  as  hateful  as  death." 

Then  Penelope  called  to  the  swineherd  and 
said :  "  Go  now,  and  bring  this  stranger  to  me ; 
I  would  greet  him,  and  inquire  of  him  whether 
he  has  heard  tidings  of  Ulysses,  or,  it  may  be, 


seen  him  with  his  eyes,  for  he  seems  to  have 
wandered  far." 

Eumaeus  made  answer:  "Truly  this  man 
will  charm  thy  heart,  O  Queen  !  Three  days 
did  I  keep  him  in  my  dwelling,  and  he  never 
ceased  from  telling  of  his  sorrows.  As  a 


sinsrer  of  beautiful  sono;s  charmeth  men,  so  did 

o  o 

he  charm  me.  He  saith  that  he  is  a  Cretan, 
and  that  he  hath  heard  of  Ulysses,  that  he  is 
yet  alive,  and  that  he  is  bringing  much  wealth 
to  his  home." 

Then  said  Penelope :  "  Go,  call  the  man, 
that  I  may  speak  with  him.  O  that  Ulysses 
would  indeed  return !  Soon  he  and  his  son 
avenge  them  of  these  men,  for  all  the  wrong 
that  they  have  done  ! ' 

And  as  she  spake,  Telemachus  sneezed,  and 
all  the  house  rans:  with  the  noise.  And 


Penelope  said  again  to  Eumaeus  :  "  Call  now 
this  stranger;  didst  thou  not  mark  how  my 
son  sneezed  a  blessing  when  I  spake  ?  Verily, 
this  vengeance  shall  be  wrought,  nor  shall 
one  escape  from  it.  And  as  for  this  stran- 
ger, if  I  shall  perceive  that  he  hath  spoken 


truth,  I  will  give  him  a  new  mantle  and 

So  the  swineherd  spake  to  the  stranger,  say- 
ing :  "  Penelope  would  speak  with  thee,  and 
would  inquire  concerning  her  husband.  And 
if  she  find  that  thou  hast  spoken  truth,  she 
will  give  thee  a  mantle  and  a  tunic,  and  thou 
shalt  have  freedom  to  beg  throughout  the 

But  the  false  beggar  said  :  "  Gladly  would  I 
tell  to  Penelope  the  story  of  her  husband,  for 
I  know  him  well.  But  I  fear  these  suitors. 
Even  now,  when  this  man  struck  me,  and  for 
naught,  none  hindered  the  blow,  no,  not  Te- 
lemachus  himself.  Go,  therefore,  and  bid  the 
Queen  wait  till  the  setting  of  the  sun." 

So  the  swineherd  \vent,  and  as  he  crossed 
the  threshold  Penelope  said  :  "  Thou  bringest 
him  not !  What  meaneth  the  wanderer  ?  A 
beggar  that  is  shamefaced  knoweth  his  trade 
but  ill." 

But  the  swineherd  answered  :  "  He  doeth 
well,  O  lady,  in  that  he  fearest  the  wrong- 
doing of  these  insolent  men.  He  would  have 


thee  wait  till  the  setting  of  the  sun,  and  indeed 
it  is  better  for  thee  to  have  speech  with  him 

Then  said  Penelope  :  "  It  is  well ;  the 
stranger  is  a  man  of  understanding.  Veriiy, 
these  men  are  insolent  above  all  others." 

Then  the  swineherd  went  into  the  throng  of 
the  suitors,  and  spake  to  Telemachus,  holding 
his  head  close  that  none  should  hear  :  "  I  go 
to  see  after  matters  at  the  farm.  Take  thou 
heed  of  what  befalleth  here.  Many  of  the 
people  have  ill-will  against  us.  May  Zeus 
confound  them !  ' 

Telemachus  made  answer,  "  Go,  father,  as 
thou  sayest ;  and  come  again  in  the  morning, 
brinonn£  beasts  for  sacrifice.' 

o      o 

So  the  swineherd  departed ;  and  the  suitors 
made  merry  in  the  hall  with  dancing  and  sing- 
ing, for  the  sun  was  near  to  the  setting. 



ULYSSES  IN  HIS  HOME  (continued}. 

AFTER  awhile  there  came  a  bes^ar  from  the 


city,  huge  of  bulk,  mighty  to  eat  and  drink, 
but  his  strength  was  not  according  to  his  size. 

o  o 

Arnaeus  was  his  name,  but  the  young  men 
called  him  Irus,  because  he  was  their  messen- 
ger, after  Iris,  the  messenger  of  Zeus.  He 
spake  to  Ulysses  :  — 

"  Give  place,  old  man,  lest  I  drag  thee  forth ; 
the  young  men  even  now  would  have  it  so,  but 
I  think  it  shame  to  strike  such  an  one  as  thee." 

Then  said  Ulysses,  "  There  is  room  for  thee 
and  for  me;  get  \vhat  thou  canst,  for  I  do  not 
grudge  thee  aught,  but  beware  lest  thou  anger 
me,  lest  I  harm  thee,  old  though  I  am." 

But  Irus  would  not  hear  words  of  peace,  but 
still  challenged  him  to  fight. 

And  when  Antinoiis  saw  this  he  was  glad, 
and  said :  u  This  is  the  goodliest  sport  that  I 



— - 






have  seen  in  this  house.     These  two  beggars 
would  fio:ht ;  let  us  haste  and  match  them." 


And  the  saying  pleased  them ;  and  Antinoiis 
spake  again :  "  Hear  me,  ye  suitors  of  the 
Queen !  We  have  put  aside  these  paunches  of 
the  goats  for  our  supper.  Let  us  agree,  then, 
that  whosoever  of  these  two  shall  prevail,  shall 
have  choice  of  these,  that  which  pleaseth  him 
best,  and  shall  hereafter  eat  with  us,  and  that 
no  one  else  shall  sit  in  his  place." 

Then  said  Ulysses :  "  It  is  hard  for  an  old 
man  to  fight  with  a  young.  Yet  will  I  do  it. 
Only  do  ye  swear  to  me  that  no  one  shall 
strike  me  a  foul  blow  while  I  fight  with  this 


Then  Telemachus  said  that  this  should  be 
so,  and  they  all  consented  to  his  words.  And 
after  this  Ulysses  girded  himself  for  the  fight. 
And  all  that  were  there  saw  his  thighs,  how 
great  and  strong  they  were,  and  his  shoulders, 
how  broad,  and  his  arms,  how  mighty.  And 
they  said  one  to  another,  "  There  will  be  little 
of  Irus  left,  so  stalwart  seems  this  beggar  man." 
But  as  for  Irus  himself,  he  would  have  slunk 


out  of  sight,  but  they  that  were  set  to  gird  him 
compelled  him  to  come  forth. 

Then  said  Antinoiis :  "  How  is  this,  thou 
braggart,  that  thou  fearest  this  old  man,  all 
woe-begone  as  he  is  ?  Hearken  thou  to  this. 
If  this  man  prevails  against  thee,  thou  shalt  be 
cast  into  a  ship  and  taken  to  the  land  of  King 
Echetus,  who  will  cut  off  thy  ears  and  thy  nose 
for  his  dogs  to  eat. 


So  the  two  came  together.  And  Ulysses 
thought  whether  he  should  strike  the  fellow 
and  slay  him  out  of  hand,  or  fell  him  to  the 
ground.  And  this  last  seemed  the  better  of 
the  two.  So  when  Irus  had  dealt  him  his 
blow,  he  smote  him  on  the  jaw,  and  brake  in 
the  bone,  so  that  he  fell  howling  on  the 
ground,  and  the  blood  poured  amain  from  his 

Then   all   the  suitors   laughed    aloud.     But 


Ulysses  dragged  the  fellow  out  of  the  hall,  and 
propped  him  by  the  wall  of  the  courtyard,  put- 
ting a  staff  in  his  hand,  and  saying,  "Sit  there, 
and  keep  dogs  and  swine  from  the  door,  but 
dare  not  hereafter  to  lord  it  over  men,  no, 


not  even  over  strangers  and  beggars,  lest  some 
worse  thino-  befall  thee." 


Then  Antinoiis  gave  Ulysses  a  great  paunch, 
and  Amphinomus  gave  two  loaves,  and  pledged 
him  in  a  cup,  saying,  "  Good  luck  to  thee, 
father,  hereafter,  though  now  thou  seemest  to 
have  evil  fortune  ! ' 

And  Ulysses  made  reply:  "  O  Amphinomus, 
thou  hast  much  wisdom,  methinks,  and  thy 
father,  I  know,  is  wise !  Take  heed,  therefore. 
There  is  naught  feebler  upon  earth  than  man. 
For  in  the  days  of  his  prosperity  he  thinketh 
nothing  of  trouble;  but  when  the  srods  send 

o  o 

evil  to  him,  there  is  no  help  in  him.  I  also 
trusted  once  in  myself  and  my  kinsmen,  and 
now  —  behold  me  what  I  am !  Let  no  man, 
therefore,  do  violence  and  wrong,  for  Zeus 
shall  requite  such  deeds  at  the  last.  And 
now  these  suitors  of  the  Queen  are  working 
evil  to  him  who  is  absent.  Yet  will  he  return 
some  day  and  slay  his  enemies.  Fly  thou, 
therefore,  while  yet  there  is  time,  nor  meet  him 
when  he  comes." 

So  he  spake,  with  kindly  thought. 


But  the  other  went  through  the  house,  sad 
at  heart,  for  he  boded  evil.  But  his  doom 
was  before  him,  that  he  should  die. 

After  this  Athene  put  it  into  the  heart  of 
Penelope  to  show  herself  to  the  suitors,  that 
their  hearts  might  be  lifted  up  within  them  to 
their  ruin,  and  she  might  have  more  honour 
from  her  husband  and  her  son.  Then  Penel- 
ope spake  to  the  nurse,  saying :  "  I  have  a 
desire,  now  for  the  first  time,  to  show  myself 
to  the  suitors,  though  indeed  they  be  hateful 
to  me.  Also  I  would  say  a  word  to  my  son, 
that  he  consort  not  too  much  with  these  inso- 
lent men,  lest  they  do  him  some  hurt." 

The  nurse  answered :  "  It  is  well,  lady ;  go, 
speak  to  thy  son ;  but  first  wash  and  anoint  thy 
face.  Let  not  thy  cheeks  be  stained  with  tears  ; 
for  it  is  not  good  to  sorrow  without  ceasing." 

But  Penelope  said :  "  Speak  no  comfortable 
v\rords  to  me;  bid  me  not  wash  and  anoint  my 
face ;  my  bloom  hath  perished  from  the  day 
that  my  husband  departed.  But  bid  two  of 
the  maidens  come  with  me,  for  I  am  ashamed 
to  go  alone  among  men." 


Then  the  old  woman  went  to  hasten  the 
coming  of  the  maidens.  But  Athene  had 


other  thoughts  in  her  mind.  She  caused 
sweet  sleep  to  come  upon  the  Queen,  and  while 
she  slept,  the  goddess  gave  her  immortal  gifts. 
Her  face  she  steeped  in  beauty,  such  as  Aph- 
rodite hath  when  she  2foeth  to  the  dances  of 


the  Graces.  Also  she  made  her  taller  and 
greater  to  see,  and  brighter  than  ivory  newly 
wrought.  Having  done  this  she  departed,  and 
the  maidens  drew  nisrh. 


Then  sleep  left  Penelope,  and  she  said, 
"  Would  that  Artemis  would  give  a  death 
painless  as  this  slumber,  that  I  might  no 
more  waste  my  life  mourning  for  my  lord 
that  is  gone  ! ' 

Then  she  came  and  stood  in  the  door  of  the 
hall,  with  a  handmaid  on  either  side.  So  fair 
she  was  to  see  that  the  hearts  of  all  the  suitors 
were  filled  with  love,  and  each  of  them  prayed 
that  he  might  have  her  to  wife. 

But  Penelope  spake  to  Telemachus,  saying : 
"  My  son,  thou  art  not  as  prudent  as  of  old. 
When  thou  wast  a  child  thou  hadst  a  ready 


wit;  but  now,  though  thou  hast  come  to  man- 
hood, and  art  such  for  stature  and  beauty  as  a 
king's  son  should  be,  thy  thoughts  go  astray. 
What  a  deed  hath  even  now  been  wrought  in 
thy  house,  when  this  stranger  was  mis-handled! 
It  were  a  shame  to  thee  forever  if  he  came  to 
harm  through  such  misdeeds." 


To  her  Telemachus  made  answer :  "  I  blame 
not  thy  anger,  my  mother.  Nevertheless,  I  can- 
not order  all  things  well,  for  evil  men  constrain 
me.  But  this  battle  between  Irus  and  the 
stranger  did  not  end  as  the  suitors  would  have 


had  it,  for  the  stranger  vanquished  him.  Would 
that  all  the  suitors  were  now  even  as  he  is,  for 
he  sits  wagging  his  head  by  the  gates,  and 
cannot  stand  upon  his  feet,  nor  get  him  to  his 
own  home,  so  has  the  stranger  loosened  his 
limbs ! " 

But  Eurymachus  said  to  Penelope:  "Verily, 
daughter  of  Icarus,  if  all  the  Greeks  could  see 
thee,  a  greater  crowd  of  suitors  would  feast  in 
thy  halls  to-morrow,  so  fair  art  thou,  and  tall, 
and  wise  also  of  mind,  surpassing  all  other 
women ! " 

t/LYSSES  IN  HIS  HOME.  245 

Then  Penelope  answered :  "  My  beauty 
perished  in  the  day  when  my  lord  Ulysses  de- 
parted for  Troy.  If  only  he  would  return,  then 
would  it  be  well  with  me !  I  remember  how, 
when  he  departed,  he  took  me  by  the  hand  and 
said :  '  O  lady,  not  all  the  Greeks,  methinks, 
will  come  back  safe  from  Troy,  for  the  men  of 
Troy,  they  say,  are  mighty  with  the  spear  and 
with  the  bow,  and  skilful  to  drive  chariots. 
Therefore  I  know  not  whether  I  shall  come 
back  safe,  or  shall  perish  there  before  the  city. 
Do  thou,  therefore,  care  for  my  father  and  my 
mother,  while  I  am  absent,  as  now  thou  carest, 
yea,  and  even  more.  And  when  thy  son  shall 
grow  to  be  a  bearded  man,  then  marry  whom 
thou  wilt.'  So  my  husband  spake.  And  now 
these  things  have  come  to  pass  ;  for  a  day  must 
be  when  I  shall  be  constrained  to  another 
marriage,  unhappy  that  I  am.  And  I  have  also 
this  grief :  my  suitors  are  not  such  as  suitors 
are  wont  to  be.  For  the  custom  with  those 
who  would  woo  a  lady,  the  daughter  of  a  rich 
man,  is  to  bring  sheep  and  oxen  of  their  own, 
and  to  prepare  a  banquet  for  the  friends  of  the 


bride,  but  not  to  devour  the  substance  of  an- 
other and  make  no  payment  for  it." 

So  she  spake,  and  Ulysses  was  glad  to  see 
how  she  beguiled  the  suitors,  and  drew  gifts 
from  them,  having  other  thoughts  in  her  heart. 

Then  Antinoiis  made  answer :  "  Take  thou 
the  gifts  that  we  bring  thee,  Penelope,  for  it  is 
not  well  to  refuse  a  gift ;  but  know  that  we  will 
not  depart  from  thy  halls,  till  thou  hast  chosen 
the  best  of  us  for  thy  husband." 

So  he  spake,  and  the  rest  agreed  to  his 
words.  Each  man  sent  his  squire  to  fetch  his 
gift.  The  gift  of  Antinoiis  was  a  broidered 
robe,  very  fair  and  broad,  with  twelve  brooches 
of  gold  and  twelve  clasps.  The  gift  of  Eu- 
rymachus  was  a  chain  of  curious  work,  writh 
beads  of  amber.  Eurydamus  gave  earrings 
with  three  drops,  and  Peisander  a  very  precious 
jewel.  All  the  suitors  gave  a  gift. 

Then  the  Queen  went  to  her  chamber,  and 
the  suitors  delighted  themselves  with  music 
and  dancing ;  and  Ulysses  stood  by  the 
braziers,  tending  them,  and  watched  the  men. 

Then  Eurymachus   began  to  speak    among 


his  friends:  "Hear  me,  suitors  of  the  Queen! 
Surely  the  gods  have  sent  this  man  to  us. 
How  marvellously  does  the  light  of  the  torches 
flash  from  his  bald  head,  whereon  there  is 
never  a  hair  ! ' 

Thereupon  he  turned  him  to  Ulysses,  and 
said :  "  Stranger,  wilt  thou  serve  me  for  hire  at 


my  farm  among  the  hills  ?  Thy  wages  shall 
be  sure,  and  thou  shalt  labour,  gathering  stones 
for  the  building  of  walls,  and  planting  trees. 
Bread  will  I  give  thee,  and  raiment,  and  shoes 
for  thy  feet.  But  thou  art  not  minded,  me- 
thinks,  to  labour  in  the  field ;  thou  likest  better 
to  be  a  vagabond,  and  to  fill  thy  belly  without 

But  Ulysses  made  reply:  "  Eurymachus,  I 
would  that  there  might  be  a  trial  between  us, 
mowing  grass,  each  with  a  scythe  in  his  hand, 
when  the  days  grow  long  in  the  spring  time ! 
Then  might  we  two  try  one  another,  working 
till  the  evening  is  late,  and  fasting  the  while. 
Or  would  that  we  were  driving  each  a  yoke  of 
two  stout  oxen,  well  fed  and  strong,  in  a  field  of 
four  acres  !  Verily,  thou  shouldest  see  whether 


or  no  I  could  drive  a  clean  furrow  before  me. 
Or  would  that  Zeus  would  stir  up  war!  Thou 
shouldest  see  me  in  the  forefront  of  the  battle, 
nor  wouldest  thou  taunt  me  again  with  my 
appetite.  Thou  thinkest  over  much  of  thyself, 
but  if  Ulysses  would  return  yonder  door  would 
not  be  wide  enough  for  thee  and  thy  fellows  to 

Thereat  Eurymachus  waxed  very  wroth. 
"  Old  man,"  he  said,  "  I  will  do  thee  a  mis- 
chief, for  that  thou  speakest  such  idle  words. 
Is  it  that  the  wine  hast  stolen  thy  wits,  or  dost 
thou  always  prate  thus  idly,  or  art  thou  beside 
thyself  for  joy  because  thou  hast  vanquished 
Irus  ?  " 

So  speaking  he  caught  a  footstool,  and 
Ulysses  sat  down  in  fear  by  the  knees  of 
Amphinomus,  for  he  feared  the  prince.  And 
Eurymachus  smote  the  cupbearer  on  the  right 
hand  as  he  ladled  out  the  wine,  and  the  young 
man  fell  backward  groaning.  Then  said  one 
of  the  suitors  to  his  fellow :  "  Would  that 
this  stranger  had  perished  before  he  came 
hither !  See  what  tumult  he  has  wrought. 


Now  we  shall  have  no  more  pleasure  in  the 

But  Telemachus  said :  "  Plain  is  it,  sirs,  that 
ye  have  eaten  and  drunken.  And  now  that  ye 
have  had  enough,  go  home  and  rest." 

So  he  spake,  and  they  marvelled  at  his  bold- 

Then  said  Amphinomus :  "  The  prince  hath 
spoken  well.  Let  us  make  libation  to  the 
gods,  and  so  depart." 

And  they  did  so. 




ULYSSES  spake  to  Telemachus,  saying  : 
"  Come  now,  let  us  hide  away  the  arms  that  are 
in  the  hall.  And  if  any  of  the  suitors  ask  con- 
cerning them,  thou  shalt  say,  '  I  have  put  them 
away  out  of  the  smoke,  for  they  are  not  such 
as  they  were  when  Ulysses  departed,  for  the 
breath  of  fire  hath  marred  them.  And  for  this 
cause  also  have  I  put  them  away,  lest  ye  should 
quarrel  and  wound  one  another  when  ye  are 
heated  with  wine  ;  for  the  sight  of  iron  tempt- 
eth  a  man  to  strike.'  So  shalt  thou  speak  to 
the  suitors." 

Then  said  Telemachus  to  Eurycleia,  the 
nurse,  "  Shut  up  the  women  in  their  chambers, 
till  I  have  put  away  in  the  armoury  the  weapons 
of  my  father,  for  the  smoke  in  the  hall  hath 
made  them  dim." 

The  nurse  made  answer:  "  I  wish,  my  child, 


that  thou  wouldest  ever  have  such  care  for  thy 
father's  possessions  !  But  say,  who  shall  bear 
the  light,  if  thou  wilt  not  have  any  of  the 
women  to  go  before  thee  ? ' 

Then  said  Telemachus,  "  This  stranger  shall 
do  it,  for  I  will  not  have  any  man  eat  my  bread 
in  idleness." 

So  the  nurse  shut  up  the  women  in  their 
chambers,  and  Ulysses  and  his  son  set  them- 
selves to  carry  the  arms,  to  wit,  the  shields  and 
the  helmets  and  the  spears,  from  the  hall  into 
the  armoury.  And  Athene  went  ever  before 
them,  holding  a  lamp  of  gold,  that  shed  a 
very  fair  light.  Thereupon  said  Telemachus, 
"  Surely,  my  father,  this  is  a  great  wonder  that 
I  behold!  See  the  walls,  and  the  beams,  and 
the  pillars  are  bright  as  it  were  with  flames  of 
fire.  This  must  be  the  doing  of  a  god." 

But  Ulysses  made  answer :  "  Hold  thy  peace  ; 
keep  the  matter  in  thine  heart,  and  inquire  not 
concerning  it.  And  now  lie  down  and  sleep, 
for  I  would  talk  with  thy  mother." 

So  Telemachus  went  to  his  chamber,  and 
slept,  and  Ulysses  was  left  alone  in  the  hall, 


devising  in  his  heart  how  he  might  slay  the 

And  now  Penelope  came  down,  and  sat  by 
the  fire,  on  a  chair  cunningly  wrought  of  silver 
and  ivory,  with  a  footstool  that  was  part  of  the 
chair.  And  soon  the  maidens  came  in,  and 
took  away  the  fragments  of  food  that  were  left, 
and  the  cups  from  which  the  suitors  drank, 
and  piled  fresh  logs  on  the  fire. 

Then  Penelope  called  to  the  nurse,  saying, 
"  Nurse,  bring  me  now  a  settle  with  a  fleece 
upon  it,  that  the  stranger  may  sit  and  tell  me 
his  story." 

So  the    nurse    brought   the   settle    and    the 


fleece,  and  Ulysses  sat  him  down  ;  and  Penel- 
ope spake,  saying :  "  Stranger,  I  wrill  ask  thee 
first  who  art  thou  ?  Whence  didst  thou  come  ? 
What  is  thy  city  and  thy  father's  name  ? ' 

Ulysses  made  answer :  "  Lady,  no  man  could 
find  any  fault  in  thee.  Thy  fame  is  as  the 
fame  of  a  king  who  fears  the  gods,  and  reigns 
over  a  valiant  people,  and  his  land  beareth 
increase  of  wheat  and  barley,  and  the  trees  are 
full  of  fruit,  and  the  sheep  bring  forth  and  fail 


not,  and  in  the  sea  are  many  fish,  and  all  things 
prosper  with  him.  Ask  me  now  other  things 
as  thou  wilt ;  but  ask  me  not  of  my  name,  or 
my  race,  or  my  native  country,  lest  I  weep  as  I 
think  thereon,  for  I  am  a  man  of  many  sorrows  ; 
and  it  is  not  fitting  to  mourn  and  weep  in  the 
house  of  another.  Haply,  too,  the  maidens  may 
see  me,  and  be  wroth  with  me,  and  say  that  I 
am  melted  in  tears,  even  as  a  man  that  is 
drunken  with  wine." 

To  him  Penelope  made  reply :  "  Stranger, 
the  gods  took  away  from  me  all  comeliness  of 
face  and  form  on  the  day  when  Ulysses,  my 
husband,  went  with  the  Greeks  to  Troy.  And 
now  I  am  sore  beset  with  troubles.  For  the 
princes  of  the  islands  round  about,  yea  and  of 
Ithaca  itself,  woo  me  against  my  will,  and 
devour  my  house.  Vainly  have  I  sought  to 
escape  their  wooing.  For  Athene  put  this  into 
my  heart  that  I  should  say  to  them :  '  Noble 
youths  that  would  wed  me,  now  that  Ulysses  is 
dead,  abide  patiently,  though  ye  be  eager  to 
hasten  the  marriage,  till  I  shall  have  finished 
this  robe,  to  wit,  a  winding-sheet  for  Laertes  ; 


for  it  were  a  shame,   if  he,  having  had  great 

o  o 

wealth,  should  lie  in  his  orrave  without  a  wind- 


ing-sheet.'  So  I  spake,  and  they  gave  consent. 
Three  years  did  I  deceive  them,  weaving  the 
web  by  day,  and  by  night  unravelling  it ;  but 
in  the  fourth  year  my  handmaids  betrayed  me. 
And  now  I  have  no  escape  from  marriage,  for 
my  parents  are  instant  with  me,  and  my  son  is 
vexed  because  these  men  devour  his  substance, 
and  he  is  now  of  an  age  to  manage  his  own 
house.  But  come,  tell  me  of  what  race  thou 
art ;  thou  art  not  born  of  an  oak  tree  or  a  rock, 
as  the  old  fables  have  it." 

Then  said  Ulysses :  "  If  thou  wilt  still  ask 
me  of  my  race,  then  will  I  tell  thee ;  but  thou 
wilt  so  bring  sorrow  upon  me  beyond  that  to 
which  I  am  bound ;  for  it  is  grief  to  a  man  who 
hath  wandered  far  and  suffered  much  to  speak 
of  the  matter.  There  is  in  the  midst  of  the  sea 
a  land  that  men  call  Crete.  A  fair  land  it  is 
and  fertile,  and  there  are  many  inhabitants 
therein,  and  cities  fourscore  and  ten.  In  one 
of  these  cities,  even  Cnossus,  reigned  Minos 
the  King.  Nine  years  old  was  he  when  he 


began  to  reign.  And  Minos  begat  Deucalion, 
and  Deucalion  had  two  sons,  to  wit,  Idomeneus 
and  me  ;  he  was  the  elder  of  the  two,  and  by 
far  the  better.  My  name  is  Aethon.  Thither 
came  Ulysses,  when  he  was  sailing  to  Troy,  for 
the  wind  had  carried  him  out  of  his  course. 
And  he  came  up  to  the  city  asking  for  Idome- 
neus, for  he  said  that  he  was  his  friend  ;  but  it 
was  the  tenth  day  or  the  eleventh  since  Idome- 
neus had  sailed  for  Troy.  Then  I  gave  enter- 
tainment to  him  and  his  company,  barley  meal, 
and  wine,  and  oxen  for  sacrifice.  Twelve  days 
did  they  abide  with  me,  for  so  long  the  north 
wind  blew  continually,  but  on  the  thirteenth 
day  it  abated,  and  they  weighed  anchor." 

So  Ulysses  told  his  tale.  False  it  was,  but 
it  seemed  to  be  true.  And  Penelope  wept  to 
hear  it.  As  the  snow  melts  upon  the  hills  when 
the  southeast  wind  bloweth,  and  the  streams 
run  full,  so  did  Penelope  weep  for  her  lord. 
And  Ulysses  had  compassion  on  his  wife, 
when  he  saw  her  weep  ;  but  his  own  eyes  he 
kept  as  if  they  had  been  horn  or  iron. 

But   Penelope  said  :    "  Friend,  suffer  me  to 


make  trial  of  thee,  whether  this  was  indeed  my 
husband  Ulysses.  Tell  me  now  with  what 
raiment  he  was  clothed,  and  what  manner  of 
man  he  wras,  and  what  his  company." 

Then  Ulysses  made  answer :  "  I  remember 
me  that  he  had  a  mantle,  twofold,  woollen,  of 
sea-purple,  clasped  with  a  brooch  of  gold, 
whereon  was  a  dog  that  held  a  fawn  by  the 
throat ;  marvellously  wrought  was  the  dog  and 
the  fawn,  so  hard  held  the  one,  so  strove  the 
other  to  be  free.  Also  he  had  a  tunic,  wrhite 
and  smooth,  even  as  the  skin  of  an  onion  when 
it  is  dry,  which  the  women  much  admired  to 
see.  But  whether  some  one  had  given  him 
these  things  I  know  not,  for,  indeed,  many  gave 
him  gifts,  and  I  also,  even  a  sword  and  a  tunic, 
Also  he  had  a  herald  with  him,  one  Eurybates, 
older  than  he,  dark-skinned,  round  in  the 
shoulders,  with  curly  hair." 

When  Penelope  heard  this  she  wept  yet 
more,  for  she  knew  by  these  tokens  that  this 
man  was  indeed  her  lord.  "  This  is  true,"  she 
said,  "  O  stranger,  for  I  myself  gave  him  these 
garments,  and  I  folded  them  myself,  and  I  also 


gave  him  the  jewel.  And  now,  alas  !  I  shall 
see  him  no  more." 

But  Ulysses  made  answer :  "  Nay,  wife  of 
Ulysses,  say  not  so.  Cease  from  thy  mourn- 
ing, for  Ulysses  is  yet  alive.  Near  at  hand 
is  he,  in  the  land  of  the  Thesprotians,  and  is 
bringing  many  gifts  with  him.  So  Pheidon, 
the  King  of  the  land,  told  me,  and  showed  me 
the  gifts  which  he  had  gathered  ;  many  they 
were  and  great,  and  will  enrich  his  house  to 
the  tenth  generation.  But  Ulysses  himself, 
when  I  was  there,  had  gone  to  Dodona,  to 
inquire  of  Zeus  —  for  there  is  the  oracle  of  the 
god  in  the  midst  of  an  oak  tree  —  whether  he 
shall  return  to  his  home  openly  or  by  stealth. 
Be  sure,  O  lady,  that  in  this  tenth  year  Ulysses 
shall  come,  even  wrhen  the  old  moon  waneth 
and  the  new  is  born." 

Then  said  Penelope :  "  May  thy  words 
be  accomplished,  O  stranger !  Verily,  thou 
3houldest  have  much  kindness  at  my  hands  and 
many  gifts.  Yet  I  have  a  boding  in  my  heart 
that  it  shall  not  be.  But  now  the  handmaids 
shall  spread  a  bed  for  thee  with  mattress  and 


blankets  that  thou  mayest  sleep  warm  till 
morning  shall  come.  And  they  shall  wash  thy 

But  Ulysses  spake,  saying :  "  Mattress  and 
blankets  have  been  hateful  to  me  since  I  left 
the  land  of  Crete.  I  will  lie  as  I  have  been 
wont  to  lie  for  many  nights,  sleepless  and  wait- 
ing for  the  day.  And  I  have  no  delight  in  the 
bath ;  nor  shall  any  of  these  maidens  touch  my 
feet.  Yet  if  there  be  some  old  woman,  faithful 
of  heart,  her  I  would  suffer  to  touch  my  feet." 

Then  said  Penelope  :  "  Such  an  one  there  is, 
even  the  woman  who  nursed  my  lord,  and 
cherished  him,  and  carried  him  in  her  arms, 
from  the  time  when  his  mother  bare  him.  She 
is  now  weak  with  age,  but  she  will  wash  thy 

And  she  spake  to  the  nurse,  saying,  "  Up, 
now,  and  wash  this  man,  who  is  of  like  age 
with  thy  master." 

Then  the  old  woman  covered  her  face  with 
her  hands  and  wept,  saying :  "  Willingly  will  I 
wash  thy  feet  both  for  Penelope's  sake  and 
thine  own.  Many  strangers,  worn  with  travel, 


have  come   hither,  but   never  saw   I  one   that 
was  so  like  to  Ulysses  in  voice  and  in  feet." 

And  Ulysses  made  answer,  "  Even  so  have 
I  heard  before  ;  men  said  ever  that  we  were 
most  like  one  to  the  other." 

But  when  she  had  made  ready  the  bath,  then 
Ulysses  sat  aloof  from  the  hearth,  and  turned 
his  face  to  the  darkness,  for  he  feared  in  his 
heart  lest,  when  the  old  woman  should  handle 
his  leg,  she  might  know  a  great  scar  that  was 

Now  the  scar  happened  in  this  wise. 

Ulysses  went  to  Parnassus  to  see  Autolycus, 
that  was  his  mother's  father,  a  man  who  was 
skilful,  above  all  others,  in  thieving  and  in  the 
making  of  oaths.  This  gift  Hermes  had  him- 
self given  him.  Now  Autolycus  had  once 
upon  a  time  gone  to  Ithaca,  and  found  there 
his  daughter's  son  newly  born.  And  after 
supper,  the  nurse,  even  Eurycleia,  had  laid  the 
babe  upon  his  knees,  saying,  "Autolycus,  give 
thyself  a  name  to  this  child  ;  for  he  is  the  child 
of  many  prayers."  Then  Autolycus  spake, 
saying :  "  My  daughter,  and  my  daughter's 


husband,  give  this  child  the  name  that  I  shall 
say.  I  came  to  this  land,  having  great  anger 
against  many  men.  Let,  therefore,  his  name 
be  Ulysses,  '  the  man  of  wrath.'  And  when 
he  is  come  to  man's  estate  let  him  come  to  me, 
and  I  will  give  him  such  a  gift  as  shall  rejoice 
his  heart."  Thus  did  it  come  to  pass  that 
Ulysses  went  to  see  Autolycus ;  and  his  grand- 
father and  his  grandmother  and  their  sons 
greeted  him  well,  and  made  a  feast  for  him. 
The  next  morning  they  all  went  to  the  chase, 
and  Ulysses  went'  with  them.  Up  the  hill  of 
Parnassus  did  they  climb  ;  and  it  was  the  time 
of  sunrise.  The  beaters  came  to  a  Q-lade  of  the 


woodland,  and  the  dogs  went  before,  tracking 
a  scent,  and  after  them  came  the  sons  of 
Autolycus,  and  with  them  Ulysses.  There  in 
a  very  thick  lair  lay  a  great  wild  boar.  So 
thick  was  it  that  neither  the  sun  nor  rain  could 
pierce  it,  and  there  was  a  great  store  of  fallen 
leaves  in  the  place.  And  when  the  boar  was 
roused  by  the  trampling  of  men's  feet,  and  by 

*  Odusseus  in  the  Greek  form,  as  if  from  "  odussesthai  "=  "  to   be 


-  •    •  . 


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the  dogs,  he  sprang  from  his  lair,  and  his  hair 
bristled  upon  his  back,  and  his  eyes  shone,  as 
he  stood  at  bay.  Then  Ulysses  rushed  in,  first 
of  all  the  company,  holding  his  spear  aloft  with 
his  hand,  beinff  earner  to  smite  the  beast.  But 

o         o 

the  boar  was  too  quick  for  him,  for  it  charged, 
and  wounded  him  above  the  knee,  and  made  a 
great  rent  in  the  flesh,  striking  him  sideways 
with  his  tusks;  nevertheless,  it  reached  not  to 
the  bone.  But  Ulysses  aimed  at  him  right 
well,  and  smote  him  in  the  right  shoulder, 
piercing  him  through,  so  that  he  fell  dead  on 
the  ground.  Then  the  sons  of  Autolycus 
bound  up  the  wound,  staying  the  blood  with  a 
song  of  healing;  and  they  returned  to  the 
house  of  their  father.  There  they  kept  him 
till  he  was  healed  of  his  wound ;  and  after- 
wards they  sent  him  to  his  home  with  many 
noble  gifts.  But  the  scar  of  the  wound  was  left. 

By  this  scar,  then,  the  old  nurse  knew  that 
it  was  Ulysses  himself,  and  said,  "  O  Ulysses, 
O  my  child,  to  think  that  I  knew  thee  not ! ' 

And  she  looked  towards  the  Queen,  as  mean- 
ing to  tell  the  thing  to  her.  But  Ulysses  laid 


his  hand  on  her  throat:  "  Mother,  wouldest  thou 
kill  me  ?  I  am  returned  after  twenty  years, 
and  none  must  know  till  I  shall  be  ready  to 
take  vengeance." 

And  the  old  woman  held  her  peace.  And 
after  this  Penelope  talked  with  him  again,  tell- 
ing him  her  dreams,  how  she  had  seen  a  flock 
of  geese  in  her  palace,  and  how  that  an  eagle 
had  slain  them,  and  when  she  mourned  for  the 
geese,  lo !  a  voice  that  said,  "  These  geese  are 
thy  suitors,  and  the  eagle  thy  husband." 

And  Ulysses  said  that  the  dream  was  well. 
And  then  she  said  that  on  the  morrow  she 
must  make  her  choice,  for  that  she  had  prom- 
ised to  bring  forth  the  great  bow  that  was 

£>  C5 

Ulysses's,  and  whosoever  should  draw  it  most; 
easily,  and  shoot  an  arrow  best  at  a  mark,  he 
should  be  her  husband. 

And  Ulysses  made  answer  to  her :  "  It  is 
well,  lady.  Put  not  off  this  trial  of  the  bow, 
for  before  one  of  them  shall  draw  the  string, 
the  great  Ulysses  shall  come  and  duly  shoot  at 
the  mark  that  shall  be  set." 

After  this  Penelope  slept. 

THE   TRIAL    OF  THE  BOW.  263 


THE    TRIAL    OF    THE    BOW. 

ULYSSES  laid  him  down  to  sleep  in  the  gallery 
of  the  hall.  On  a  bull's  hide  undressed  he  lay, 
and  over  him  he  put  fleeces  of  sheep  that  had 
been  slain  for  sacrifice  and  feast,  and  the  dame 
that  kept  the  house  threw  a  mantle  over  him. 

But  he  slept  not,  for  he  had  many  thoughts 
in  his  heart.  As  a  man  turns  a  paunch  before 
a  fire,  so  Ulysses  turned  him  from  side  to  side, 
thinking  how,  being  one  against  many,  he 
might  slay  the  suitors  in  his  hall. 

Then  Athene  came  down  from  Olympus, 
and  stood  over  his  head,  having  taken  upon 
herself  the  likeness  of  a  woman.  And  she 
spake,  saying :  "  Wakest  thou  still,  man  of 
many  troubles  ?  Is  not  this  thy  house  ?  And 
is  not  thy  wife  within,  and  thy  son,  being  such 
an  one  as  thou  wouldest  have  him  to  be  ? ' 

Ulysses  made  answer :  "  This  is  true,  O  god- 


dess.  But  I  think  how  I,  being  one  against 
many,  can  slay  the  suitors  in  my  hall.  And 
this  also  troubles  me  :  how,  if  I  slay  them,  shall 
I  escape  the  avengers  of  blood  ? ' 

Then  answered  the  goddess :  "  Verily,  thou 
art  weak  in  faith.  Some  put  trust  in  men,  yet 
men  are  weaker  than  the  gods ;  why  trustest 
not  thou  in  me  ?  Verily,  I  am  with  thee,  and 
will  keep  thee  to  the  end.  But  now  sleep,  for 
to  watch  all  the  night  is  vexation  of  spirit." 

So  saying,  she  poured  sleep  upon  his  eyes 
and  went  back  to  Olympus. 

When  the  morning  came  Ulysses  awoke, 
and  he  took  up  the  fleeces,  and  set  them  on  a 
seat  in  the  hall,  and  the  bull's  hide  he  carried 
without.  Then  he  lifted  up  his  hands  to  Zeus, 
and  prayed,  saying,  "  O  Father  Zeus,  if  thou 
hast  led  me  to  mine  own  country  of  good  will, 
then  give  me  a  sign." 

And  even  as  he  spake  Zeus  thundered  from 
Olympus ;  and  Ulysses  heard  it,  and  was  glad. 
Also  a  woman  at  the  mill  spake  a  word  of 
omen.  Twelve  women  there  were  that  ground 
the  meal,  wheat,  and  barley.  Eleven  of  these 

THE   TRIAL   OF  THE  BOW.  265 

were  now  sleeping,  for  they  had  finished  their 
task;  but  this  one,  being  weakest  of  all,  was 
still  grinding.  And  now  she  stayed  her  work, 
and  said :  "  Surely,  Father  Zeus,  this  is  a  sign, 
that  thou  hast  thundered  in  a  clear  sky.  Grant 
now  that  this  be  the  last  meal  that  I  shall  grind 
for  the  suitors  in  the  house  of  Ulysses  ! ' 

Afterwards  came  Telemachus,  and  spake  to 
the  nurse,  saying,  "  Hast  thou  given  to  the 
guest  food  and  bedding  as  is  meet,  or  doth  he 
lie  uncared  for  ? ' 

The  nurse  made  answer :  "  The  stranger 
drank  as  much  as  he  would,  and  ate  till  he 
said  that  he  had  had  enough  ;  but  blankets 
and  a  mattress  he  would  not  have ;  on  an 
undressed  hide  he  slept,  with  fleeces  of  sheep 
above.  Also  we  cast  a  mantle  over  him." 

Next  came  the  swineherd,  leading  three 
fatted  hogs,  the  best  of  all  the  herd.  And 
he  said,  "  Stranger,  do  these  men  treat  thee 
well  ?  " 

Ulysses  made  answer,  "  May  the  gods  re- 
quite them  as  they  have  dealt  insolently  with 



Afterwards  came  Melanthius,  the  goatherd, 
having  goats  for  the  feast  of  the  day.  And  he 
spake  to  Ulysses  bitter  words :  "  Wilt  thou  still 
plague  us,  stranger,  with  thy  begging  ?  Verily, 
I  think  that  we  shall  not  part  till  we  have 
made  trial  of  each  other  with  our  fists.  Thy 
begging  is  not  to  be  borne ;  and  there  are 
other  feasts  whither  thou  mightest  go." 

But  Ulysses  answered  him  not  a  word. 

Last  came  Philcetius,  the  neatherd,  bring- 
ing a  barren  heifer  for  the  feast  of  the  suitors. 
He  spake  to  Ulysses,  saying :  "  May  happiness 
come  to  thee,  stranger,  hereafter !  Now  thou 
art  encompassed  with  sorrows.  Mine  eyes  are 
full  of  tears  as  I  behold  thee,  for  it  may  be  that 
Ulysses  is  clad  in  vile  garments  like  to  these, 
wandering  about  among  men,  if,  indeed,  is  yet 
alive.  But  if  he  is  dead,  that,  indeed,  is  a  great 
sorrow.  For  he  set  me  over  his  cattle,  and 
these  are  now  increased  beyond  all  count- 
ing ;  never  have  herds  increased  more  plenti- 
fully. Nevertheless,  it  vexeth  my  heart  because 
strangers  are  ever  devouring  them  in  his  hall. 

O  C5 

Verily,  I  would  have  fled  long  since,  for  the 

THE   TRIAL   OF  THE  BO W.  26  J 

thing  is  past  all  enduring,  but  that  I  hope  to 
see  Ulysses  yet  come  again  to  his  own." 

Then  Ulysses  made  answer :  "  Neatherd, 
thou  art  a  man  of  an  understanding  heart. 


Now  hearken  to  what  I  shall  say,  and  I  will 
confirm  it  with  an  oath.  While  thou  art  still 
in  this  place,  Ulysses  shall  come  home,  and 
thou  shalt  see  it  with  thine  eyes,  yea,  and  the 
slaying  of  the  suitors  also." 

And  after  awhile  the  suitors  came  and  sat 
down,  as  was  their  wont,  to  the  feast.  And 
the  servants  bare  to  Ulysses,  as  Telemachus 
had  bidden,  a  full  share  with  the  others.  And 
when  Ctesippus,  a  prince  of  Samos,  saw  this 
(he  was  a  man  heedless  of  right  and  of  the 
gods),  he  said :  "  Is  it  well  that  this  fellow 
should  fare  even  as  we  ?  Look  now  at  the 
gift  that  I  shall  give  him."  Whereupon  he 
took  a  bullock's  foot  out  of  a  basket  wherein  it 
lay,  and  cast  it  at  Ulysses. 

But  he  moved  his  head  to  the  left  and 
shunned  it,  and  it  flew  on,  marking  the  wall. 
And  Telemachus  cried  in  srreat  wrath :  — 


"It   is   well   for   thee,   Ctesippus,   that    thou 


didst  not  strike  this  stranger.  For  surely, 
hadst  thou  done  this  thing,  my  spear  had 
pierced  thee  through,  and  thy  father  had 
made  good  cheer,  not  for  thy  marriage,  but 
for  thy  burial." 

Then    said    Aorelaus :     "This    is    well    said. 


Telemachus  should  not  be  wronged,  no,  nor 
this  stranger.  But,  on  the  other  hand,  he 
must  bid  his  mother  choose  out  of  the  suitors 
whom  she  will,  and  marry  him,  nor  waste  our 
time  any  more." 

And  Telemachus  said :  "It  is  well.  She 
shall  marry  whom  she  will.  But  from  my 
house  I  will  never  send  her  against  her  will.1 


And  the  suitors  laughed  ;  but  their  laughter 

o  o 

was  not  of  mirth,  and  the  flesh  which  they  ate 
dripped  with  blood,  and  their  eyes  were  full  of 
tears.  And  the  eyes  of  the  seer  Theoclymenus 
were  opened,  and  he  cried :  — 

"  What  ails  you,  miserable  ones  ?  For  your 
heads  and  your  faces  and  your  knees  are  cov- 
ered with  darkness,  and  the  voice  of  groaning 
comes  from  you,  and  your  cheeks  are  wet  with 
tears.  Also  the  walls  and  the  pillars  are  sprin- 

I     f     .   I  ; 

'  -          .  I 





















THE   TRIAL    OF  THE  BOW.  269 

kled  with  blood,  and  the  porch  and  the  hall  are 
full  of  shadows  that  move  towards  hell,  and  the 
sun  has  perished  from  the  heaven,  and  an  evil 
mist  is  over  all." 

But  they  laughed  to  hear  him ;  and  Eurym- 
achus  said,  "  This  stranger  is  mad  ;  let  us 
send  him  out  of  doors  into  the  market-place, 
for  it  seems  that  here  it  is  dark." 

Also  they  scoffed  at  Telemachus,  but  he 
heeded  them  not,  but  sat  waiting  till  his  father 
should  give  the  sign. 

After  this  Penelope  went  to  fetch  the  great 
bow  of  Ulysses,  which  Iphitus  had  given  to 
him.  From  the  peg  on  which  it  hung  she  took 
it  with  its  sheath,  and,  sitting  down,  she  laid  it 
on  her  knees  and  wept  over  it,  and  after  this 
rose  up  and  went  to  where  the  suitors  sat  feast- 
ing in  the  hall.  The  bow  she  brought,  and  also 
the  quiver  full  of  arrows,  and  standing  by  the 
pillar  of  the  dome,  spake  thus :  — 

"  Ye  suitors,  who  devour  this  house,  making 
pretence  that  ye  wish  to  wed  me,  lo !  here  is  a 
proof  of  your  skill.  Here  is  the  bow  of  the 
great  Ulysses.  Whoso  shall  bend  it  easiest 


in  his  hands,  and  shoot  an  arrow  most  easily 
through  the  helve-holes  of  the  twelve  axes  that 


Telemachus   shall   set   up,  him   will    I    follow, 
leaving    this  house,  which    I    shall    remember 


only  in  my  dreams." 

Then  she  bade  Eumaeus  bear  the  bow  and 
the  arrows  to  the  suitors.  And  the  good 
swineherd  wept  to  see  his  master's  bow,  and 
Philaetius,  the  herdsman  of  the  kine,  wept  also, 
for  he  was  a  good  man,  and  loved  the  house  of 

Then  Telemachus  planted  in  due  order  the 
axes  wherein  were  the  helve-holes,  and  was 
minded  himself  to  draw  the  bow ;  and  indeed 
would  have  done  the  thing,  but  Ulysses  signed 
to  him  that  he  should  not.  Wherefore,  he 
said,  "  Methinks  I  am  too  weak  and  young ; 
ye  that  are  elder  should  try  the  first." 

Then  first  Leiodes,  the  priest,  who  alone 
among  the  suitors  hated  their  evil  ways,  made 
trial  of  the  bow.  But  he  moved  it  not,  but 
wearied  his  hands  with  it,  for  they  were  tender, 
and  unwont  to  toil.  And  he  said,  "  I  can- 
not bend  this  bow ;  let  some  other  try ;  but 

THE   TRIAL    OF  THE  BOW.  2? I 

think  that  it  shall  be  grief  and  pain  to  many 
this  day." 

And  Antinoiis  was  wroth  to  hear  such  words, 
and  bade  Melanthius  bring  forth  from  the 
stores  a  roll  of  fat,  that  they  might  anoint  the 
string  and  soften  it  withal.  So  they  softened 
the  string  with  fat,  but  not  for  that  the  more 


could  they  bend  it,  for  they  tried  all  of  them  in 
vain,  till  only  Antinoiis  and  Eurymachus  were 
left,  who,  indeed,  were  the  bravest  and  the 
strongest  of  them  all. 


Now  the  swineherd  and  the  herdsman  of  the 
kine  had  gone  forth  out  of  the  yard,  and  Ulys- 
ses came  behind  them  and  said  ;  "  What  would 
ye  do  if  Ulysses  were  to  come  back  to  his 
home  ?  Would  ye  fight  for  him  or  for  the 
suitors  ?  ' 

And  both  said  that  they  would  fight  for  him. 

And  Ulysses  said  :  "  It  is  even  I  who  am 
come  back  in  the  twentieth  year,  and  ye,  I 
know,  are  glad  at  heart  that  I  am  come  ;  nor 
know  I  of  any  one  besides.  And  if  ye  will 
help  me  as  brave  men  to-day,  wives  shall  ye 
have,  and  possessions  and  houses  near  to  mine 


own.  And  ye  shall  be  brothers  and  comrades 
to  Telemachus.  And  for  a  sign,  behold  this 
scar,  which  the  wild  boar  made  when  I  hunted 
with  Autolycus." 

Then  they  wept  for  joy  and  kissed  Ulysses, 
and  he  also  kissed  them.  And  he  said  to 
Eumasus  that  he  should  bring  the  bow  to  him 
when  the  suitors  had  tried  their  fortune  there- 
with ;  also  that  he  should  bid  the  women  keep 
within  doors,  nor  stir  out  if  they  should  hear 
the  noise  of  battle.  And  Philaetius  he  bade 
lock  the  doors  of  the  hall,  and  fasten  them 
with  a  rope. 

After  this  he  came  back  to  the  hall,  and 
Eurymachus  had  the  bow  in  his  hands,  and 
sought  to  warm  it  at  the  fire.  Then  he  essayed 
to  draw  it,  but  could  not.  And  he  groaned 


aloud,  saying :  "  Woe  is  me  !  not  for  loss  of 
this  marriage  only,  for  there  are  other  women 
to  be  wooed  in  Greece,  but  that  we  are  so 
much  weaker  than  the  great  Ulysses.  This  is, 
indeed,  shame  to  tell." 

Then  said  Antinous :  "  Not  so ;  to-day  is  a 
holy  day  of  the  god  of  archers ;  therefore  we 

THE  TRIAL    OF  THE  BOW.  273 

could  not  draw  the  bow.  But  to-morrow  will 
we  try  once  more,  after  due  sacrifice  to  Apollo." 

And  this  saying  pleased  them  all ;  but 
Ulysses  said,  "  Let  me  try  this  bow ;  for  I 
would  fain  know  whether  I  have  such  strength 
as  I  had  in  former  days." 

At  this  all  the  suitors  were  wroth,  and  chiefly 
Antinoiis,  but  Penelope  said  that  it  should  be 
so,  and  promised  the  man  great  gifts  if  he  could 
draw  this  bow. 

But  Telemachus  spake  thus :  "  Mother,  the 
bow  is  mine  to  give  or  to  refuse.  And  no  man 
shall  say  me  nay,  if  I  will  that  this  stranger 
make  trial  of  it.  But  do  thou  go  to  thy 
chamber  with  thy  maidens,  and  let  men  take 
thought  for  these  things." 

And  this  he  said,  for  that  he  would  have  her 
depart  from  the  hall  forthwith,  knowing  what 
should  happen  therein.  But  she  marvelled  to 
hear  him  speak  with  such  authority,  and 
answered  not,  but  departed.  And  when  Eu- 
maeus  would  have  carried  the  bow  to  Ulysses, 
the  suitors  spake  roughly  to  him,  but  Telema- 
chus constrained  him  to  go.  Therefore  he 


took  the  bow  and  gave  it  to  his  master.  Then 
went  he  to  Eurycleia,  and  bade  her  shut  the 
door  of  the  women's  chambers  and  keep  them 
within,  whatsoever  they  might  hear. 

Then  Ulysses  handled  the  great  bow,  trying 
it,  whether  it  had  taken  any  hurt,  but  the 
suitors  thought  scorn  of  him.  Then,  when  he 
had  found  it  to  be  without  flaw,  just  as  a  min- 
strel fastens  a  string  upon  his  harp  and  strains 
it  to  the  pitch,  so  he  strung  the  bow  without 
toil ;  and  holding  the  string  in  his  right  hand, 
he  tried  its  tone,  and  the  tone  was  sweet  as  the 
voice  of  a  swallow.  Then  he  took  an  arrow 
from  the  quiver,  and  laid  the  notch  upon  the 
string  and  drew  it,  sitting  as  he  was,  and  the 
arrow  passed  through  every  ring,  and  stood  in 
the  wall  beyond.  Then  he  said  to  Telema- 
chus : — 

"  There  is  yet  a  feast  to  be  held  before  the 
sun  go  down." 

And  he    nodded    the    sign   to    Telemachus. 


And  forthwith  the  young  man  stood  by  him, 
armed  with  spear  and  helmet  and  shield. 












THEN  spake  Ulysses  among  the  suitors : 
"  This  labour  has  been  accomplished.  Let  me 
try  at  yet  another  mark." 

And  he  aimed  his  arrow  at  Antinolis.  But 
the  man  was  just  raising  a  cup  to  his  lips, 
thinking  not  of  death,  for  who  had  thought 
that  any  man,  though  mightiest  of  mortals, 
would  venture  on  such  a  deed,  being  one 
among  many  ?  Right  through  the  neck  passed 
the  arrow-head,  and  the  blood  gushed  from  his 
nostrils,  and  he  dropped  the  cup  and  spurned 
the  table  from  him. 

And  all  the  suitors,  when  they  saw  him  fall, 
leapt  from  their  seats ;  but  when  they  looked, 
there  was  neither  spear  nor  shield  upon  the 
wall.  And  they  knew  not  whether  it  was  by 
chance  or  of  set  purpose  that  the  stranger  had 


smitten  him.  But  Ulysses  then  declared  who 
he  was,  saying :  — 

"  Dogs,  ye  thought  that  I  should  never  come 
back  !  Therefore  have  ye  devoured  my  house, 
and  made  suit  to  my  wife  while  I  yet  lived,  and 
feared  not  the  gods  nor  regarded  men.  There- 
fore a  sudden  destruction  is  come  upon  you 

Then  when  all  the  others  trembled  for  fear, 
Eurymachus  said :  "  If  thou  be  indeed  Ulysses 
of  Ithaca,  thou  hast  said  well.  Foul  wrong  has 
been  done  to  thee  in  the  house  and  in  the  field. 
But  lo !  he  who  was  the  mover  of  it  all  lieth 
here,  even  Antinolis.  Nor  was  it  so  much  this 
marriage  that  he  sought,  as  to  be  King  of  this 
land,  having  destroyed  thy  house.  But  we  will 
pay  thee  back  for  all  that  we  have  devoured, 
even  twenty  times  as  much." 

But  Ulysses  said :  "  Speak  not  of  paying 
back.  My  hands  shall  not  cease  from  slaying 
till  I  have  taken  vengeance  on  you  all." 

Then  said  Eurymachus  to  his  comrades : 
"  This  man  will  not  stay  his  hands.  He  will 
smite  us  all  with  his  arrows  where  he  stands. 


But  let  us  win  the  door,  and  raise  a  cry  in  the 
city ;  soon  then  will  this  archer  have  shot  his 

And  he  rushed  on,  with  his  two-edged  knife 
in  his  hand.  But  as  he  rushed,  Ulysses  smote 
him  on  the  breast  with  an  arrow,  and  he  fell 
forwards.  And  when  Amphinomus  came  on, 
Telemachus  slew  him  with  his  spear,  but  drew 
not  the  spear  from  the  body,  lest  some  one 
should  smite  him  unawares. 

Then  he  ran  to  his  father  and  said,  "  Shall  I 
fetch  arms  for  us  and  our  helpers  ? ' 

"  Yea,"  said  he,  "  and  tarry  not,  lest  my 
arrows  be  spent." 

So  he  fetched  from  the  armoury  four  shields 
and  four  helmets  and  eight  spears.  And  he 
and  the  servants,  Eumaeus  and  Philaetius, 
armed  themselves.  Also  Ulysses,  when  his 
arrows  were  spent,  donned  helmet  and  shield, 
and  took  a  mighty  spear  in  each  hand.  But 
Melanthius,  the  goatherd,  crept  up  to  the 
armoury  and  brought  down  therefrom  twelve 
helmets  and  shields,  and  spears  as  many.  And 
when  Ulysses  saw  that  the  suitors  were  arming 


themselves,  he  feared  greatly,  and  said  to  his 
son :  — 

"  There  is  treachery  here.  It  is  one  of  the 
women,  or,  it  may  be,  Melanthius,  the  goat- 

And  Telemachus  said,  "  This  fault  is  mine, 
my  father,  for  I  left  the  door  of  the  chamber 

And  soon  Eumaeus  spied  Melanthius  steal- 
ing up  to  the  chamber  again,  and  followed  him, 
and  Philaetius  with  him.  There  they  caught 
him,  even  as  he  took  a  helmet  in  one  hand  and 
a  shield  in  the  other,  and  bound  his  feet  and 
hands,  and  fastened  him  aloft  by  a  rope  to  the 
beams  of  the  ceiling. 

Then  these  two  went  back  to  the  hall,  and 
there  also  came  Athene,  having  the  shape  of 
Mentor.  Still,  for  she  would  yet  further  try 
the  courage  of  Ulysses  and  his  son,  she  helped 
them  not  as  yet,  but,  changing  her  shape,  sat  on 
the  roof-beam  like  unto  a  swallow. 

And  then  cried  Agelaiis :  "  Friends,  Mentor 
is  gone,  and  helps  them  not.  Let  us  not  cast 
our  spears  at  random,  but  let  six  come  on 


together,  if,  perchance,  we  may  prevail  against 

Then  they  cast  their  spears,  but  Athene 
turned  them  aside,  one  to  the  pillar,  and  another 
to  the  door,  and  another  to  the  wall.  But 
Ulysses  and  Telemachus  and  the  two  herds- 
men slew  each  his  man ;  and  yet  again  they 
did  so,  and  again.  Only  Amphimedon  wounded 
Telemachus,  and  Ctesippus  grazed  the  shoulder 
of  Eumaeus.  But  Telemachus  struck  down 
Amphimedon,  and  the  herdsman  of  the  kine 
slew  Ctesippus,  saying :  "  Take  this,  for  the  ox- 
foot  which  thou  gavest  to  our  guest."  And  all 
the  while  Athene  waved  her  flaming  aegis  shield 
from  above,  and  the  suitors  fell  as  birds  are 
scattered  and  torn  by  eagles. 

Then  Leiodes,  the  priest,  made  supplication 
to  Ulysses,  saying :  "  I  never  wrought  evil  in 
this  house,  and  would  have  kept  others  from 
it,  but  they  would  not.  Naught  have  I  done 
save  serve  at  the  altar;  wherefore,  slay  me  not." 

And  Ulysses  made  reply,  "  That  thou  hast 
served  at  the  altar  of  these  men  is  enough,  and 
also  that  thou  wouldest  wed  my  wife." 


So  he  slew  him  ;  but  Phemius,  the  minstrel, 
he  spared,  for  he  had  sung  among  the  suitors 
in  the  hall,  of  compulsion,  and  not  of  good 
will ;  and  also  Medon,  the  herald,  bidding  them 
go  into  the  yard  without.  There  they  sat, 
holding  by  the  altar  and  looking  fearfully 
every  way,  for  yet  they  feared  that  they  should 

So  the  slaughtering  of  the  suitors  was 
ended;  and  now  Ulysses  bade  cleanse  the 
hall  and  wash  the  benches  and  the  tables  with 
water,  and  purify  them  with  sulphur.  And 
when  this  was  done,  that  Eurycleia,  the  nurse, 
should  go  to  Penelope  and  tell  her  that  her 
husband  was  indeed  returned. 




EURYCLEIA  went  to  the  chamber  of  her  mis- 
tress, bearing  the  glad  tidings.  She  made 
haste  in  her  great  joy,  and  her  feet  stumbled 
one  over  the  other.  And  she  stood  by  the 
head  of  Penelope,  and  spake,  saying  :  "  Awake, 
dear  child,  and  see  with  thine  eyes  that  which 
thou  hast  desired  so  long.  For,  indeed,  Ulys- 
ses hath  come  back,  and  hath  slain  the  men 
that  devoured  his  substance." 

But  Penelope  made  answer :  "  Surely,  dear 
nurse,  the  gods  have  bereft  thee  of  thy  sense  ; 
and  verily,  they  can  make  the  wisdom  of  the 
wise  to  be  foolishness,  and  they  can  give  wis- 
dom to  the  simple.  Why  dost  thou  mock  me, 
rousing  me  out  of  my  sleep,  the  sweetest  that 
hath  ever  come  to  my  eyes  since  the  day  when 
Ulysses  sailed  for  Troy,  most  hateful  of  cities  ? 
Go,  get  thee  to  the  chamber  of  the  women  ! 


Had  another  of  the  maids  roused  me  in  this 
fashion,  I  had  sent  her  back  with  a  sharp 
rebuke.  But  thine  old  age  protects  thee." 

Then  said  the  nurse :  "  I  mock  thee  not, 
dear  child.  In  very  truth  Ulysses  is  here. 
He  is  the  stranger  to  whom  such  dishonour 
was  done.  But  Telemachus  knew  long  since 
who  he  was,  and  hid  the  matter,  that  they 
might  take  vengeance  on  the  suitors." 

O  <— ' 

Then  was  Penelope  glad,  and  she  leapt  from 
bed,  and  fell  upon  the  neck  of  the  old  woman, 
weeping,  and  saying,  "  Tell  me  "now  the  truth, 
whether,  indeed,  he  hath  come  home,  and  hath 
slain  the  suitors,  he  being  but  one  man,  and 
they  many." 

The  nurse  made  answer :  "  How  it  was  done 
I  know  not ;  only  I  heard  the  groaning  of  men 
that  were  slain.  Amazed  did  we  women  sit  in 
our  chamber  till  thy  son  called  me.  Then  I 
found  Ulysses  standing  among  the  dead,  who 
lay  one  upon  another.  Verily,  thou  hadst 
been  elad  at  heart  to  see  him,  so  like  to  lion 


was  he,  all  stained  with  blood  and  the  labour 
of  the   fight.     And   now   the   suitors   lie   in   a 


heap,  and  he  is  purifying  his  house  with  brim- 
stone. But  come,  that  ye  may  have  an  end 
of  all  the  sorrow  that  ye  have  endured,  for  thy 
desire  is  fulfilled.  Thy  husband  hath  come 
back,  and  hath  avenged  him  to  the  full  on 
these  evil  men." 

But  Penelope  said  :  "  Dear  nurse,  be  not  too 
bold  in  thy  joy.  Thou  knowest  how  gladly  I 
would  see  him.  But  this  is  not  he  ;  it  is  one 
of  the  gods  that  hath  slain  the  suitors,  being 
wroth  at  their  insolence  and  wrong-doing.  But 
Ulysses  himself  hath  perished." 

Then  the  nurse  spake,  saying :  "  What  is 
that  thou  sayest  ?  That  thy  husband  will 
return  no  more,  when  he  is  even  now  in  his 
own  house  ?  Nay,  thou  art,  indeed,  slow  to 
believe.  Hear  now  this  manifest  token  that 
I  espied  with  mine  eyes,  —  the  scar  of  the 
wound  that  long  since  a  wild  boar  dealt  him 
with  his  tusk.  I  saw  it  when  I  washed  his 
feet,  and  would  fain  have  told  thee,  but  he 
laid  his  hand  upon  my  mouth,  and  in  his 
wisdom  suffered  me  not  to  speak." 

To  her  Penelope  made  answer :  "  It  is  hard 


for  thee  to  know  the  purposes  of  the  gods. 
Nevertheless,  I  will  go  to  my  son,  that  I  may  see 
the  suitors  dead,  and  the  man  that  slew  them." 

So  she  went  and  sat  in  the  twilight  by  the 
other  wall,  and  Ulysses  sat  by  a  pillar,  with 
eyes  cast  down,  waiting  till  his  wife  should 
speak  to  him.  But  she  was  sore  perplexed  ; 
for  now  she  seemed  to  know  him,  and  now  she 
knew  him  not,  being  in  such  evil  case,  for  he 
had  not  suffered  that  the  women  should  put 
new  robes  upon  him. 

And  Telemachus  said :  "  Mother,  evil  mother, 
sittest  thou  apart  from  my  father,  and  speakest 
not  to  him  ?  Surely  thy  heart  is  harder  than  a 

But  Ulysses  said :  "  Let  be,  Telemachus. 
Thy  mother  will  know  that  which  is  true  in 
•3-ood  time.  But  now  let  us  hide  this  slaughter 

o  o 

for  awhile,  lest  the  friends  of  these  men  seek 
vengeance  against  us.  Wherefore,  let  there  be 
music  and  dancing  in  the  hall,  so  that  men  shall 


say,  '  This  is  the  wedding  of  the  Queen,  and 
there  is  joy  in  the  palace,'  and  know  not  of  the 









So  the  minstrel  played  and  the  women  danced. 
And  meanwhile  Ulysses  went  to  the  bath,  and 
clothed  himself  in  bright  apparel,  and  came 
back  to  the  hall,  and  Athene  made  him  fair  and 
young  to  see.  Then  he  sat  him  down  as  before, 
over  against  his  wife,  and  said :  — 

"  Surely,  O  lady,  the  gods  have  made  thee 
harder  of  heart  than  all  women  besides.  Would 
other  wife  have  kept  away  from  her  husband, 
coming  back  now  after  twenty  years  ?  ' 

And  when  she  doubted  yet,  he  spake  again : 
"  Hear  thou  this,  Penelope,  and  know  that 
it  is  I  indeed.  I  will  tell  thee  of  the  fashion  of 
my  bed.  There  grew  an  olive  in  the  inner 
court,  with  a  stem  of  the  bigness  of  a  pillar. 
Round  this  did  I  build  the  chamber,  and  I 
roofed  it  over,  and  put  doors  upon  it.  Then 
I  lopped  off  the  boughs  of  the  olive,  and 
made  it  into  the  bedpost.  Afterwards,  begin- 
ning from  this,  I  wrought  the  bedstead  till  I 
had  finished  it,  inlaying  the  work  with  gold  and 
silver  and  ivory.  And  within  I  fastened  a  band 
of  ox-hide  that  had  been  dyed  with  purple. 
Whether  the  bedstead  be  now  fast  in  its  place, 


or  whether  some  one  hath  moved  it  —  and 
verily,  it  was  no  light  thing  to  move  —  I  know 
not.  But  this  was  its  fashion  of  old." 

Then  Penelope  knew  him,  that  he  was  her 
husband  indeed,  and  ran  to  him,  and  threw  her 
arms  about  him  and  kissed  him,  saying:  "  Par- 
don me,  my  lord,  if  I  was  slow  to  know  thee ; 
for  ever  I  feared,  so  many  wiles  have  men,  that 
some  one  should  deceive  me,  saying  that  he 
was  my  husband.  But  now  I  know  this,  that 
thou  art  he  and  not  another." 

And  they  wept  over  each  other  and  kissed 
each  other.  So  did  Ulysses  come  back  to  his 
home  after  twenty  years. 




THE  suitors  being  slain,  Hermes  led  their 
souls  down  to  the  dwellings  of  the  dead,  hav- 
ing in  his  hand  the  rod  of  gold  wherewith  he 

o  o 

toucheth  the  eyes  of  men,  causing  some  to 
sleep  and  some  to  wake,  and  led  them  down ; 
and  they  followed  after  with  a  clattering  noise, 
like  to  the  noise  of  bats  when  they  fly  to  and 
fro  in  a  cavern.  Then  they  went  along  the 
dark  waters  of  death,  by  the  side  of  the  stream 
of  Ocean,  and  the  gates  of  the  Sun,  and  the 
land  of  dreams,  till  they  came  to  the  meadow 
of  asphodel,  where  dwell  the  spirits  of  them 
that  have  lived  their  life.  There  they  saw  the 
spirit  of  Achilles,  and  of  Patroclus,  and  of  An- 
tilochus,  son  of  Nestor,  and  of  Ajax  ;  and  after 
these  the  spirit  of  Agamemnon,  and  with  him 
they  that  had  perished  in  his  company  by  the 
hand  of  ^Egisthus. 


Then  spake  Achilles  to  Agamemnon  : 
"  Truly,  son  of  Atreus,  men  were  wont  to 
say  that  Zeus  loved  thee  above  all  others, 
making  thee  ruler  over  many  valiant  men  in 
the  land  of  Troy.  Nevertheless,  the  doom  of 
death  came  upon  thee  after  an  evil  sort.  Bet- 
ter hadst  thou  died  before  the  walls  of  Troy, 
for  then  had  the  Greeks  raised  for  thee  a 
mighty  tomb ! ' 

To  him  the  spirit  of  Agamemnon  made 
answer :  "  Happy  wert  thou,  son  of  Peleus, 
in  that  thou  diedst  far  a\vay  from  the  land 
of  Greece.  Many  valiant  men  of  the  sons  of 
Troy  and  of  the  Greeks  were  slain  around 
thee,  where  thou  wast  lying  with  the  dust  of 
the  battle  about  thee,  forgetting  all  thy  craft 
of  war.  All  that  day  we  fought,  and  had  not 
ceased  but  that  Zeus  stayed  the  battle  with  a 
whirlwind.  Then  we  carried  thee  back  to  the 
ships,  and  laid  thy  body  on  a  bed,  and  washed 
it  with  water  and  anointed  it  with  ointment. 
And  even  as  we  sat  weeping  about  thee,  came 
thy  mother  with  the  deathless  daughters  of  the 
sea  ;  and  we  heard  a  terrible  voice  and  were 


sore  afraid.  Then  had  we  fled  to  the  ships  but 
that  Nestor,  the  wise  old  man,  stayed  us,  say- 
ing, '  Tarry  ye  here,  sons  of  the  Greeks,  for 
the  mother  of  Achilles  cometh  with  the  dau^h- 


ters  of  the  sea  to  mourn  for  her  son.' 

"  Then  we  feared  no  more ;  and  the  daugh- 
ters of  the  sea  stood  about  thee,  making  lamen- 
tation, and  put  on  thee  clothing  of  the  gods. 
And  the  nine  Muses  sang  thy  dirge,  answering 
one  the  other  with  a  very  lovely  voice ;  and 
there  was  not  one  of  the  Greeks  but  wept,  so 
sweetly  did  they  sing.  Seventeen  nights  and 
days  as  many  we  bewailed  thee,  gods  and  men 
mingled  together ;  and  on  the  eighteenth  day 
we  kindled  a  great  fire  and  burnt  thy  body. 
Many  sheep  and  oxen  did  we  slay ;  and  thou 
didst  lie  upon  the  pile  with  the  garments  of  the 
gods  about  thee,  being  anointed  with  much 
ointment  and  honey ;  and  the  chiefs  ran  round 
the  burning  pile  clad  in  their  armour,  and  the 
cry  of  the  host  went  up  to  heaven.  And  when 
the  flame  had  consumed  thy  body,  then  we 
gathered  thy  white  bones  together  and  laid 
them  in  an  urn  of  gold  that  thy  mother  had 


brought,  for  Dionysus  had  given  it  to  her,  and 
it  was  the  fire-god's  workmanship.  And  with 
thy  bones  were  mingled  the  bones  of  Patro- 
clus  ;  and  near  to  them,  but  apart,  were  the 
bones  of  Nestor's  son,  Antilochus,  whom  thou 
didst  love  beyond  all  thy  comrades,  save  Patro- 
clus  only.  And  for  you  three  the  Greeks  made 
a  great  tomb  upon  a  jutting  rock,  near  to  the 
Hellespont,  that  men  who  pass  thereby  may 
see  it  for  all  time  to  come.  And  thy  mother 
brought  prizes  for  which  the  sons  of  the 
Greeks  might  contend  in  running,  wrestling, 
and  the  like.  Truly  I  have  seen  the  burying 
of  many  men,  when  the  young  men  gird  up 
their  loins  to  contend  together,  doing  honour 
to  some  king  that  is  dead,  but  never  have  I 
seen  such  a  burying  as  thine,  so  fair  were  the 
prizes  that  Thetis  of  the  silver  feet  set  before 
the  chiefs  of  the  host.  Verily,  thou  wast  dear 
to  the  gods,  and  thy  name  shall  be  famous  for- 
ever ;  but  as  for  me,  I  died  an  evil  death  by 
the  hands  of  yEgisthus  and  of  my  accursed 

Thus  did  they  speak  together.     And  mean- 


while  the  souls  of  the  suitors  came  near,  an 
exceeding  great  company.  And  the  heroes 
marvelled  to  see  them.  And  when  King 
Agamemnon  looked  upon  them  he  knew 
Amphimedon;  for  he  had  been  his  guest- 
friend  in  old  time.  And  he  said :  "  Tell  me, 
Amphimedon,  how  is  this,  that  ye  come  hither 
in  this  fashion,  chiefs  all  of  you,  and  all  of  you 
of  equal  age.  Did  Poseidon  slay  you  on  ship- 
board, raising  stormy  winds  and  great  waves 
of  the  sea  against  you?  or  did  ye  fall  by  the 
hand  of  the  enemy  on  the  land  ?  Tell  me,  I 
pray  thee,  for  thou  art  a  friend  by  inheritance. 
Dost  thou  not  remember  how  I  came,  and  my 
brother  Menelalis  with  me,  to  the  house  of  thy 
father,  that  we  might  persuade  Ulysses  to  go 
with  us  against  Troy  ? ' 

To  him  Amphimedon  made  answer :  "  All 
this  I  remember.  And  as  to  the  fashion  of  our 
death,  I  will  tell  thee  truly.  We  sought  the 
wife  of  Ulysses  in  marriage,  thinking  that  he 
was  dead.  But  she  would  none  of  our  wooing, 
but  devised  this  device.  She  set  up  a  great 
loom  and  said:  'Suffer  me  to  tarry  till  I  have 


made  a  shroud  for  the  burial  of  Laertes,  that 
is  father  to  my  husband ;  that  I  may  have  no 
reproach  among  the  daughters  of  the  Greeks. 
And  when  I  have  made  it,  then  will  I  marry 
the  one  whom  I  shall  choose  ! '  And  when  we 
had  consented  thereto,  she  deceived  us,  for  she 
wrought  the  shroud  by  day,  but  at  night  she 
undid  all  that  she  had  wrought.  So  she  de- 
ceived us  for  the  space  of  three  years ;  and  in 
the  fourth  year  we  discovered  her  deceit. 
And  after  this  an  evil  fate  brought  Ulysses  to 
his  home  again ;  and  he,  and  his  son  Telem- 
achus,  and  Eumaeus,  the  swineherd,  contrived 
our  death.  For  he  bade  Queen  Penelope 
bring  forth  the  bow  that  was  his,  and  say  that 
whosoever  should  bend  it,  he  should  be  her 
husband.  So  we  took  the  bow,  but  there  was 
not  one  of  us  that  could  bend  it ;  but  when 
Ulysses  took  it  in  his  hand  he  bent  it  right 
easily.  Then  he  stood  on  the  threshold  of  the 
chamber,  and  shot  arrows  against  us.  Anti- 
nous  first  of  all  he  slew,  and  the  rest  after- 
wards, so  that  not  one  of  us  was  left  alive. 
And  now  our  bodies  lie  uncared  for  in  his 


hall,  nor  is  there  any  one  to  mourn  for  us  or 
to  bury  us." 

Then  said  Agamemnon :  "  Happy  art  thou, 
Ulysses,  and  mightily  hast  thou  avenged  thy 
wife.  And  she  verily  hath  a  heart  that  is  good 
and  true.  Never  shall  her  fame  perish  from 
among  men.  But  as  for  Clytemnestra,  she 
shall  have  an  evil  report  forever  because  she 
slew  her  husband." 

So  these  spake  together  in  the  dwellings  of 
the  dead.  Meanwhile,  Ulysses  went  forth 
from  his  palace  to  the  dwelling  of  Laertes,  that 
was  in  the  fields.  There  the  old  man  dwelt, 
and  a  woman  of  Sicily  cared  for  him.  And 
Ulysses  spake  to  his  son  and  to  the  shepherds, 
saying :  "  Go  ye  into  the  house  and  prepare  a 
meal  of  swine's  flesh,  as  savoury  as  may  be ; 
and  I  will  make  trial  of  my  father,  whether  he 
will  know  me.  For  it  may  well  be  that  he 
hath  forgotten  me,  seeing  that  I  have  been  now 
a  long  time  absent." 

So  spake  Ulysses,  and  gave  also  his  arms  to 
the  men  to  keep  for  him.  So  they  went  into 
the  house.  And  Ulysses  went  to  the  orchard, 


making  search  for  his  father.     There  he  found 


not  Dolius,  that  was  steward  to  Laertes,  nor 
any  one  of  his  servants,  nor  of  his  sons,  for 
they  were  gone  to  make  a  fence  about  the 
field.  Only  the  old  man  he  found ;  and  he 
was  busy  digging  about  a  tree.  Filthy  was 
the  tunic  that  he  had  about  him  and  sewn 
with  thread ;  and  he  had  coverings  of  ox-hide 
on  his  legs  to  keep  them  from  the  thorns,  and 
gloves  upon  his  hands,  and  a  cap  of  dog-skin 
on  his  head.  And  when  Ulysses  saw  him,  how 
that  he  was  worn  with  old  age  and  very  sor- 
rowful, he  stood  under  a  pear  tree  and  wept. 
Then  for  awhile  he  took  counsel  with  himself, 
whether  he  should  kiss  his  father  and  embrace 
him,  and  make  himself  known,  and  tell  him 
how  he  had  come  back  to  his  home,  or  should 
first  inquire  of  him,  and  learn  all  that  he  would 
know.  And  he  judged  it  best  first  to  inquire. 
So  he  came  near  to  the  old  man ;  and  the  old 
man  was  digging  about  a  tree,  having  his  head 
bent  down. 

Then  said  Ulysses :   "  Verily,  old  man,  thou 
wantest  not  in  skill  to  deal  with  an  orchard 


And  truly,  neither  fig,  nor  vine,  nor  olive,  nor 
pear  may  flourish  in  a  garden  without  care. 
But  yet  another  thing  will  I  say  to  thee,  and 
be  not  thou  wroth  when  thou  hearest  it.  Thy 
garden,  indeed,  is  well  cared  for,  but  thou  thy- 
self art  in  evil  plight.  For  old  age  lieth  heavy 
upon  thee,  and  thou  art  clad  in  filthy  garments. 
Yet  truly  thou  art  not  idle,  that  thy  master  thus 
dealeth  with  thee ;  nor,  indexed,  art  thou  in  any 
wise  like  unto  a  slave ;  for  thy  face  and  thy 
stature  are  as  it  might  be  of  a  king.  Such  an 
one  as  thou  art  should  wash  himself,  and  sit 
down  to  meat,  and  sleep  softly ;  for  such  is  the 
due  of  old  age.  But  come,  tell  me  truly,  whose 
servant  art  thou?  Whose  orchard  dost  thou 
tend  ?  Tell  me  this  also :  Is  this,  indeed,  the 
land  of  Ithaca  to  which  I  am  come  ?  This, 
indeed,  a  certain  man  that  I  met  as  I  came 
hither  told  me,  but  he  seemed  to  be  but  of 
scanty  wit,  nor  would  he  listen  to  my  words, 
nor  tell  me  of  a  guest-friend  that  I  have  who 


dwelleth  in  this  place,  whether  he  be  alive  or 
dead.  I  entertained  him  a  long  time  since  in 
my  house,  and  never  was  there  straiiger  whom 


I  loved  more  than  him.  And  he  said  that  he 
was  the  son  of  Laertes,  and  that  he  came  from 
the  land  of  Ithaca.  Gifts  also  I  gave  him, 
seven  talents  of  gold,  and  a  mixing-bowl  of  sil- 
ver, wrought  about  with  flowers,  and  twelve 
cloaks  that  had  never  been  washed,  and  rugs 
as  many,  and  four  cloths,  and  tunics  as  many 
also.  Also  I  gave  him  four  women,  fair  to  look 
upon,  and  skilled  in  all  manner  of  handiwork." 
To  him  Laertes  made  answer,  weeping  the 
while :  "  Doubt  not,  stranger,  that  thou  art 
come  to  the  land  of  which  thou  inquirest. 
But  unrighteous  and  violent  men  have  it  in 
possession.  But  as  for  the  son  of  Laertes, 
hadst  thou  found  him  here,  verily,  he  had  sent 
thee  away  with  many  gifts,  even  such  as  thou 
gavest  to  him.  But  tell  me  truly,  is  it  long 
time  since  thou  didst  give  him  entertainment  ? 
For,  indeed,  he  is  my  son,  unhappy  man  that  I 
am.  Surely  either  he  hath  been  drowned  in 
the  sea,  and  the  fishes  have  devoured  him,  or 
wild  beasts  and  birds  of  the  air  have  eaten  him 
upon  the  land.  And  neither  father  nor 
mother,  nor  his  wife,  Penelope,  most  prudent 


of  women,  could  make  lamentation  for  him  and 
lay  him  out  for  his  burial.  But  tell  me,  who 
art  thou  ?  Where  is  thy  city,  and  what  thy 
parentage  ?  Did  thine  own  ship  bring  thee 
hither,  and  thy  companions  with  thee,  or  didst 
thou  come  as  a  trader  upon  the  ship  of 
another  ? ' 

Then  said  Ulysses  :  "  All  this  I  will  tell  thee 
truly.  I  am  of  the  city  of  Alybas,  and  my 
father  is  Apheidas,  and  my  name  Eperitus. 
It  was  of  the  doin^  of  the  2fods  that  I  came 

o  o 

hither  from  the  land  of  Sicily,  and  not  of  mine 
own  will.  And  my  ship  is  moored  hard  by. 
As  for  Ulysses,  it  is  now  the  fifth  year  since  he 
left  me.  Yet  verily,  the  omens  were  good 
when  he  went  forth  on  his  journey,  so  that  we 
both  rejoiced,  thinking  that  he  would  journey 
safely,  and  that  we  should  be  friends  the  one 
to  the  other  in  the  time  to  come." 

So  spake  Ulysses ;  and  when  the  old  man, 
his  father,  heard  these  words,  great  grief  came 
upon  him,  and  he  took  up  the  dust  in  his 
hands  and  poured  it  upon  the  white  hairs  of 
his  head.  And  the  heart  of  Ulysses  was 


moved  within  him  as  he  saw  it,  and  he  was 
ready  to  weep  when  he  beheld  his  father. 
Then  he  threw  his  arms  about  him  and  kissed 
him,  and  said :  "  My  father,  here  am  I,  thy  son 
for  whom  thou  weepest.  Lo !  I  am  come  back 
to  my  native  country  after  twenty  years,  and  I 
have  avenged  myself  on  them  that  sought  my 
wife  in  marriage,  slaying  them  all." 

To  him  the  old  man  made  answer,  "  If  thou 
art  my  very  son  Ulysses,  tell  me  some  clear 
sign  whereby  I  may  know  thee." 

Then  said  Ulysses :  "  See,  now,  this  scar 
upon  my  thigh  where  the  wild  boar  wounded 
me  on  Mount  Parnassus.  For  thou  and  my 
mother  sent  me  to  my  grandfather  Autolycus, 
and  I  was  wounded  in  the  hunting:.  And  let 


this  also  be  a  si^n  to  thee.     I  will   tell  thee 


\vhat  trees  of  the  orchard  thou  gavest  me  long 
since,  when  I  was  a  boy  and  walked  with  thee, 
inquiring  of  thee  their  names.  Thirteen  pear 
trees  didst  thou  give  me,  and  ten  apple  trees, 
and  of  fig  trees  two  score.  Fifty  rows  also  of 
vines  didst  thou  promise  to  give  me  when  the 
time  of  grapes  should  come." 


And  the  old  man's  heart  was  moved  within 
him,  and  his  knees  failed  him,  for  he  knew 
that  the  signs  were  true.  And  he  threw  his 


arms  about  his  son,  and  his  son  took  him  to 
him,  and  the  spirit  of  the  old  man  revived, 
and  he  said :  "  Now  I  know  that  there  are 
gods  in  heaven  when  I  hear  that  these  evil 
men,  the  suitors,  have  been  punished  for  their 
wrong-doing.  Nevertheless,  I  fear  me  much 

o  o 

lest  their  kinsmen  should  stir  up  the  men  of 
Ithaca  and  of  the  islands  round  about  against 


Then  said  Ulysses :  "  Trouble  not  thyself 
with  these  matters,  my  father.  Let  us  go 
rather  to  the  house.  There  are  Telemachus 
and  Eumaeus,  and  the  keeper  of  the  herds, 
and  they  have  made  ready,  that  we  may  dine." 

So  they  went  to  the  house,  and  found  Te- 
lemachus and  his  companions  cutting  flesh  for 
the  dinner  and  mixing  the  wine.  Then  the 


woman  of  Sicilv  washed  the  old  man  Laertes 


and  anointed  him  with  oil,  and  clad  him  in  a 
fair  cloak.  And  Athene  also  stood  by  him, 
and  made  him  taller  and  sturdier  to  look  on 


than  before.  And  his  son  marvelled  to  behold 
him,  so  fair  he  was  and  like  to  the  gods  that 
live  forever,  so  that  he  spake  to  him,  saying, 
"  O  my  father,  surely  one  of  the  gods  that  live 
forever  hath  made  thee  fair  to  look  upon  and 
tall ! " 

And  Laertes  made  answer :  "  Would  to  God 
that  I  had  stood  by  you  yesterday,  taking  ven- 
geance on  the  suitors,  such  as  I  was  in  the  old 
time  when  I  took  the  fair  city  of  Nericus. 
Many  a  man  had  I  slain  with  my  spear,  and 
thou  wouldest  have  rejoiced  in  thy  heart." 

Thus  spake  they  together.  And  when  the 
dinner  was  ready  they  sat  down  to  meat ;  and 
the  old  man  Dolius,  with  his  sons,  approached, 
coming  in  from  their  labour;  for  the  woman  of 
Sicily,  that  was  the  mother  of  the  lads,  had 
called  them.  And  when  they  saw  Ulysses,  they 
stood  amazed  and  speechless.  And  Ulysses 
said,  "  Cease  to  wonder,  old  man,  at  this  sight, 
and  sit  down  to  meat ;  truly  we  are  ready  for 
cur  meat,  and  have  waited  long  time  for  you." 

Then  Dolius    ran   to    him,   stretching   forth 


both  his  hands,  and  caught  the  hand  of  Ulysses 


and  kissed  it  on  the  wrist.  And  he  spake, 
saying :  "  Right  glad  are  we  at  thy  coming,  for 
we  looked  not  for  thee.  Surely  it  is  of  the 
gods  that  thou  hast  returned.  May  all  things 
be  well  with  thee.  But  tell  me  this.  Knoweth 
Queen  Penelope  of  thy  coming,  or  shall  I  send 
a  messenger  to  tell  her  ?  " 


"  Verily,  she  knoweth  it,"  said  Ulysses. 
Then  the  old  man  sat  down  to  meat,  and  his 
sons  also,  when  they  had  greeted  Ulysses. 

In  the  meanwhile  there  spread  through  the 
city  the  tidings  how  the  suitors  had  been  slain; 
and  the  kindred  of  the  men  came  to  the  house 
of  Ulysses  with  many  groans  and  tears,  and 
carried  away  the  dead  bodies  and  buried  them. 
But  such  as  came  from  other  lands  they  put 
on  shipboard,  that  they  might  carry  them  to 
the  sepulchres  of  their  fathers.  And  when 
these  things  were  ended  they  gathered  them- 
selves together  in  the  market-place;  and 
Eupeithes  stood  up  amongst  them,  being  sore 
troubled  in  his  heart  for  his  son  Antinolis, 
whom  Ulysses  had  slain  first  of  all  the  suitors. 
He  stood  up,  therefore,  in  the  midst,  and  spake  : 


"  Surely  this  man  hath  wrought  great  evils  in 
this  land.  First  he  took  comrades  with  him  to 
Troy,  many  in  number  and  brave.  These  all 
he  lost,  and  their  ships  also.  And  now  he  hath 
come  hither  and  slain  the  princes  of  the  people. 
Shame  it  were  to  us,  yea,  among  the  genera- 
tions to  come,  if  we  avenge  not  ourselves  on 
them  that  have  slain  our  sons  and  our 
brothers.  Verily,  I  desire  not  life,  if  such 
should  go  unpunished.  Come,  therefore,  let 
us  make  haste  lest  they  cross  over  the  sea  and 
so  escape." 

So  Eupeithes  spake,  weeping  the  while. 
And  all  the  people  had  pity  to  hear  him.  But 
Medon,  the  herald,  stood  up  in  the  assembly 
and  spake,  saying:  "  Hear  me,  men  of  Ithaca! 
Verily,  Ulysses  did  not  all  these  things  without 
the  helping  of  the  gods  that  live  forever.  I, 
indeed,  saw  with  mine  own  eyes  one  of  the 
gods  standing  by  Ulysses,  being  like  to  Prince 
Mentor  in  shape.  By  Ulysses  there  stood  a 
god,  and  strengthened  him ;  and  another  was 
there  among  the  suitors,  troubling  them  so  that 
they  fell." 


Thus  spake  Medon,  the  herald,  and  after  him 
stood  up  Alitherses,  the  seer,  that  knew  all 
things  that  had  been  and  should  be  hereafter, 
and  spake,  saying :  "  It  is  of  your  folly,  ye  men 
of  Ithaca,  that  all  these  things  have  come  to 
pass.  Ye  would  not  hearken  to  me,  no,  nor  to 
Mentor,  nor  wrould  ye  restrain  your  sons  from 
their  folly.  Great  wickedness  did  they  work, 
wasting  the  goods  of  a  brave  man,  and  making 
suit  to  his  wife,  for  they  thought  not  that  he 
would  return.  Come  now,  hearken  unto  me, 
lest  some  worse  evil  befall  you." 

Then  some  indeed  rose  up  and  made  haste 
to  depart ;  and  these  were  the  greater  part ; 
but  the  others  remained  in  their  places,  for 
they  liked  not  the  counsel  of  Medon  and  the 
seer,  but  regarded  the  words  of  Eupeithes. 
Then  they  clad  themselves  in  their  armour 
and  marched  to  the  city,  Eupeithes  leading 

Then  spake  Athene  to  Zeus :  "  Tell  me,  my 
father,  what  dost  thou  purpose  in  thy  heart? 
Wilt  thou  that  there  be  strife  or  friendship 
between  these  two  ? ' 


To  her  Zeus  made  answer :  "  Why  dost  thou 
inquire  this  thing  of  me  ?  Was  it  not  of  thy 
contriving  that  Ulysses  slew  the  suitors  in  his 
palace?  Order  it  as  thou  wilt.  But  let  there 
be  peace  and  friendship  in  the  end,  that  Ulysses 
may  prosper  in  the  land,  and  the  people  dwell 
in  happiness  about  him." 

Then  Athene  departed,  and  came  to  the 
land  of  Ithaca. 

And  when  Ulysses  and  they  that  sat  with 
him  had  made  an  end  of  eating  and  drinking, 
the  King  said,  "  Let  some  one  go  forth  and 
see  whether  these  men  are  near  at  hand." 

So  the  son  of  Dolius  went  forth.  And  as 
he  stood  on  the  threshold  he  saw  them  ap- 
proaching, and  cried,  "  They  are  even  now 
close  at  hand ;  let  us  arm  ourselves  in  all 

So  they  armed  themselves.  With  Ulysses 
were  Telemachus,  and  Eumaeus,  and  the  keeper 
of  the  herds.  Also  there  stood  with  him  six 
sons  of  Dolius ;  and  the  two  old  men  also, 
Laertes  and  Dolius,  though  their  heads  were 
white  with  age.  And  as  they  went  forth  from 


the  house  Athene  came  near,  having  the  form 
and  the  voice  of  Prince  Mentor.  And  when 
Ulysses  saw  her,  he  was  glad  at  heart,  and 
spake  to  Telemachus,  saying,  "  I  know  thee 
well,  my  son,  that  thou  wilt  bear  thyself 
bravely,  and  do  no  dishonour  to  the  house 
of  thy  fathers,  that  have  ever  been  famous 
in  the  land  for  courage  and  manhood." 

Telemachus  answered,  "  This,  my  father, 
thou  shalt  see  for  thyself,  if  thou  wilt." 

And  Laertes  was  glad  at  heart,  and  said, 
"  How  happy  is  this  day,  in  the  which  my  son 
and  my  grandson  contend  one  with  the  other 
in  valour." 

Then  Athene  came  near  to  the  old  man,  and 
said,  "  Laertes,  pray  thou  first  to  Athene  and 
Father  Zeus,  and  then  cast  thy  spear." 

So  she  spake,  and  breathed  great  strength 
into  his  heart.  And  having  prayed,  he  cast 
his  spear,  and  smote  Eupeithes  through  the 
helmet,  so  that  he  fell  dead  upon  the  ground. 
Then  Ulysses  and  his  son  fell  upon  the  men 
of  Ithaca  with  swords  and  two-handed  spears. 
Verily,  they  had  slain  them  all,  but  that 


Athene  cried  aloud,  saying,  "  Cease,  men  of 
Ithaca,  from  the  battle,  for  it  is  too  hard  for 

And  the  men  were  sore  afraid  when  they 
heard  her  voice,  and  threw  their  arms  upon 
the  ground  and  fled,  if  haply  they  might 
escape  to  the  city.  And  when  Ulysses  would 
have  pursued  after  them,  Zeus  cast  a  thunder- 
bolt from  heaven,  so  that  it  fell  before  the  feet 
of  Athene.  And  Athene  cried,  "  Cease  from 
the  battle,  son  of  Laertes,  lest  Zeus  be  wroth 
with  thee." 

So  Ulysses  was  stayed  from  the  battle  ;  and 
Zeus  and  Athene  made  peace  between  the 
King  and  the  men  of  Ithaca. 


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